Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 591: The Third Time Machine

"Is this strange thing really made by the company?"

The researchers who came to investigate looked at the machine excavated from the glacier and asked such questions.

This machine has an ellipsoid shape, the fan blade in the middle is frozen by ice and snow, and there are strings of ice crystals hanging.

"Isn't there a company logo on it? It should be produced by our company. Maybe it is a new invention of Miss Bulma or Dr. Brives."

The researcher next to him joked that Dr. Bulma and Dr. Brives often invent some strange machines. As employees of the company, they have already seen it. The machine that has no use in front of them may be their new machine. invention.

"Hey, do you think this thing is a bit like the machine found by the search team in the west area?" Someone said strangely.

"Don't say it, it really looks like it."

"Miss Bulma will not look for it for no reason. Maybe this thing is very important. Let's contact Miss Bulma quickly!"

"Yes, let Miss Bulma come in person."

The researchers were all very vigilant. When they realized that the machine in front of them was not simple, they quickly took out the contactor and reported the findings in the Masruta area to the Universal Capsule headquarters. After receiving the notice, the headquarters quickly contacted Bulma.

A few hours later, a beige aircraft landed on the snow in the Masruta area.

In the snow with goose feathers, Bulma was wearing a thick down jacket and led the researcher to the open space where the machines were placed. Looking at the familiar machines in front of her, Bulma's face suddenly changed color.

This machine is clearly the time machine of Trunks.

Color, shape, all the same.

Just because it has been frozen in ice and snow for a long time, the surface is covered with scratches.

"How did you find this thing?" Bulma's face was not very good-looking. In addition to the time machine found in the western mountains, there was actually another one here. Her instinct told her that something bad would happen.

The researcher saw that Bulma's face was wrong, and answered cautiously: "Because a recent earthquake shook the ice, the villagers informed us after they found it."

"Miss Bulma, what's wrong?"

"No..." Bulma wanted to say something, but suddenly shook his head and asked the researchers to help open the hatch of the time machine, "You take some tools and help me remove the ice crystals from the surface of the machine, I want to go inside and see. a bit."

Several researchers nodded hurriedly and used the heating device to melt the crystals on the surface of the time machine. With a click, the top cover of the machine was opened. Bulma climbed the ladder and entered the interior of the time machine, and checked the time cursor of the time machine for the first time.

It was found that the time machine arrived two years ago, a year later than when Trunks first came, and the departure time was also three years after the world of Trunks, which is the same as Trunks. Sharu's time is synchronized.

"It was also three years later that two time machines came over."

"No, according to the time progress of this time machine, the world where this time machine is located is only five years faster than Ranks World, which is another parallel world..."

Bulma rubbed his head. The time flow of the parallel world is synchronized. The time machine found in the 1050 area to the west arrived four years ago, but the one in front of him arrived two years ago.

"Hey, what is this?"

The eyes fell on the right hand side of the cockpit controller, which was inlaid with a crystal-like thing, the color was gray and white, and it looked dull.

Trunks' time machine doesn't seem to have this stuff in it.

Pulling out the off-white crystal, Bulma observed it carefully, but couldn't see what it was.

"You guys go back first, I'm going to take the machine back." Seeing that there was nothing to investigate, Bulma pressed the button on the time machine to turn the whole machine into a capsule form, "By the way, are you there? Found something like eggshells nearby?"

The researchers shook their heads. "No, nothing but this machine."

"Oh, so be it."

Bulma nodded, and she also asked casually, even if something really came with the time machine, it is unlikely to be found in this snowy weather.

Leaving the cold Masruta area, Bulma went straight in the direction of Kalinta.

Sharu's problem has not been resolved, and now he has discovered a second unknown time machine. Even though Bulma's heart has always been strong, he feels a little flustered at this time.

"Brother-in-law, come pick me up, I'm already under the Kalin Tower." Bulma contacted Luo Lan.

"Okay, wait a minute."

A few seconds later, a cluster of rays of light shone around Bulma, and a graceful figure emerged. It was not Luo Lan, but Syphilia.

"Luo Lan asked me to pick you up." Saifilia said.

"Trouble." Bulma nodded, letting Syphilia put her hand on her shoulder.

call out!

A burst of illusory light and shadow of space-time transformation, Syphilia and Bulma boarded the temple together.

"Bulma, are you saying that a second time machine was discovered in the Masruta area?" After knowing the situation, Luo Lan's brows furrowed, a little surprised.


Noticing everyone's eyes, Bulma nodded, and told the story of the discovery of the time machine, and then took out the time machine in front of everyone's eyes, and then took out the time machine found in the 1050 area in the west, Tran. Seeing this, Kes also took out his time machine.

Immediately, three time machines stood side by side. Except for the slightly different surface marks, the three time machines were almost identical.

"Three identical time machines, what happened in the future world?!" Trunks' voice was low, and his face was even a little terrified.

"Interesting, there are actually three time machines."

Luo Lan stared at the time machine in front of her with golden eyes, smiled, and suddenly remembered what Weiss told him on Destroyer Star.

"There is more than one time machine on the earth now. About four years ago, some time machines arrived on the earth."

"So when you go to Earth this time, I hope you will also deal with other time machine matters."

It turns out that Whis knew from the very beginning that the time machine on Earth was not the one that Sharu was on. Indeed, how could it be possible to hide such things as time and space travel from angels who are good at time and space ability!

"Teacher, do you think that the person who came by this time machine is also Shalu?" A dim light appeared in No. 18's eyes, and his white face was a little worried.

Luo Lan said: "Judging from the time when the time machine started, it does match the era of Sharu, but until the other party does not show up, we can't be sure who it is, and we can only say that Sharu is more likely."

"Hey, it would be interesting if two Sharu appeared in our era at the same time." Ascari laughed without any image.

"Brother-in-law, what do you think this is?" Bulma took out the crystal pulled from the dashboard and showed it to Luo Lan.

After taking the gray-white crystal and observing it carefully, Luo Lan could feel a trace of residual energy from the crystal.

"This should be the power source of the time machine. It is really not easy to compress the energy source to such a size. Unfortunately, the energy above has been exhausted, and it is impossible to confirm what kind of energy it is." Luo Lan shook his head regretfully. People with this technology, of course, are only Bulma, and they don't know which world Bulma is.

"Suno, the Masruta area is your hometown, let the people there search the surrounding area to see if they can find any clues."

Su Nuo agreed seriously, "I see, I will let No. 8 lead someone to search."

No. 8 is an android living in the Masruta area. After Suno and Sun Wukong annihilated the Red Ribbon Legion many years ago, the android No. 8 lived in Suno's hometown. He is not strong but very powerful. Simple and honest artificial man.

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