Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 704 Dragon Ball Super Dimension Chaos

"Why is this spaceship not rejected by the temple? Only those who are recognized by the gods can board the temple." Looking at the aircraft that landed on the square, Bobo said expressionlessly.

"They have been recognized by the temple, and the Nameks are always welcome." Piccolo looked at the ellipsoid-shaped spaceship in front of him.

Dandy said suspiciously: "Be careful, this ship doesn't look like our style."

"The Namekian breath inside can't be wrong."

After Bick finished speaking, he walked towards the spaceship. At this time, the hatch at the bottom of the spaceship opened, and a floating elevator descended. From the spaceship, a few pointed cosmos and a few strong men came out. Namekians.

"Hello, we are Varuga from Universe No. 1. We are here to invite you to participate in a super competition that many Universe players have participated in."

The Varuga who stepped off the spaceship issued an invitation to the people on the temple.


Piccolo dubiously repeated the name of the Varuga, not knowing the origin of this race, so he turned his attention to a few Nameks next to him.

"You are not a clan of New Namek, what is the origin of these Varuga people?"

A more appropriately dressed Namek said: "We are the Nameks, but not the Nameks of your universe... We were able to come to you thanks to the technology of the Varugas through parallel worlds. ."

"Hehe." The Varuga next to him smiled smugly.

"There is not only one universe, but many different individuals. Each universe has its own development trajectory, but due to some accidents, the same universe will also split into different parallel worlds. It is decided that the universe and the universe should be closed to each other so as not to cause chaos in the world."

The Varuga coughed lightly and explained the concept of a parallel world, and Piccolo, who had experienced the artificial human incident, of course understood this concept.

"The purpose of your coming?" Piccolo looked serious.

"Recently, when the Realm King God observed the world, he found that although an overly closed universe protects the stability of the world, the lack of communication will also make the universe into a rigid state, and even some universes are gradually declining. We jointly decided to entrust me, the Varugas, to use the ability to travel through parallel worlds to hold a multi-dimensional powerhouse competition."

"The winner can get the original Dragon Ball of Universe 1, and get three wishes from the Dragon of Namek."

"Before coming to you, my clansmen have been to many universes, and many people have decided to participate. This is a unique opportunity. Apart from rewards, warriors are nothing more than looking for new challenges. I hope you can seize the opportunity."

Hearing what the Varuga said, Piccolo nodded earnestly.

"The game where the strong gather, maybe Veget and the others will like it, please, I will tell them the news later."

"Well, our mothership is docked in Earth orbit. After making a decision, you can send us a message. There will be a spacecraft to pick you up at that time."

The Varuga handed the contactor to Piccolo, then turned around and left the temple with the Nameks in the aircraft.

Holding the contactor in his hand, Piccolo pondered for a moment. After judging that the Varuga people were not malicious, he asked Bobo to inform Veget and them. Soon the strong men on the earth came from all over the world and gathered in the temple. .

Knowing the news of the super-dimensional contest from Piccolo, Luo Lan was refreshed, and a light flashed in his golden pupils, knowing that the Dragon Ball super-dimensional chaos was finally about to start, and looked at Sefilia and the others. Several people nodded understandingly.

Here, when Vegeta and Sunbra heard the news of the match, they were excitedly gearing up for a try. No. 18, Kelin, Tianjin Fan and other fighters were also surprised, but considering that their strength was not in the forefront of the earth, There are some drums in my heart.

"There are definitely strong players in the super-dimensional competition, so let's forget it." Krillin gave up the competition with self-awareness.

"If the reward is only Dragon Ball, it will be boring." No. 18 is unwilling to take action if he has no money.

"I'm not participating either."

"The difference in strength is too great."

The warriors on Earth have stated one after another that they have passed the golden stage of martial arts practice. Except for Tianjin Rice and Dumplings, they still insist on exercising.

Kelin gave up martial arts after the android incident twenty-seven years ago. Decades of pampered life have made his strength regress greatly. In addition, his body is aging. Now, let alone participating in competitions, he can't do it even if he resumes his daily practice. The same is true of Leping, whose body has grown fat.

"According to the meaning of the Varuga people, in addition to the personnel participating in the game, there will be personnel from each universe to watch. Since neither Krillin nor No. 18 are willing to participate in the game, then they will be spectators."

"How about you, Vegeta?"

Piccolo's eyes turned to Veget and the others.

Vegetto moved his hands and feet, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "It goes without saying, it must be participating in the competition! In fact, I can't wait."

"Me too, of course you can't miss such an interesting game."

Sunbra, like Veget, was a fighter, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't fight for a day. Especially after the spiritual time room practice, he urgently needed to use a fierce test to test his strength.

His eyes swept over to Sun Wufan, and Sun Wufan thought a little and nodded.

"I am also participating."

Piccolo looked at Luo Lan and the others, and seemed to be asking for their opinions. Luo Lan had long been waiting for the opportunity to compete, and said directly: "Me, Syphilia, Meluria, and Emma are all participating."

"I see." Piccolo understood.

"And Gotenks!" Sun Wutian and Trunks shouted after seeing all the strong players participating in the competition, but they knew that they were not sure of winning by their own strength, so they cheated and competed in the name of Gotenks. .

When Sun Bla heard this, a hint of sneer appeared on her pretty face, "Don't participate in the competition if you don't have the skills."

Sun Wutian said with an unhappy face: "Bula, don't make fun of us by relying on your own strength."

"Hmph." Sunbra snorted coldly.

If she has the ability to compete with her true ability, she despises opportunistic people the most.

Vegeta glanced at the three descendants who were at odds with each other, and his eyes fell on A Bao, who was wearing an orange martial arts uniform. Seeing her eagerness to try, he asked with a smile, "A Bao, you also want to participate in the competition. ?"


A Bao nodded vigorously, "I want to participate in the competition."

At this time, Luo Lan looked at the girl and asked Sun Gohan: "Has Abao reached Super Saiyan 2? If not, don't let her participate, don't watch the super-dimensional contest, which sounds interesting, but it is full of dangers. , because even if you die in the game, you can use the Namek Dragon Ball to revive, so other players will definitely not show mercy."

"You must know that the weak and the strong eat in the universe, and I will never tell you about martial arts cultivation. There are many vicious people among them. They have always treated people with wickedness and cruelty!"

From Luo Lan's words, Sun Wufan heard the danger and intentionally prevented A Bao from participating in the competition, but his heart softened when he saw his daughter's expectant gaze.

"Bao has reached Super Saiyan 2!"

Luo Lan was a little surprised. The strength of Super Saiyan 2 should not repeat the mistakes in the comics, so he nodded and said, "In this case, let her participate, be careful."

"I will protect A Bao." Sun Wufan cut gold to the rails.

"Okay, then the list of contestants is set like this. If others want to watch the game, they can go together. I will inform Bulma and Kiki..." Veget said after thinking.

"That's it, the spectators arrive as soon as possible."

After everyone's discussion here, the scale of the personnel has been roughly determined. The personnel representing their universe this time include Vejit, Sun Bula, Son Gohan, Abao, and Gotenkes, as well as Luo Lan and Saifei. Leah, Meluria, and Emma also pretended to be members of their universe to participate.

The audience included the Kelin family, Bick, Tianjin Fan, Dumpling, Bidili, Bulma, Kiki and others.


after an hour.

The Varuga who received the contact from Piccolo came to the temple again, and watched a crowd of people crowded together on the temple, the Varuga said in surprise: "Do you have so many people participating in the competition?"

"Only nine people actually participated in the game, and the others went to watch the game," said Vegett.

"Oh, I see, please report the list of contestants to me, and I will contact the headquarters to arrange the competition for you."

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