Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 722 Chuan Chao, Broly!

"Meluria, the situation is not very good, in order to prevent accidents, let's become Feluria."

Syphilia didn't know why Broly in front of her looked like a monster, and after thinking about it again and again, Syphilia decided to let Feluria come out.


Meluria nodded in agreement.

Of course, Meda Moore's fusion art dance moves are too shameful, they can't be performed in public, teleport to the restaurant where they dine at noon, the two adjust their breath to the same level, and then become Fei in a dazzling light. Lulia.

When Feluria, radiating bright red energy, returned to the venue, Vegeta gave her a surprised look, and recognized her identity from Feluria's dress and appearance that resembled Sephardia.

He nodded politely at her.

"Did you use the fusion technique?" Sunbra looked at Feluria with beautiful eyes and asked in a low voice.


Feluria nodded lightly and said to Emma, ​​"You too have turned into a demon form."

"Okay." Emma nodded obediently, and soon became the devil Emma.

Sunbra looked at the two of them with admiration. Although she also had the power of the first-level sequence under her full strength, she was still a little different from Feluria and Demon Emma.

Feluria watched vigilantly at the two fighting in the arena, her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Immediately exchanged glances with the devil Emma, ​​the devil Emma nodded knowingly, and the two agreed that if Luo Lan is really in danger, even if they violate the rules of the game, they will help Luo Lan.


other universes.

The five realm gods in universe 1 had never seen such a powerful force. When Luo Lan and Broly both turned into super saiyans to fight, their faces were extremely pale, especially the Eastern realm gods. After reaching the terrifying energy permeating the air, his legs and feet kept shaking.

"Lord Dajie Wangshen, what level is Broly, and why is it so terrifying?" Dongjie Wangshen said blankly.

The dignified realm king is actually no better than mortals, which is a bit miraculous.

"I don't know, I've never seen it before."

Although the Great Realm King God is well-informed, he has never seen the power of the first-level sequence peak.

Nanjie Wangshen said: "Fortunately that Saiyan named Luo Lan was able to block Broly. If it was me, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to take a single blow." Nanjie Wangshen's strength is at best that of Majin Buu. The degree, the distance from the first-level sequence is unknown.

To be precise, in the hearts of these realm gods, there is no concept of a first-level sequence at all.

In Universe 4, when Luo Lan and Broly fought more and more fiercely, Super Buu was speechless in shock, because he found that the strength of the two on the field was no worse than him.

His body trembled with excitement, his greedy eyes aimed at the two in battle, and a voice sounded in his heart.

"Swallow them, devour them, as long as you swallow them, you can go further."

"calm down!"

Super Buu forced himself to calm down, because he knew that he could not be the opponent of the two of them, and rushed into the battlefield rashly, not to mention whether the gang of universe 16 would allow him to do anything wrong, that is, Luo Lan and Buluo Li, will never let him succeed.

"Hey, now is not the time to act rashly."

Super Buu's blood-red eyes rolled, secretly planning.

In addition to Super Buu, there are people who are eyeing Luo Lan and the others.

In Universe 11, Babidi, who lost Fat Buu, opened his eyes greedily, and the two tentacles at the corners of his mouth kept shaking with excitement.

"What a perfect material, if I could control it, the whole world would be mine." Pu Yu was in front, and the fat Buu of the past had already been left behind by him.

In Universe No. 17, the complete body Sharu is also secretly planning his own plans.

But compared to Super Buu and Babidi, he has to keep a low profile and dodge, Sharu left the venue and hid in the deep universe, because he knew that his strength was not comparable to others, watching the battle His destructive power is getting stronger and stronger, and he must protect himself in danger.

Universe 7.

Gascaco opened his eyes, and his face finally became serious. His eyes mainly focused on Luo Landi, observing how this Saiyan with the power of the Dragon God would deal with the next battle.


"Hahaha, be happy, you make me feel very disgusted, destroy them all!"

Broly looked crazy, and the grass-green energy balls were condensed in his hands, and then they were continuously thrown around the arena. Rumbling, star-like dazzling light balls exploded, and the chaotic energy caused huge damage to the surrounding.


The blazing and scorching rays of light rose up, the smoke filled the air, the wind was raging, the Varuga people's protective shield was broken, and the entire ring-shaped venue was directly hit by Broly's attack. At least tens of thousands of lives were turned into ashes in that instant. .

"Ah ah ah, who will save us."

"I don't want to die!" There was a sound of ghost crying and wolf howling, and all the audience were eager to escape from here.

Riots broke out in the crowd.

Broly was not polite at all, and the madness on his face became more intense as he watched life die in his hands. The muscles on the body trembled with the roar, and with each roar, the aura on the body became so majestic that one did not dare to look directly at it!

Looking at the countless spectators who lost their lives, Luo Lan frowned deeply, panting heavily, and glanced at Syphilia and Meluria in the player area.

"Can't fight on this planet anymore."

Luo Lan came to Broly and lured him to fly away from the competition planet.

Sure enough, after Luo Lan appeared, Broly stared at him all of a sudden, the chaotic aura wrapped around him like an armor, and then like an electric snake, followed Luo Lan towards the depths of the universe, and soon reached a meteorite relative. more space.

Fierce fighting continued.

Luo Lan knew that in order to understand the resonance of the power of the giant ape more deeply, he needed to force out Broly's stronger power.

He shot quickly, then accelerated, and when Broly roared, he launched a fierce attack.

"Shockwave all day!"

"Star Fist!"

"Empty Slash!"

Bang bang bang! A wave of attacks that was stronger than the first fell on Broly. These attacks only angered Broly, but they were still a little short of causing damage to Broly.

So, with all your strength, you took a deep breath, and every cell released energy.

"Sky Strike!!"

The most powerful trick Luo Lan has mastered is used.

I saw a piece of crystal light streak across the void, and the dazzling energy rushed out, like lightning rushing down from the nine heavens, drawing a beautiful trajectory, all bombarding Broly's body.

Finally, after a series of attacks, Broly finally broke out.


Another roar.

The golden energy on Broly's body suddenly rose, and the golden hair gradually turned towards grass green, and with the emergence of the grass green light, a destructive energy was released, and a pair of eyes gradually lost their color, cloth. Raleigh's body became more formidable.

The legendary Super Saiyan.

Chuanchao, Broly!

The power of Pentium directly broke through the upper limit of the first-level sequence and entered the second-level sequence.


On the planet of the competition, a huge pressure hit from the universe, permeating the entire planet, and everyone in the venue could feel the terrifying pressure from the other side of the starry sky.

"How could this be, Broly's power has become stronger again." Feluria's pretty face was full of worry.

"This is the legendary Super Saiyan."

Vegetto opened his eyes wide and couldn't help but want to join the battle.

Feluria and Demon Emma raised their heads in shock and fell silent.

On the other side, the realm gods were stunned, and the five realm gods looked at each other stupidly, not knowing what to say.

At this time, the Varuga ran to the side of the Great Realm King God and shouted: "Sir, the Great Realm King God, should the game continue? We have been unable to judge their fighting situation, and the audience has begun to get restless. "

The Great Realm King was silent for a while, remembering the order of a great existence, gritted his teeth and said: "The game continues, I have a crystal ball here, and I can use it to observe their battle situation."

"...Those sacrificed lives are resurrected with Dragon Balls after the game."

"As ordered!" The Varuga nodded vigorously.

Next, the Great Realm God took out a football-sized crystal ball and threw it into the center of the venue. A divine power was sent over it. The crystal ball vibrated and suddenly turned into a huge sphere with a diameter of 100 meters. A battle scene on the other side of the starry sky appeared on the surface.

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