Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 715 The nemesis of the Ginyu family

Captain Ginyu knows that he is not the opponent of the opposite woman, so in order to save his own life, he intends to use his own powers to directly seize the opponent's body when the battle starts. As for the opponent's body, it is a woman's problem. , he can't handle that much anymore.

"In short, one move must work, otherwise I will be very passive."

In his heart, although he has already overestimated Sun Bula's strength, no matter how strong he is, he should only be a little stronger than himself. Captain Ginyu would never have imagined how powerful Sunbra was.

Immediately, Captain Ginyu no longer had any reservations, and released his full power in a very short period of time.

In the dazzling light, Captain Ginyu changed from the second form of the demon family to the ultimate form like Frieza. The power on his body suddenly soared several times, reaching the level of a complete body Sharu, a terrible power. A whirlwind spread in all directions.

Captain Ginyu enjoyed the feeling of strength all over his body.

He is very satisfied with the body of the Kurdish King, but it is a pity that he had to give up for his own life!

Seeing the ultimate form of King Kurd (Captain Ginyu), Sunbra was a little surprised, and his bright eyes looked at him in amazement.

"This Kurdish king isn't as bad as he imagined!"

"2.4 billion combat power, barely okay."

With a relaxed smile on his face, Sun Bula's face turned cold, and the majestic momentum was released, which suddenly rebounded the momentum of Captain Ginyu.

The terrifying momentum spread all over the sky, and when Captain Ginyu saw this, there was a greedy expression on the corner of his mouth, as if he wanted to eat Sun Bula in one bite.

"Hahaha, yes, even if such a body is a woman, this king accepts it."

Captain Ginyu licked his lips, greedily aimed at Sunbra's body, and said, "To be honest, I'm used to the Kurdish king's body, and it's a bit reluctant to throw it away suddenly, but who would have a better one in front of me? Woolen cloth."


Sunbra frowned slightly. The Kurdish King gave her a very bad feeling, and his greedy eyes seemed to be swallowing her alive.

Humph, someone dared to peep at her body.

court death!

An irritable mood arose for no reason, Sun Bla brushed his beautiful hair, and a cold and biting killing intent burst out.

"Hey, you're so close to me, it's too late."


At this time, Captain Ginyu screamed, his scarlet eyes lit up with a strange light, and a white soul suddenly emerged from the Kurd king's body and attacked Sunbra head-on.


Suddenly seeing the strange light radiating from King Kurd's body, Sunbra suddenly felt a shady body, as if there was a force that was trying to strip her spirit out of her body.

Captain Ginyu has released the "exchange" ability on Sunbra, which is the racial talent of their family, to capture the body of the target person.


In the player area of ​​Universe 16, after Vegeta saw the light radiating from King Kurd, he felt very familiar. The memories of the Namek planet in the past resurfaced in his mind, and Vegetto's complexion suddenly changed greatly.

"No, there is something wrong with that Kurdish king, he is not the real Kurdish king."

"He's Captain Ginyu!"

The other ones who also saw the anomaly were Sun Wukong and the others in Universe 18, but it all happened too fast, even if they wanted to stop it, it was too late. No one would have thought that the person dressed in the appearance of the Kurdish King was actually the Captain Ginyu of the Ginuit team.

According to the rules of the competition party, outsiders are not allowed to interfere during the competition.

"Captain Ginyu has survived until now..." Vegett's face was ugly, his body was releasing icy cold air, and the surrounding temperature dropped several degrees at once.

"Don't worry, Bula will be fine."

"Are you sure?" Vegeta looked at Luo Lan.


Luo Lan calmly paid attention to the situation on the ring. To be honest, the real identity of the Kurdish King was actually Captain Ginyu, which was beyond his expectations.

However, Captain Ginyu's attempt to capture Sunbra's body may not be successful.

Not to mention that Sunbra's power is far higher than that of Captain Ginyu, his exchange ability may not work. Putting this aside, even if Sunbra's power is slightly lower because he didn't become a Super Saiyan, Captain Ginyu's plan also failed to materialize.

In the final analysis, the essence of the exchange ability relies on spiritual power, which Sunbra will not necessarily lose.

Sure enough, in the arena, when Captain Ginyu used his exchange ability to release his soul body, he saw Sun Bula sneer, and suddenly recalled what Luo Lan had explained to her when he was cultivating on earth, and his arrogant head was raised. .

Focusing on Captain Ginyu, he released his mental power.

"Mind space!"

A crisp voice sounded from his mouth, and a strange space suddenly appeared in Captain Ginyu's sight.

When Captain Ginyu regained his senses, he suddenly found that he had left the martial arts arena. There was a pale space around him. There was no upper, lower, left and right. It was like a dream. Headache, Captain Ginyu felt dizzy after a brief glance.

Strange, shouldn't I be participating in a super-dimensional competition in another universe, how could I appear in this place.

"Welcome to my world!" A figure appeared in front of Captain Ginyu.

Captain Ginyu saw that it was Sunbra who was playing against him in the ring.

"Woman, is it your fault?"

At this time, Captain Ginyu had already reacted, and his face became extremely ugly.

"Haha, if it wasn't for your mental body leaving the body, I wouldn't have caught you so easily. Hey, that's what you really look like. It seems that you've changed many people's bodies!" Sun Bula said coldly. He looked at the red-skinned man with two long ears in front of him.

Captain Ginyu's soul body is the appearance of his original race.

Red skin, a huge eye, the surface of the skin is wrinkled as if it is cracked, and it looks very ugly.

Captain Ginyu screamed with a contorted face, when he realized that he had met his opponent.

"Damn, how can you crack my ability, let me go!"

"There are so many words!" Sun Bra snorted coldly, with lightning flashing in her eyes, she has always been impolite to others.

"1000 times gravity!"

A strange and unpredictable force suddenly came to the mind space, and 1000 times the gravity directly acted on the soul of Captain Ginyu. Captain Ginyu's expression suddenly became distorted, and a sharp roar came out of his mouth.

"Thanks to me learning the space of the mind, otherwise I will follow your way."

"You want to take my body, right? I'll let you take it!" Sunbra's bright face showed a hideous look, and she hated others' attention the most. Looking at Captain Ginyu viciously, he continued to impose various punishments on his soul body.

In this space, everything is controlled by her. "Spiritual space" is a spiritual secret technique that has long been lost on Medamore. It has the same effect as "consciousness cultivation" on Earth. .


The tragic screams continued to sound. I don't know how long it took to pass in the mental space, and the hysterical screams of Captain Ginyu became weaker and weaker.


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