Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 528 The battle that decides the fate of the earth

"The power of this human has soared again!!"

Looking at Sun Wukong, who was surrounded by a layer of dark red energy, King Crude frowned and was surprised.

"Is it a secret technique that can improve combat power, but looking at his pain, the side effects should not be small, um, it has almost reached its limit." King Kruder carefully observed Sun Wukong's current state, and seemed to see it from it. A bit of fame.

"What's your trick?"

"King Fist!"

Sun Wukong said solemnly.

"Jiewang Fist, Jiewang...I haven't heard of it." King Crude thought for a while, then shook his head, he had never heard of the character Jiewang.

Probably a boxing technique developed by someone living in a corner.

48 million energy has reached half of his own combat power value, although it is not enough to pose a threat to him, but the opponent's endless improvement of combat power is more like a provocation in his eyes, so King Crude decided to punish the opponent.

He walked forward calmly, his tall body was like a thick wall, with endless coercion.


The two momentums collided in mid-air, as if cold water was suddenly poured into a hot oil pan. The boiling steam stirred the boiling oil and kept expanding, resulting in the phenomenon of bumping. Everything became very terrifying. It happened in an instant, and the violent wind blew out in all directions.

The sparkling light was slightly distorted in the air, and even the vision became blurred.

Ka Ka Ka!

The strong wind rustled, the ground sank, and the surrounding sea water swelled up, setting off a thousand-meter-high giant wave like the end of the day, slamming, the huge wave was monstrous, covering the sky and the sun, and the crescent-shaped bay was all submerged by the monstrous wave. Entire overseas islands were quickly wiped off the face of the earth.

on the sea.

Feeling the storm created by the collision of Sun Wukong and King Crude's energies, Piccolo, Kelin and the others all changed their expressions wildly, and quickly got out of the area where the energy collided. , watching the two rising energy air masses in the distance from afar, his face is full of astonishment.

"This guy Sun Wukong... can actually open twenty times the king's fist!"

Krillin looked horrified and stuttered.

"It's too strong, can his body withstand it?" Tianjin Fan's expression was stiff.

"Dad can definitely do it."

Sunbra raised his head and said in a sure tone, his purple hair swaying in the wind.

"There is no way. If you don't work hard, there is no hope of winning at all. Brother Wukong is a Saiyan and should be able to withstand it for a while." Qiqi's bright eyes flashed, and she stared at the silhouette of Sun Wukong seriously.

"The Saiyan's body is truly extraordinary."

"But even Sun Wukong, who has opened 20 times the world king's fist, still has a huge gap compared with King Crude..." Piccolo's expression was a little grim, and he looked unwillingly at the dark red arrogance wrapped around his body. The Sun Wukong, who is currently in charge, has completely surpassed him in energy at this time, and there is no comparison between the two.

Twenty times the king's boxing has made Sun Wukong's combat power soar by a lot, but there is still an insurmountable gap compared with King Crude.


"Your strength has indeed become different. Even this king can't help but give birth to the heart of love. If you are willing to hand over the dragon balls, it is not impossible for this king to spare you..." King Crude twisted his neck , the bones made a "click" sound, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Sun Wukong.

"Don't be delusional, we won't give you Dragon Balls."

"Ha ha."

King Crude's face suddenly turned cold, his body was cold and windy, and he said cruelly: "If this is the case, then don't blame me for being rude."

The voice is not very loud, but it is cold to the bone, and the vigorous murderous intent reveals infinite coldness, like a class of devils crawling out of hell, making people tremble, and with a swipe, the figure of King Crude disappeared from the place. A bright light flashed by, and the figure quickly came to Sun Wukong.

Looking at Sun Wukong with cold eyes, he waved his fist expressionlessly!


Sun Wukong was on high alert. He put his arms on his chest to block King Crude's attack. The fierce collision suddenly generated a gust of wind, and Sun Wukong's body flew out. At this time, King Crude's huge body came again. Sun Wukong's side.

Pom Pom Pom!

King Kruder opened and closed, and launched an attack on Sun Wukong. Chi Chi, like being cut by a blade, the vast ocean was instantly split into a 100-meter-wide moat, which stretched to the end of the line of sight.

In the face of King Crude's attack, Sun Wukong's body suddenly flashed, skillfully avoiding the opponent's attack, then he raised his body and retreated a certain distance.

Carefully observing the surrounding situation, Sun Wukong continued to look for opportunities to take action against the pressure of his body.

In the state of King Fist, there is not much time left for Sun Wukong. With the continuous consumption of energy, his physical strength will continue to weaken. If he cannot gain an advantage at the beginning, the subsequent battles will become more and more difficult.

Eyeballs kept turning, and Huo Ran attacked King Crude.

Suddenly, King Kruder's figure flashed, and Sun Wukong's attack hit King Kruder's body, but there was no texture like a physical knock.



Sun Wukong reacted, his eyes turned up and down, left and right, suddenly his face changed wildly, and he felt an evil aura approaching him.

Raising his head suddenly, he saw the burly figure of King Kruder appearing above his head.


With a thud in his heart, Sun Wukong's face changed suddenly.


King Kruder grinned, clasped his fists with both hands, and slammed down on him condescendingly!


There was a dizziness in front of him, and a thick and brutal force slammed on Sun Wukong's body, and suddenly a circle of shock waves spread out around the impact point, and at the same time, a beam of downward shocks formed a straight line.


Sun Wukong's face turned pale, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and the state of the twenty times world king's fist could hardly be maintained.

"What a terrifying force!"

Feeling the pain all over his body, Sun Wukong took in a breath of cold air. Bean-sized sweat dripped from the tip of his nose. He looked at King Krude, who was leisurely and did not exert his full strength. He could only smile bitterly in his heart.

"However, you can persevere!"

After wiping away the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, Sun Wukong's face became firmer.

"Tsk, it's just a stubborn resistance to carry on. To be honest, your strength is not worth mentioning in my eyes." Licking his purple lips, King Kruder sneered and shook his head, his scarlet eyes looking at Monkey King , laughed cruelly.

Stepping forward, over a distance of a thousand meters in an instant, the battle continued.

Pom Pom Pom!

Pong... Boom!

Sun Wukong, who has opened 20 times the king's fist, can barely keep up with King Kruder's speed, but King Kruder has survived in the universe for countless years and knows the main points of battle, so every shot is fast and accurate, although Sun Wukong With the blessing of Kaiwang Fist, his strength has been improved, but he is still not the opponent of King Crude.

Another fist fell on Sun Wukong's body, and Sun Wukong coughed out a mouthful of blood.

The situation became more unfavorable.


In front of TV sets all over the world, all the people are looking at the TV screen nervously. Because the filming is done by satellite from a long distance, the picture is not very clear, and only a few groups can be seen rising continuously. The huge flares, but people at this time all know that the flares are actually more powerful explosions than nuclear explosions.


From the angle of the satellite, the east side of the earth once again lit up with a white light, followed by a violent shaking.

The battle that took place on the other side of the planet shook the entire planet.

"Mr. Sun Wukong, you must do your best!"

"Hopefully this crisis will end soon."

"If even Mr. Sun Wukong and the others lose, then there is no hope for the earth."

All the people are praying that Sun Wukong and the others will win, but with their shallow knowledge of martial arts, they cannot feel the despairing horror that fills the air like some senior martial artists.


In outer space, Bulma and the Turtle Immortals drifted in the starry sky not far from the solar system with the seeds of Earth civilization. They were also watching the battles taking place on Earth through satellite surveillance.

"I don't know how the battle on Earth is going." Oolong looked at the screen nervously, but the information displayed on the screen was very limited, and he couldn't tell anything.

"Wukong, will definitely win." Bulma bit her lip.

"Bulma, you know the coordinates of Namek, we have to prepare for the worst!" Turtle Immortal said with a sullen face.

Bulma nodded, "I know... Once the earth is really hopeless, I will immediately take everyone to Namek."


The Turtle Immortal sighed deeply. With the development of the times, the condition of the earth has made him more and more incomprehensible. Thinking about the era when he was the god of martial arts more than ten years ago, the era has changed in a blink of an eye.


In the corner of the solar system, near the orbit of Mars, another small spacecraft is floating. The appearance of this spacecraft is not as gorgeous and neat as Bulma's, and it looks more like a temporary reconstruction. What attracts attention is that on the surface of the spacecraft that is not smooth, two red letters are printed, and if you look closely, they are the letters "RR".

This is the remnant of the Red Ribbon Legion, Dr. Gallo's flying base.

At this time, in the spaceship, Dr. Gallo closely monitored the situation on the other side of the earth through a micro-robot, and a pair of turbid eyes burst into a terrifying light.

"What a powerful force, this force has far surpassed the original Big Demon King Piccolo. No, even the cosmic man who invaded the earth last time did not reach such a strength..."

Since Vegeta and the others came to Earth more than ten days ago, Dr. Gallo, who has seen the power of the cosmos, deeply felt that it was not very safe to stay on Earth, so he hurriedly prepared a refuge ship in case of emergency. Need, but don't want to have only been there for more than ten days, this newly completed spacecraft will come in handy.

The arrival of King Crude made Dr. Gallo glad how wise his decision was.


Ps: This chapter has more words.

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