Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 708 Female Devil

"Ahhh, I'm so angry."

Fat Buu yelled in displeasure, hot steam rising.

"I'm not happy, please bear with me."

Emma choked directly, and Fat Buu was even more angry, slapped his belly and rushed towards Emma.

"You pissed me off, I'm going to turn you into a snack! Kill me."

Fat Buu let out a beast-like scream, which was transmitted through radio waves, and it still shook people's hearts even in the competition venue blessed by technology. All the audience covered their ears, and their bodies felt nauseated, as if there was a Thousands of heavy materials were rolled down from the sky.

The entire venue sank a little under the planet.

Beep! An electric wave attacked Emma.

Emma was also provoked, her brows wrinkled, her blue eyes flashed a cold glow, she waved her hand, and white magic fell from the sky, intertwined with Fat Buu's power, directly offsetting Fat Buu's power.

At this time-

With a click, the two forces collided in mid-air, as if a star had annihilated, and the energy released caused the void to spread out with crystal cracks. Fat Buu opened his mouth wide, and his body shook like duckweed in the strong wind. , One after another sharp whirlwind blade attacked.

Ka Ka Ka! Fat Buu's body was cut into pieces.

Ordinary people would have died a long time ago under such an attack.

But Fat Buu's vitality is really strong, even if his body is sliced, he will recover quickly. With a "Boom", Fat Buu screams strangely, and the pink body recovers again.


Emma watched calmly, and there was no surprise that Fat Buu could recover so quickly. It should be said that this is the most normal.

She also has the physique of a Majin, and knows the vitality of Majin Buu the most.

Emma was not surprised by Fat Buu's recovery, but the others present were completely stunned.

The contestants of each universe and the audience in the auditorium were wide-eyed, and they had never seen a life that was cut into pieces and could be recovered.

"What kind of monster is that pink fat man, so he can be recovered, can't he be killed?"

"The documentation says it's Majin Buu."

"Hey, the contestant in Universe 4 is also called Buu. Although he looks different, he is also pink."

"Magic, is it a special kind of life race? It's terrible, do you feel that their energy doesn't seem to be lost at all."

"Really, the vitality is infinite, and it has such a strong resilience. What is even more terrifying is the strange ability that cannot be guarded against. If you encounter them, you should admit defeat as soon as possible."



The voices of discussion rang in their ears. After witnessing the battle between Fat Buu and Emma, ​​all the players felt their scalps go numb. This kind of killing could not kill them, and they could turn themselves into dessert monsters at any time. It was horrible.

Super Buu of Universe 4 looked at the battle in the ring with a cold expression on his face, his brows furrowed slightly, he was not afraid of Fat Buu, although Fat Buu of Universe 11 was stronger than he expected, but still Within his handling ability, the one who made him feel jealous was the woman named Emma.

"Emma, ​​I haven't seen it before. Could it be a life that survived from ancient times? It's strange why there is a resonance in her."

Super Buu looked at Boomer in the ring with a solemn expression.

In Universe 8, the Frieza family began to tremble after seeing the battle between Fat Buu and Emma.

"Father, those two guys... are very strong!" Frieza swallowed. After entering the super-dimensional competition, the self-esteem of the cosmic emperor was severely impacted.


The Kurdish king watched uncertainly, his eyes fixed on Emma, ​​not knowing what he was thinking.

Gula, who was beside him, was silent, because the two people in the ring were much more powerful than him. The most difficult battle he had ever experienced was when he attacked the earth with Frieza and the others, he encountered a man named Dr. Human legion, but even androids are not as scary as the two in front of them!

Gu La backed down, considering whether to give up the game, after all, there are too many monsters in the arena.

Universe No. 13, after the previous game, the Saiyan warriors have only the last player left - Vegeta. At this time, Vegeta clenched her fists tightly and watched the game with unwillingness. Although she didn't want to admit it, Emma and Fat Buu in the ring were better than him.

"Vegeta, give up the game!" Napa persuaded.

"Shut up!" Vegeta yelled angrily.

In Universe 1, the five Kai-no-jins of the organizer stared at each other when they saw the battle between Fat Buu and Emma.

Nanjie Wangshen said incredulously: "I didn't expect that there are masters in other universes that are comparable to Majin Buu."

The Eastern Realm King said: "That woman is stronger than the Realm King God!"

Western Realm King God: "Anyway, he's better than me."

The Great Realm King Shinto: "What a terrible guy, I hope there will be no accidents in this competition."

Babidi of Universe 11 saw that Fat Buu hadn't taken down the woman on the field, and yelled angrily: "Buu, why are you still standing there, kill that woman for me, do you want to? Have dessert."

"Hey, I'll kill you if you keep arguing!"

Hearing Babidi's command, Fat Buu widened his eyes angrily, and his crescent-shaped eyes were full of murderous intent.


Babidi froze for a moment, and the whole person couldn't help but turn into anger, but because of Fat Buu's power, he hid his anger.

"I hate having someone order me the most."

Fat Buu pursed his lips, and the evil thoughts in his heart were released. Don't look at Fat Buu's naive look, he was a devil in the true sense, with no concept of good and evil in his heart, killing people was like a joke.

Turning to look at Emma, ​​he said fiercely: "You are also very annoying, give me death."

With that said, he fought Emma again.

"Through the beam!"

"Evil Bomb!"

"Dimensional Crack Cannon!"

White, golden, green, and various colors of light shone in the void. Fat Buu took out all the tricks he copied and attacked Emma. Although these tricks were not attacks developed by Fat Buu himself , but with Fat Buu's learning ability, he has already mastered it.

In addition, the terrifying power is the most backing, and it is more powerful than the developer.

Chi Chi Chi, the endless power rushed towards Emma aggressively, when Emma saw it, her beautiful eyes rolled, and her two fair arms stretched out, drawing a circle in mid-air, immediately forming a shield to block the attack. down.


The dimension was distorted, and the smooth void actually broke a big hole. The strong energy shock stained Emma's white coat with some black dust, and Emma's white eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

The body flickered lightly, and the space moved to a place a few hundred meters away from Fat Buu.

"Giggle, forget it, I won't play with you."

"Huh?" Fat Buu looked at Emma suspiciously, thinking that the other party was going to admit defeat, but at this moment, Emma's body suddenly lit up with a pink-white light.

I saw Emma's slightly curly brown hair turned pink and white, her ears became pointy, and her whole body's skin became white and red. Except for the black chest wrap and black wrist guards, there was only one piece of clothing on her body. White trousers, a beautiful face is strange and full of charm.

There was a tail growing behind him.

This is Emma's demon form.

"Ah!" Seeing Emma's new form clearly, Fat Buu felt bad. A sense of danger came from the bottom of his heart. Fat Buu, who was not afraid of the sky, felt a little scared.

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