Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 576 Teacher Luo Lan

Dr. Gallo is dead, at the hands of the 17th and 18th that he created with his own hands.

"Hee hee, you don't have to be controlled by that annoying old man anymore."

After killing Dr. Gallo, No. 18 laughed happily, his two blue eyes looked around, and suddenly saw the dark and dark scene of the cosmic starry sky outside the spacecraft, occasionally a few stars were flickering, and he was surprised: "Dr. Gallo what? Time to move the base into space?"

No. 17 shrugged and said, "Who knows, maybe it's impossible to get along on Earth."

Checking Dr. Gallo's corpse, picking up his palm to observe, seeing the face-shaped energy breath device, a trace of disdain appeared on his stern face: "It's already possible to create a biological artificial person like us, but still using this backward technology The energy absorbing device is stupid enough."

"Hehe, maybe because of the low success rate of androids like us, Dr. Gallo has never practiced martial arts, so how dare he transform himself rashly, forget it, this old man is already dead anyway, it's up to you... Hey, Lapis, how do we get back to Earth?"

No. 18 tilted his head, they can't operate the spacecraft.

"Since Dr. Gallo can come from Earth, there must be a small aircraft, let's look for it." No. 17 observed the surroundings.

The spaceship of Dr. Gallo's base spaceship is not large, and all the interior arrangements can be seen at a glance.

The two siblings searched in other cabins of the spacecraft, but their spacecraft hadn't found it yet, but found another large hibernate in the cabin next door, the same style as the hibernator they slept before, but one bigger The circle, in addition to the letters "RR" representing the Red Ribbon Corps, has a "16" on it.

"Hey, there's another android here, No. 16? The serial number is older than ours. It looks purely mechanical. Now that you have mastered the artificial human technology out of nothing, why did you switch to micro-nano biotechnology? "

"Maybe there is some kind of defect!" Road 17.

"I don't know how powerful No. 16 is, do you want to open it up and take a look?" No. 18 licked his rosy lips, his eyes glowing with curiosity.

No. 17 nodded indifferently, expressing that she should decide for herself.

As an android of eternal energy, No. 17 is very confident in his own power, and the serial number of No. 16 is ahead of them, indicating that it is an older model, and there is nothing to worry about.

Leaning to look at the android No. 16 in the hibernate, No. 18 bent down enthusiastically, reached out and pressed the start button on the hibernate.

laugh! The lid of the hibernate was opened, and the burly android 16 with brown hair rose from the hibernate.

"I'm number 18, and the human name is Razuri."

No. 18 took a few steps back, folded his arms and looked at No. 16, nodded, the girl's voice was cold and pleasant.

"Number 16!"

The android number 16 replied with a blank expression.

"Don't look very smart?" With slender fingers against his chin, No. 18 circled around No. 16 a few times, poking at No. 16's thick armor with his light-white fingers, a hint of curiosity on his face, really It is a purely mechanical structure, and the whole body is rigid.

"Number 16, how is your strength?" Number 17 asked.

No. 16 smiled kindly and told the truth, "A little bit better than you."

"Haha, on the 16th you are really joking."

No. 17 was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing. No. 16 is quite humorous.

No. 18 also chuckled, covering the corners of his mouth with his hands, apparently not taking No. 16's words seriously.

"By the way, will you be driving a spaceship on the 16th?"

"Will do."

No. 16 pointed to his brain, "My brain integrates most of Dr. Gallo's data, and spaceship technology is one of them."

"That's great, we can go back to Earth."

Siblings No. 17 and No. 18 were overjoyed and asked No. 16 to drive Dr. Gallo's base spaceship. No. 16 nodded and sat in the driving seat of the base. Under No. 16's control, the spaceship slowly moved towards the base. The earth sailed away, and soon entered the thick outer atmosphere of the earth.


In the cold hilly mountains in the north, the snow-covered mountains are covered with white snow like a fairy tale world. A cold wind blows, the trees sway, and the snow hangs from the dense cedar.


A shadow swept across the white snow, there was a loud noise, the medium-sized spacecraft pressed against the frozen ground, and the hurricane blew up and bent the surrounding trees within a hundred meters.

The figures of No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18 stepped down from the spaceship. In the cold air, they were thinly dressed and did not feel the cold at all, and their faces were filled with excited smiles.

"Haha, finally back to Earth."

No. 17 stepped on the soft snow, picked up a handful of snow, shaped it into a snowball, and threw it forcefully, turning into a black dot and disappearing at the end with a "hissing" sound.

"The feeling of freedom is really good, but the surrounding scenery is a little monotonous." A red light appeared on No. 18's face, looking around, his blue eyes narrowed slightly.

"Haha, Lazli, what's your plan next?"

No. 18 pursed his lower lip lightly, with a smile on his blemishable white cheeks, "Go get some money first, then change out of this outfit, I feel uncomfortable wearing this outfit all the time."

"That's right, you girls are the most beautiful."

No. 17 smiled, and then said, "You said whether we should go to Sun Wukong or not, in the instructions left by Dr. Gallo, there are orders for us to destroy them."

"Sun Wukong's strength is not weak. Before we became human beings, we were already famous martial artists. Do you really want to find them?" No. 18 had a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his face was quite calm. No worries at all.

"Murdering is not good." No. 16 said calmly.

"Ha, of course we won't implement Dr. Gallo's orders, but if we want to talk about the most powerful people on earth, we must count Sun Wukong and the others. According to the data, Sun Wukong can become a kind of super Saiyan. Form, isn't it just right to use him to test our strength!"

No. 17's expression was a little arrogant.

No. 18 thought No. 17's idea was interesting, and nodded, "Super Saiyan is indeed a qualified test object."

"Speaking of which, is there any information about Teacher Luo Lan in Dr. Gallo's database? If it wasn't for the teacher's guidance, we would not have had the chance to have the power we have now." Number 18 looked at Number 16.

"If Teacher Luo Lan knew our current strength, he would definitely be shocked." No. 17 laughed.

No. 16 shook his head in a daze, "No, there isn't a martial artist named Luo Lan on Earth."

"Impossible, Mr. Luo Lan's strength is so strong, there is no reason not to be collected by Dr. Gallo!" No. 17 said in surprise.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Teacher Luo Lan is not as powerful as Sun Wukong, he should not be unknown. After all, the knowledge of martial arts he imparted was quite profound, laying a solid foundation for their sister and brother to enter into cultivation.

At this time, No. 16 said: "There is a special existence among the people that Dr. Gallo pays special attention to. As long as Dr. Gallo's micro-robot gets close to him, it will be destroyed by a strange force, so Dr. Gallo's micro robot will be destroyed by a strange force. There wasn't much data collected on that person."

"I don't know if it's the Luo Lan you said."

"Oh, there is such a person?"

No. 17 and No. 18 were very interested, and after thinking about it for a while, they thought it was probably their teacher Luo Lan.

That is to say, with the strength of Teacher Luo Lan, how could he be a simple person? The reason why he was not recorded must be because he was so powerful that even Dr. Gallo's reconnaissance robot could not get close.

"It must be Mr. Luo Lan, but unfortunately we don't know where he is now, otherwise we should be grateful to him." No. 18 stroked the golden hair hanging around his neck, and his indifferent face showed rare mildness.

No. 17 also nodded. For Luo Lan, they were grateful.

"On the 18th, we all have nano bombs buried by Dr. Gallo in our bodies. Although Dr. Gallo is dead, this bomb must be disposed of. Well, let's just collect Dragon Balls on our way to find Sun Wukong. interesting?"

"Dragon Ball seems to be made by the gods. I think it can be used. Maybe I can use it to find Teacher Luo Lan." No. 18 said gracefully.

She was more concerned about finding Teacher Luo Lan and expressed her gratitude.

"I have no opinion."

On the 16th, I felt like I was going with the flow. On the 18th, she changed her outfit to satisfy her pursuit of beauty.

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