Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 710 Abao, Super Saiyan 2!

"The next game, A Bao from Universe 16, against BoJack from Universe 6."

Hearing the staff announce the match list, Luo Lan opened her eyes and said to A Bao who was about to play: "Don't be polite to the opponent after playing, just kill the opponent directly. If you can, kill BoJack, don't give it to him. Opportunity for the opponent to break out.”

In the plot, A Bao, who became a Super Saiyan, was strangled by BoJack and suffocated to death. Luo Lan did this to get revenge.

Po, who has reached the level of Super Saiyan 2, should have no problem with BoJack.

"Uh...get it."

Although he didn't know why Luo Lan wanted to kill his opponent, A Bao was stunned and nodded.

According to Luo Lan's previous reminder not to let Abao participate in the competition, Sun Wufan vaguely guessed something, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then said seriously: "Abao, you have to listen to Luo Lan's words, go up and change directly. Become Super Saiyan 2 and kill each other."


A Bao nodded obediently, then opened his arms and flew to the ball field.

BoJack swaggered up, saw that his opponent was the little girl A Bao, and said contemptuously, "Children also come to participate in the competition, don't blame me for being killed!"

"You are the one who will die!"

"Hahaha..." BoJack froze for a moment as if he had heard the funniest joke, and then burst out laughing.

"Dad, I'm going to fight that monster in Universe 16. Will she be in danger?" Over in Universe 18, the young A Bao worriedly said to Son Gohan in Universe 18.

"It could be dangerous."

"Then what to do!"

"I don't know. The rules of the game are that people outside the field must not interfere with the game. We can only pray for her and hope that nothing bad will happen." Universe 18 Sun Gohan frowned, with a worried look on his face. Looking at my daughter, although I don't know how powerful A Bao in Universe 16 is, that BoJack is not a simple character!

Hope nothing happens.


With a loud and clear voice, the game officially started, and everyone who was related to A Bao was paying close attention to the game, and everyone in Universe 18 prayed in their hearts that A Bao was safe.

On the field, A Bao and BoJack briefly fought a few times, and after being knocked away, the power of a Super Saiyan erupted directly.

The golden arrogance spread to the entire arena, and everyone was stunned by A Bao's terrifying power.

"Ah, A Bao can actually become a Super Saiyan at such a young age!" Everyone in Universe 18 looked at A Bao, who showed the state of a Super Saiyan, in amazement.

"She's a third-generation half-breed!"


In Universe 13, the Saiyan warrior Napa's eyes widened, Vegeta looked at the little girl on the field solemnly, and secretly said that all the Saiyans in Universe 16 were monsters, so even a young child Become a Super Saiyan!

"No, that girl..." Vegeta shouted, her face full of disbelief.

"What happened to you, Vegeta?" Napa asked.

Vegeta's face was gloomy and uncertain, "The power of the little girl in Universe 16 is still increasing, she is definitely not as simple as an ordinary Super Saiyan!"


Napa screamed in disbelief, looked at the field, but saw that A Bao, who had become a Super Saiyan, continued to output energy. Silver-white lightning appeared faintly on his body. He rubbed his eyes, and Napa stared at him. Gotta be round.

"That is……"

"Super Saiyan 2!"

Vegeta gritted her teeth. As the most powerful warrior in Universe 13, Vegeta worked hard and experienced countless battles to break through to Super Saiyan 2 not long ago. The little girl in front of her, He De He Can also be Super Saiyan 2!

At this moment, Vegeta, a self-proclaimed genius, felt his cheeks burning hot, and more of a feeling of embarrassment.

Ah ah ah! ! !

The golden arrogance erupted, silver lightning wrapped around his body, A Bao's hair stood up straight, and the bangs on his forehead were raised upwards, no doubt Lumpy's strength forced BoJack on the opposite side to keep retreating.

Looking at his opponent in disbelief, Bojack's eyes widened, and the pupils inside shrank into tiny dots the size of a pin's eye.

"Impossible, a little girl in her teens, her strength is stronger than me!!"

"You are not my opponent."

A Bao walked towards BoJack step by step. Every step he took, the foothold under his feet was engraved with a footprint, and the momentum on his body continued to skyrocket. When he walked across from BoJack, the boundless pressure pressed BoJack out of breath. .

"Bastard, how can I be compared by you." BoJack roared hysterically.


The green eyes looked at BoJack lightly, A Bao disappeared expressionlessly, the next second, the slender body reappeared, and with a bang, A Bao's hard fist landed on BoJack's chest, a powerful force. The blow suddenly made BoJack spit out bitter water, and his body could not help but bend.

"Hmph, both Dad and Uncle Luo Lan said they were going to kill you, so please hand over your life!" With a blank expression, A Bao continued to approach.

"Uh..." BoJack's expression froze, but a dark blue energy greeted him.

"Turtle School Qigong!!"

Immediately raised his palm, a dark blue qigong wave was released.


Countless blue energies rushed towards BoJack aggressively, and these energies flickered with dazzling light, just like the water column of a storm.

"Ah!" cried miserably.

Bojack screamed with a twisted expression, followed by a loud bang, a bright white mushroom cloud slowly rose, the air waves rolled violently, and the scorching energy instantly melted the rocks on the surface of the arena.

When everything calmed down and the energy dissipated, the mighty BoJack even had his ashes lifted up.

A Bao watched silently for a while, not knowing why she suddenly felt happy in her heart, as if her revenge had to be avenged, and she didn't even know why.

"Ah, boss, was killed by that little girl?!"

"It's too scary to win."

The Galaxy Warriors of Universe 6 saw that the boss BoJack died with no ashes left, and their faces suddenly turned pale.

So the Metroid Warriors of Universe 6 all abstained.


A Bao's battle left a deep impression on everyone. No one thought that a young girl could be so scary!

Universe 16 can't be provoked.

This sentence was deeply imprinted on the hearts of players from other universes.

"The other one is amazing." A Bao from Universe 18 said with envy.

Universe 18 Vegeta folded her arms and nodded in satisfaction, "That kid is the same as Gohan back then, not bad!" Glancing at Son Gohan beside him, he snorted coldly, and said angrily, "You should Your daughter studies, don't think about becoming a scholar all day long."

Son Gohan of Universe 18 scratched his head in embarrassment.

It is true that he has abandoned his cultivation in recent years, but in his opinion, even the most powerful evil Buu has been eliminated, how could there be a crisis, the world is already at peace, there is no reason to continue cultivation, in fact, from a From the beginning his ideal was to become a scholar.

In this regard, Sun Wukong has nothing to do, but Vegeta is angry.

In addition, Sun Wutian and Trunks are also virtuous, Vegeta can only be sullen every day, but fortunately, the third-generation Abao is still working hard.

"Hey, Dad, I won." After killing BoJack, A Bao bounced back to the player area.

Son Gohan nodded and touched her head.

Sun Bra directly gave her a thumbs up and praised: "A Bao, you are good, you should be ruthless when fighting." Maybe he received this kind of education since childhood, but Sun Bra doesn't know what mercy is. .

"Not bad." Vegeta also praised.

"Whose turn is it for the next game?"


Both Sun Wutian and Trunks raised their hands, and the next game was Gotenks from Universe 16 vs. Gotenks from Universe 18.

It was an internal battle that resulted in a draw between the two sides, and according to the rules of the game, both sides returned to the player area, and then the game was redrawn.


The one-day competition passed quickly. After the first day of competition, there were only more than 30 contestants and some who quit the competition collectively.

For example, No. 3, No. 6, No. 9, No. 10, No. 15, and several universes directly retire.

The next day, after a delicious breakfast, everyone returned to the competition venue. In the first game, it was Meluria's turn to play. Her opponent was the last Saiyan warrior in Universe 13 - Vegeta!

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