Roland didn't know how strong Gascaco was, but since the opponent easily defeated Syphilia, Roland had already set his sights on him.

Perhaps Gascaco is the one who deserves the most attention besides Vegetto.

Luo Lan condensed her eyes and focused on Gascaco, who happened to be looking at Gascaco. The moment the two eyes collided in mid-air, Luo Lan's mind suddenly trembled, and her brain's spiritual awareness The phantom of a dragon automatically appeared in the sea.

A deep sea-like silent and silent breath surged in, constantly impacting his spirit.

The silver-grey divine dragon in Luo Lan's body surged violently, and was vaguely collided by other forces, and began to become restless.

What a terrible spiritual power.

Luo Lan quickly looked away, as if a bomb was suddenly dropped on the calm lake in her heart, setting off a huge wave.

He said with lingering fear: "What a terrible mental shock, Gascaco's spirit actually hides such a powerful dragon god power, this is the super Namek after absorbing all the Nameks? Sao in the sixth universe. Is this the case with Nell and Perana later, or is there something I don't know about..."

Gascako contains the power of the dragon god, which is understandable to Luo Lan. After all, the Nameks are also called dragons, but the power of the dragon is so pure, it is beyond Luo Lan's imagination.

In any case, the contact just now made him come into contact with some truths of Gascaco.

Maybe, Gascaco is really a strong second-level sequence.

If this is the case, he may not be his opponent! Thinking of this, Luo Lan was a little worried about whether he could complete the Dragon God Trial.

While Roland was guessing that Gascaco was false, Gascaco also discovered the strangeness in Roland's body, and frowned as he wondered why Roland, a Saiyan, had a power similar to his.

"Is he also the one chosen by Lord Dragon God?" A thought flashed in Gascaco's mind.


Fifth in the afternoon.

Emma and Trunks were drawn. The difference between the strengths of the two is very different. Trunks, who has not even reached Super Saiyan 2, is not Emma's opponent at all. Emma does not need to become a devil. Trunks was easily defeated. Of course, considering the friendly relationship between Trunks and Universe 16, Emma did not launch a "predation" against him.

For this reason, Emma always felt like she was at a loss.

"If I devour Trunks, my strength will increase." He whispered to himself in a low voice, so low that no one could hear him.

"What were you talking about just now?" Luo Lan asked.

"Ah, I didn't say anything, you must have heard it wrong."

Emma was stunned for a moment, ran to Luo Lan's side, pointed her finger in the direction of Universe 4, and whispered: "Look at that tall Demon Buu over there, I've been staring at him for a long time, and now there is a feeling of wanting to make The strong urge he devoured."

"Super Buu's strength is unknown, don't act rashly."

"Majin Buu also devours power, so I will definitely be careful." Emma licked her delicate lips, but her eyes kept glowing as if she was seeing prey.

Seeing her drooling expression, Luo Lan lightly wiped her lips with her hand, leaned close to Emma's cheek and spoke softly, the heat of her breathing made her feel like a fluffy furball picking her ears.

"Forbearance first, wait for the game to start cleaning, then let you suck enough."

"Well, you want to help me." Emma grinned, her white cheeks showing a bright smile.


"Let's go to the sixth game. Players Luo Lan from Universe 16 and Broly from Universe 20 are invited to play." The voices of the Varugas sounded at the venue through the broadcast.

"Luo Lan, it's your turn, the opponent is Broly."

Saifilia said in a soft voice.

"Be careful of Broly, that guy is a lunatic, and he will go crazy after playing." Vegett reminded beside him.


Luo Lan knew Broly, but Broly in universe 20 and Broly in universe 7 were completely two people. If Broly in universe 7 was a simple and simple youth, then universe 20's Broly was completely different. Broly is a ruthless, irrational monster.

And Broly of Universe 20 is still the legendary Super Saiyan, which is different from the mutant Saiyan Broly of Universe 7.

To say the same thing is that the names of the two are Broly, and they are both super fighters who became stronger and stronger in the Vietnam War.

Luo Lan nodded, her figure flashed, and she appeared on the ring.

On the other hand, Broly was also frozen in a block of ice and was pushed into the ring by the Varugas. Since Broly had not been drawn in the previous draw, this was his first game.

Kacha Kacha, with the technology of the Varugas, the ice cube that was freezing Broly was released.


The ice cubes wrapped outside suddenly burst open, and the fine ice crystals scattered into the sky like bullets, hitting the buildings of the competition venue with bang bang, leaving deep holes one after another.


Broly moved his eyelids, woke up from hibernation, and suddenly shouted angrily.

With this furious roar, an extremely ferocious force suddenly appeared in the venue, and everyone's heart seemed to be weighed down by a heavy stone, and it became difficult to breathe.

"Um... roar..."

Broly hugged his head with a very painful expression on his face, raised his head to see Luo Lan at close range, and the expression on his face was even more sinister.

"Kakarot! Kakarot..." The voice was hoarse and roared like a beast, Broly's muscles trembled, his veins surged, and the brutal and tyrannical breath swept away.

Terrifying momentum, biting chill.

Some people with poor strength felt this brutal aura, and their faces turned pale in an instant. Even if someone barely resisted, their faces were very ugly.

"Oops, this guy doesn't seem to be in control."

"The organizer seems to have released a very remarkable monster."

"It won't happen, will it?"

After witnessing Broly's wake-up performance, everyone's heart trembled, and they felt that something was wrong. At this time, the Varuga people also felt that their operation was a little wrong.

"I knew that Broly was still that lunatic. It was definitely a wrong choice to let him participate." Vegett covered his forehead, with an expression he had known for a long time.

"Dad, do you know that Broly?" Sunbra asked Vegeta.

"I fought a long time ago, and he is a terrible guy." Vegeta recalled what happened decades ago, with a solemn expression on his face.

"How terrible?" Sunbra asked incomprehensibly.

"Broley is the legendary Super Saiyan. When I first met him, both Sun Wukong and Vegeta suffered a lot from him. Vegeta didn't even dare to shoot at him. Years later, he almost destroyed the earth, and in short, a very scary guy."

"The legendary Super Saiyan, what is that?" Syphilia asked.

"You don't know?"

Vegeta was stunned, then thought that their universe might not have Broly.

So he explained: "The legendary Super Saiyan is a super warrior who appears in the Saiyan tribe every thousand years. Even if he doesn't practice, his strength will continue to increase every year, but such an unlimited improvement is very easy. Out of control, almost all legendary Super Saiyans are lunatics."

"When he first fought Broly, he wasn't a Super Saiyan, but after becoming a Super Saiyan, his character immediately became brutal, and he started to like destruction."

"Especially when it is completely crazy, the hair color of the Super Saiyan will change from blonde to grass green, and the whole person becomes extremely bloodthirsty and warlike."

After hearing Vegito's explanation, Syphilia and Meluria were taken aback.

Grass-green hair, isn't that Broly's full-energy form?

Will this form get out of control?

They all know Broly from Universe 7. More specifically, Broly from Universe 7 is also Meluria's brother-in-law. In their impression, Broly is a simple and simple good young man, what a normal person, completely unable to connect with the crazy monster in front of him.

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