Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 571 May 12th

Earth, Baozi Mountain.

In a flash, three years have passed. In the early morning, on the green hilltop, Sun Wukong sat quietly in the air more than one meter above the ground like an old monk. With a sound, waves of coercion bent the surrounding branches.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of his heart beating echoed in his ears, Sun Wukong grabbed his knees with both hands, concentrating in contemplation, suddenly he opened his eyes, strands of golden light began to shine from the tips of his hair, and his breath began to rise along with the sound waves, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a super competition. Subhuman form.

Feeling his Super Saiyan power, Sun Wukong showed a thoughtful look in his eyes, and after a while, the whirlwind floated and changed from Super Saiyan form to normal again.

"The power of an ordinary Super Saiyan has reached a limit. According to what Luo Lan said, the next step should be to surpass the realm of an ordinary Super Saiyan. This level should be able to deal with androids!"

"Maybe it's not enough, it still needs to be improved further."

In the past three years, Sun Wukong has focused on cultivation, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

But still a little worried.

Three years ago, when he and Bulma came back from Adlat, they received news that Sunbra and Luo Fei went to the future world together, which made their husband and wife worried for a while, and then heard from Kiki. After hearing the news about the androids, when he first heard about the powerful enemy he will face in the future, Sun Wukong's first feeling was not fear, but rather excitement.

He is not afraid of challenges.

It's just that the self in the future world actually died of a disease, which made him feel embarrassed.

Unlike Sun Wukong's desire for a strong man, other warriors on earth are not as calm as him. Because of the reminder of the future Trunks and the potential oppression of the androids, everyone feels a sense of urgency. For three years Concentrating on training, the strength has been greatly improved.

With rustling, light footsteps, Bulma walked to Sun Wukong with a box of meals, a faint smile on her white and silky cheeks.

"According to Qiqi's notification, the android is about to appear." Bulma sat beside Sun Wukong and took out the food from the lunch box.

Sun Wukong let out a "hmm", picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started eating.

"May 12 is today."

Gobbling while talking.

"I don't know what happened to Bula now. That child is really outrageous. He ran off to another world without a word or even a notice. What if something happens!" Bulma complained dissatisfiedly.

"Don't worry, aren't Luo Fei and Ascari with them? It'll be alright."

Bulma gave Sun Wukong an angry look, "If I hadn't known that Luo Fei and the others had gone together, would I still be able to sit here in peace?"

Sun Wukong laughed and ate the food in a big mouth. Bulma's craftsmanship was good, and the food prepared was full of flavors and aromas. He devoured a breakfast. The sun was gradually showing the top of the mountain. Cheeks, with the slightest refreshing coolness.

After breakfast, Sun Wukong stood up and moved his hands and feet, the next second his face became serious, his eyes turned to the west direction, and he felt a strong breath there.

"What's the matter, has an artificial man appeared?" Bulma asked nervously when he saw the sudden change in Monkey King's face.

"No, it's Vegeta's anger, that guy has finally become a Super Saiyan."

"Hasn't he left the earth yet, will becoming a Super Saiyan at this time have an impact on the safety of the earth?" Bulma frowned slightly.

"It doesn't matter much." Sun Wukong shook his head and said lightly.

"That's good." Bulma breathed a sigh of relief.

Bulma really doesn't like Vegeta, because of him, the earth suffered a lot of disasters four years ago. Although it was finally settled by her husband, Sun Wukong, the earth also experienced a destruction. Now we are at the juncture of the artificial man crisis, and I really don't want to see another accident on the earth.

The husband and wife chatted about other things. At about eight o'clock, the sun was already hanging in the air, and Sun Wukong was going to rush to the place where the androids might appear as planned.

At this time Bulma took out a bottle of potion from his pocket, a special medicine for heart disease that Trunks had sent.

"You take this, in case you need it!"

"No need, I've made a wish to Shenlong to get a healthy body, and I shouldn't have a heart attack again." With that said, Sun Wukong reached out and took the special medicine and put it in his pocket.

Bulma said: "Put it on your body to be safe."

Sun Wukong nodded.

Then Bulma took out a yellow jet from the universal capsule, sat directly in the cab, drove the plane into the air, and went with her. According to Bulma's words, she went to see the artificial People, look at it and go back.

Sun Wukong originally wanted to oppose it, but when he thought about it, in case humanoids really appeared, in fact, it was the same wherever he was hiding on the earth, so he would follow her heart.

"I'll go with you, take a look and go back, you have to be careful, if you can't beat it, don't hold back, just use teleportation to leave."

"Understood." Sun Wukong chuckled and hurriedly fastened his seat belt.


At this time, in several other places on the earth, Bick, Ke Lin and others ended their three-year cultivation. They opened their eyes at the same time, and a ray of light flashed from their eyes, and they rose into the sky at the same time, towards the earth's Fly to the southern region.

On the temple, Qiqi and Suno also arranged for martial artists who practiced, let Bobo and Dandi manage the temple, and then floated down and disappeared into the clouds.


At about ten o'clock in the morning on May 12, on an island nine kilometers away from the southern city, on an ordinary morning, the sea breeze was lingering, and the beautiful seascape was reflected in the eyes, accompanied by the "quack" of the seagulls across the water, spreading their wings and flying, the distant seaside The island has entered a new day.

The southern city is located to the south of the South Capital, with a population of 300,000, so it is not a particularly large city.

But now, the usual crowded streets are sparsely populated. The front door of the store is crowded. Everyone seems to have agreed to hide at home and stay at home. Except for a few people who do not obey the rules, the whole town seems to be at a standstill. .

Two years ago, the 26th World No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament was held one year ahead of schedule. The Cat King of the Earth Kingdom attached great importance to the competition, and specially invited legendary martial artists such as Qiqi and Sun Wukong to appear as special guests. At this martial arts meeting, the cat king learned of the disaster that may occur next.

After knowing the harm caused by the androids in the other world, the cat king took a deep breath and immediately made a decision to cooperate with Sun Wukong in all their actions.

The first thing that comes to mind is to move the population of southern cities out.

But later, considering that doing so might affect the place where the androids appeared, which would cause greater losses, I had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​moving out of the population. However, in order to reduce losses, the cat king still made some efforts to let the public We try to stay at home and don't go out.

At the seaside, the sparkling waves reflected brilliant rays of light, and a cluster of white flashes streaked across the sky, and Klein and the others arrived at the agreed place one after another.

Soldiers from all over the world have arrived on the island near the southern city.

"Oops, we're the last to arrive." The jet plane roared, and Sun Wukong and Bulma got off the plane and greeted them with a smile when they saw Piccolo.

"Wukong, we've been waiting for you for a while."

Krillin stepped forward with a smile, and was slightly taken aback when he saw Bulma, "Why are you here, Bulma, it's very dangerous here."

"Yeah, it's not safe here."

"It's okay, I'll go back after a look."

Bulma smiled and waved.

When the few people saw this, they nodded and stopped dissuading them. In fact, if there was a fierce battle with the androids, they would probably hide wherever they were. At this time, Kiki walked to Bulma's side and asked in a low voice, "Bula and the others haven't yet. return?"

"Not yet. When they come back, you must give them a good training. It's too much." Bulma said angrily.

"It's a bit capricious."

Kiki smiled understandingly. Everyone talked and laughed on the island and waited for a long time. Gradually, ten o'clock passed, but the figure of the android did not appear.

"It's already past ten o'clock, why haven't the androids appeared yet?" Ke Lin stood on the top of the hill, overlooking the city with high-rise buildings below.

"Could it be that there are no artificial humans here at all? After all, it is a different world, and many things are different..."

"Don't be too optimistic. Maybe the human body structure is different from ours, and the breath sensing may not be accurate."

Tianjin Fan said cautiously, the strength of a humanoid that can make the Super Saiyans in the future world feel difficult must be very terrifying. Although they have carried out serious training in the past three years, to be honest, the degree of improvement is not comparable. Asians are so exaggerated.

In the face of possible androids, they must take it seriously and show the spirit of going all out.

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