Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 542 Please spare my life

The terrifying momentum poured down from the sky, and the air was roaring, as if the weight of the entire planet was burdened on him.

So strong!

Feeling the pressure brought about by Vegeta's energy, Shang Bo couldn't help but his face stiffened, his body bent down slightly, and his eyes were full of horror. He had only felt such a terrifying sense of oppression from King Frieza, and even the Ginuit team would never give him such oppression.

When did Vegeta become so powerful!

Chambo frowned, "We don't have Dragon Balls here."

Naturally, Vegeta wouldn't believe it, and looked at Shang Bo coldly: "With your methods, how could you not have collected a single Dragon Ball for so long? Hurry up and hand it over, or I will kill you." The cold air pushed past.

Shang Bo only felt that his body sank, the pressure on his body increased, and he was dripping with cold sweat.

No, King Frieza was entangled by others and couldn't escape, and he was by no means Vegeta's opponent.

"What I said is true. Those Nameks don't know where to hide, and we haven't found a single dragon ball."

"You don't want to hand it over, do you?"

Vegeta spoke expressionlessly, landed in front of Shangbo, and walked forward slowly, the momentum of his body was continuously released, the earth and rocks on the ground loosened, and there were countless winding cracks around, some fine fragments. The stone was pulled by powerful energy and floated away from the gravity.

When Vegeta walked only a few steps away from Chambo, the ground collapsed involuntarily, and the terrifying energy caused the spacecraft probe to hum, and a series of bright red numbers flashed on the screen. Geeta's combat power.


Shang Bo noticed the bright red value, his face stiffened, and a chill shrouded his body.

To die, Vegeta really wants to kill herself.

"Wait, all the Dragon Balls you're looking for are from King Frieza, and I really don't have them here." Chambo swallowed, trying to calm himself down as much as possible, maintaining his superficial elegance.

"Move out Frieza to scare me? Forget it, since you won't obediently hand over the Dragon Balls, then I'll kill you and find them yourself." Vegeta sneered disdainfully, if Frieza and the others really collected the Dragon Balls , then it must be in this base.

"If you dare to kill me, King Frieza will not let you go."

"Hahaha, Frieza can't protect herself, how can anyone control you." Vegeta sneered, pointing to the dark clouds on the other side of the sky, "See that overwhelming energy, that's super power. The power of the Saiyans completely crushed Frieza..."

Although the person who was fighting Frieza at this time was Sun Wukong, not his Vegeta, but in the end it was the Super Saiyan who had the upper hand. As a Saiyan, Vegeta was also quite proud in his heart.

"Impossible, how could that terrifying energy be a Super Saiyan!"

Like Frieza, in Chambo's cognition, Super Saiyans have at most a few million combat powers, and they are considered rare masters in the universe, but the energy that appears on Namek now is so powerful, with 120 million combat powers. It's impossible to be a Super Saiyan!

"Hmph, ignorant, how can you know the power of Super Saiyan, although you don't want to admit it, but this prince is indeed a little inferior to Kakarot, obviously he is just a lower-level warrior who grew up on earth, sooner or later this prince is will surpass him!"

Vegeta curled her lips in disdain, and with a squeak, appeared in front of Chambo.

Kakarot, is that the name of the man who fought King Frieza? Shangbo muttered to himself, his eyes suddenly bulging.

Wait, Earth?

In Vegeta's words, Chambeau captured a familiar planet's name.

Isn't that the place where King Crude was killed on that earth? Could it be that the person who killed King Crude was the same person who was currently fighting King Frieza?

"The earth you just said was the planet that King Kruder defeated?"

"King Kruder went to Earth?" Vegeta was stunned for a moment, and then wanted to understand the joints. It must have been Frieza and his son who knew about Dragon Ball through the communication between the Ginuit team and the strongest team. How could it be possible to let go of such magical items as Dragon Ball.

In order to get Dragon Ball, the two fathers and sons marched towards two planets respectively, but it was a good plan.

"According to what you mean, it seems that King Crude has been defeated?"


Champeau's silence made Vegeta understand, and he couldn't help laughing happily.

"It's no wonder Kakarot can become a Super Saiyan. It turned out that I went through such a big battle after I left, which is good." Vegeta's voice became high-pitched and emotional, "Yes, Kakarot. He is a Saiyan who grew up on the earth since he was a child, hehe, he has won glory for Star Vegeta."

"It really is the Earth!!"

Shang Bo's heart was trembling, a coolness from the tail vertebra went straight to the sky, and the whole person was cold.

Although he still refuses to admit it, he already agrees with Vegeta in his heart. The person who killed King Crude and the person who fought with King Frieza are indeed the same person, and nine times out of ten it is a super game. A demihuman, the power is second to none in the universe!

This fashion wave was pale, and his heart was full of remorse.

When Frieza gave him and Dodoria the task of cleaning up the remnants of Vegeta's Saiyans, he should have been more thorough and decisive.

"Okay, this is the end of the conversation. If you don't want to hand over the Dragon Ball, I will find it myself... You and Dodoria participated in the disaster of Star Vegeta. Now Dodoria has been dead for many years, you also go Bury him with him!!"

Vegeta took a step forward and looked on with a blank face. The coldness broke out, her hair rose up, and with the outbreak of a brilliant light, a pit suddenly collapsed down on the spot, and the terrifying energy made everyone Everyone feels suffocated.

Hohoho, Vegeta's whole body was surging with shocking weather, and it felt like a majestic and tall mountain was standing in front of him. At that moment, the surrounding air seemed to freeze.

"Vegeta has become so powerful!"

"The Saiyans are really a scary race."

Shangbo's scalp was numb, his face was pale and he took a few steps back. He looked at Vegeta, who was majestic and constantly releasing his aura. He moved his throat, but his mouth was a little dry.

Champo knew that he could not be Vegeta's opponent, his expression changed, and he tried to beg for mercy from Vegeta, but then he thought of the cruelty of Saiyans when dealing with enemies, knowing that Vegeta would never let him go, suddenly. With a bang, he knelt down, begging Vegeta for mercy, but secretly began to accumulate energy.

Pleading: "Vegeta, please spare my life, I am willing to follow you."

Vegeta smiled coldly, "Storing energy in front of me, thinking I don't know? You want to confuse me, you think too simple, go to hell!"

Powerful energy gathered on the legs, shooting bright sparks, the body flashed forward, and attacked Shang Bo with a roaring sound.

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