Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 534 Introduction to Super Saiyan

"Mr. Luo Lan, where have you been during this time, I can't contact you." The voice of the King of the Northern Realm resounded in his mind.

"I just came back from the Eastern Galaxy." Luo Lan briefly explained the matter of the Metamore Star, without mentioning that he had been to the sixth universe.

After listening to the King of the Northern Realm, he suddenly realized, "It turned out to be in the Eastern Galaxy. No wonder I couldn't find you in the Northern Galaxy. Alas, if I could contact you earlier, the earth would not be destroyed."

"Have Sun Wukong and Piccolo been killed by King Kruder, why didn't they find King Kruder's breath?" Luo Lan looked around at the cosmic starry sky full of meteorites.

The voice of the King of the Northern Realm became excited: "They are all right, but the guy from King Kruder has a bad reward and died with the earth."

Luo Lan was surprised for a moment. Although King Krud's power is not particularly strong at his current level, for most of the beings in the universe, King Krud can definitely make one's bones stand on end. There is terror, and King Kruder is a rare race that can survive in a vacuum environment. With his ability, he shouldn't die so easily.

So the King of the Northern Realm excitedly said what happened on the earth, including Sun Wukong and the others in the spiritual time house in order to deal with King Crude.

When it was said that Sun Wukong became a Super Saiyan, his voice was particularly raised, and Luo Lan could imagine how he was dancing on Jiewang.

"Sun Wukong turned into a Super Saiyan..."

After a slight sigh, Luo Lan nodded, and she still turned into a Super Saiyan!

It's almost time to calculate, whether it is the correction of the world or the outbreak of the protagonist's halo, since Sun Wukong became a super Saiyan, it means that a more magnificent world begins to gradually expand towards the earth.

Well, the earth is about to leave the novice village gradually.

However, compared to the unrealistic feeling caused by the exaggerated increase in combat power from 90,000 to 150 million in one day in the original work, Sun Wukong's current situation is much more reasonable - after all, he experienced the grinding of the planet Sarada in his early years. Training, plus the addition of fairy beans and spiritual tree fruits, Sun Wukong is superior to the original in all aspects, and its own background is very deep, and its combat power is as high as millions. In addition, after the arrival of King Crude At that time, I also experienced the practice of the spiritual time house, and it is understandable to become a Super Saiyan now.

Unlike the original book, this time King Crude replaced Frieza and became the stepping stone for Sun Wukong to become a Super Saiyan.

"Hahaha, you don't know how dumbfounded King Crude looked at that time. That guy usually makes a fortune, and I can't do anything about him. This time I finally got retribution, so relieved!"

The King of the Northern Realm spoke excitedly and cheerfully, feeling better than ever before.

"Well, King Kruder's breath is really gone." Luo Lan sensed it, and found no energy response from King Kruder in the solar system.

"Yeah, it's really heartwarming that Goku can kill King Crude."

Although the destruction of the earth is regrettable, in the eyes of the Northern Realm King, it is also very worthwhile to get rid of the wicked villains like King Kruder and set on a planet.

"Where are Sun Wukong and the others now?"

"Oh, they all hid behind the Huangquan Passage of the Five Elements Mountain. At that time, it was really close. Even I thought that Wukong would not be able to catch up, but fortunately he rushed to the Five Elements Mountain before the destruction of the earth..." The King of the Northern Realm chattering.

Luo Lan didn't listen to what the Northern Realm King said in detail. A spiritual force immediately spread out, breaking the barriers of dimensional space and spreading to the underworld Huangquan, where he found Sun Wukong and Bick and other survivors of the earth.

With a bang, Luo Lan seized the breath and launched a teleportation, and moved from space to Sun Wukong and the others in a blink of an eye.


Hades, Yellow Springs.

The Five Elements Mountains have temporarily separated from the earth space and merged into the Yellow Springs.

The golden auspicious clouds are spreading, floating a few centimeters from the ground. This is a peaceful scene. Gold is the main color here. It is filled with cotton candy and forms auspicious clouds. After a torch-like soul body.

Sun Wukong and the others gathered on a hilltop of the Five Elements Mountain, above which was a towering crimson building, which was the temple of the earth.

On the top of the Five Elements Mountain, Sun Wukong and others frowned as they watched the lives that entered the Yellow Springs, those people on earth who lost their lives because of the destruction of the earth.

Looking at the innocent dead lives, the joy of defeating King Crude did not last long.

In order to preserve the life seeds of earth civilization in this crisis, the earth kingdom has arranged two evacuation routes in advance. Except for some people who followed Bulma and the others to leave the earth in spaceships, Wuxingshan also took in some earthlings, but The total number of survivors from these two waves is limited. The vast majority of ordinary people lost their lives along with the earth.

"Earth... is still in battle, destroyed." Ke Lin's mood was a little down, although he saved his life, but his home was gone.

Taishang Laojun said: "This is unavoidable. After all, the enemy this time is too powerful. In fact, Wukong can defeat that King Krude, I am already very surprised."

"Yeah, Wukong's transformation is really powerful!" Beside him, Sun Wufan, who was wearing a martial arts uniform and looked peaceful, also said with emotion.

"That's a Super Saiyan!" Sunbra raised his head and said excitedly.

"That's right, Super Saiyan, Goku is a Saiyan..." Son Gohan stroked his beard and said with a smile. For him, who has long since passed away, the destruction of the earth only made him sigh with emotion. For a moment, there is no such heart-wrenching sadness as Sun Wukong and the others.

"Unfortunately, the dragon balls have disappeared with the earth. Can you make another set of dragon balls, old guy?" Piccolo said to the gods.

The old god replied: "Yes, yes, but the raw materials for Dragon Balls are more difficult to find. Most of the inventory in the temple has been used to make Dragon Balls, and the model of Shenlong has been damaged, so Bobo needs to make another set."

"As long as there are enough materials, I can make a model of the dragon. Bobo's craftsmanship is very good." Bobo nodded, and his eyes like copper coins couldn't see any emotion.

"Well, the rework process will probably take a long time." God is not sure when the materials will be collected.

"That's good."

"As long as Dragon Ball is rebuilt, the earth can also be restored."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they knew that Earth's Dragon Balls could still be remanufactured, and then they just had to wait for the old gods to collect the raw materials for making Dragon Balls, and then let Bobo make a new dragon model. You must know that Shenlong's wishing ability depends not only on the dragon's ability of the maker, but also has a lot to do with the raw materials of the dragon balls. It is rumored that the earliest dragon balls of Namek were made of scraps scraped from the super dragon balls.

Of course, Super Dragon Ball's whole body glass is naturally impossible to have any fragments. Most of the so-called fragments are rocks formed by the accumulation of cosmic dust attached to the surface of Super Dragon Ball, and their properties have changed after being affected by Super Dragon Ball energy.

"Sun Wukong, can you still become a Super Saiyan now?" After the Dragon Ball problem was solved, Piccolo stared at Sun Wukong with bright eyes.

Everyone looked at him.

Sun Wukong tried to condense his breath, but after a long while there was no reaction on his body. He touched his head and said embarrassedly, "No, it doesn't seem to change."

"It seems that the previous transformation was stimulated by the battle." Piccolo frowned.

"I know, I know, the teacher said that Saiyans can show more powerful strength when their mood swings are particularly violent, but the teacher said that such fluctuations are not good, and the strength is not easy to control." Sunbra remembered What Luo Lan said to her, but because she was young, she didn't remember very clearly.

When the power reaches a critical point, there are two ways to become a Super Saiyan.

One is to use intense emotions to forcefully break the limit of the body and make it reach the Super Saiyan state. The disadvantage of this transformation is obvious, that is, air leakage, and unstable control of the power on the body. Once you quit Super Saiyan In the human state, it is not easy to transform again, and there is a one-time feeling.

This state is called a novice Super Saiyan, not a mature Super Saiyan.

In the original book, the time Sun Wukong changed on Namek was that because his mind and body did not reach the edge of breaking through, he transformed in a hurry, which would inevitably affect his performance.

The second way is to keep accumulating strength. After the physical strength exceeds the transformation threshold, you can transform according to your own background. Once transformed, you will become a powerful Super Saiyan. You can control the strength of your body at will. This transformation strength It is bigger and requires more sweat. In the original book, Sun Wukong, who just returned from Adlat, as well as Luo Lan and Syphilia are all in this state. In order to become such a Super Saiyan, Luo Lan and the others made great efforts.

"I remember that Luo Lan maintained the state of a Super Saiyan in his normal state." Kiki said leisurely.

"Yeah, how did he keep it?"

"It must be a very deep state." Sun Wukong said firmly.

"Can't understand."

There was a lot of discussion. Before, they didn't know the power of Super Saiyan, and Luo Lan had always been invisible in front of them. Even if they knew that he was powerful, they couldn't clearly determine his power.

At this time, when Sun Wukong first entered Super Saiyan, he taught people to truly understand the horror of Super Saiyan. Comparing the state of Sun Wukong and Luo Lan's Super Saiyan, it immediately reflects Luo Lan's strength.

At this time-

Luo Lan's figure appeared beside Sun Wukong and the others, and an elegant voice sounded, "My usual state is called Super Saiyan full power. It's nothing. Compared with the normal Saiyan state, the color is a little different..."

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