Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 744 A husband is the one who is in charge, Bardock!

Planet Planet.

When he set foot on this planet again, Luo Lan's mood was a little different from before. Looking at the lilac-skinned aborigines living on the continent who looked like frogs, he felt a fragility of life in his heart.

In Luo Lan's induction, the Plant star in front of him was very fragile. The strongest one had less than 500 combat power, and there were not many lives with more than 100 energy.

You must know that this is the Planet Planet (Vegeta) with 10 times the gravity of the earth. It is incredible to give birth to such a fragile race. From the perspective of race development, they are not even as good as the people of the earth, at least they are still on earth. Admirable and exquisite martial arts have been born, but there is nothing here.

"Vulnerable races are most susceptible to interference from external factors. A global disaster can destroy a race's tens of thousands of years of civilization accumulation."

Luo Lan knew that the Plant Stars in front of her would become extinct sooner or later, and the parent star would be renamed Vegeta Star in the future.

In the face of natural disasters, life is the most vulnerable.

The change of races is a normal state in the universe, and it is also a process of self-renewal of the universe. Eternal races hardly exist. Don’t look at the dashing appearance of some races. Maybe they will suddenly suffer bad luck and then go to the fate of destruction. , such as the Altas, such as the Saiyans, are all powerful for a while.

Before being ruled by King Crude, Saiyans were also a powerful race, but no matter how brilliant they were in the past, they were eventually destroyed by Frieza's hands.

There is also the Planter in front of him. Luo Lan doesn't know how the Planter became extinct, but according to ancient records, before the Saiyans conquered this planet, the natives above were no longer Planter.

"Forget it, don't want those, let's find the Saiyans living in seclusion on this planet first."

According to what the Eastern Realm King God said, the Saiyan lived in seclusion on Planet Plant when he failed to find something, but Luo Lan had just detected that there was no strong energy response on the planet.

"It should be restrained."

Luo Lan secretly said in her heart, and immediately began to release her power, hoping to draw the other party out with her own power.

——Suddenly, a mighty wave of energy rose like a giant wave, sweeping across the entire planet in an instant.


Infinite pressure suddenly fell from the sky. The huge pressure made all life on the planet feel suffocated. The planet began to shake violently. In the mountains and forests, animals of different shapes ran and roared, and hid in the depths of the cave in fear.

The Plant star people didn't know what happened to their planet, and they all gathered together in horror, constantly worshiping their totems.

"Who dares to disturb Planet Planet!"

An icy voice echoed in the sky, and I saw a man in a Plant star native costume stepping on a rock and looking down on the opposite hill.

At the same time, a powerful aura that was no weaker than Luo Lan diffused out, colliding with Luo Lan's aura, creating waves that spread piece by piece.

The Saiyan is out!

Feeling the strength of the other party, Luo Lan was about to look in the direction of the voice, but found that the man was on the opposite hill just a moment ago, but he was already in front of him the next second.

The Saiyan looked at Luo Lan with a bad expression, a fierceness flashed in his eyes, stretched out his fist, and suddenly attacked Luo Lan fiercely.

What a great speed.

Luo Lan was startled, and hurriedly raised her arms to block.

With his arms in front of his chest, the muscles in his arms suddenly tightened, but the opponent's strength was not weak at all. Luo Lan responded in a hurry, only feeling an endless force coming from his arms, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his body couldn't help Fall from the sky.

It landed on the ground, slammed, and stepped back several dozen meters in a row. Both feet shoveled the ground hard, and the solid ground suddenly collapsed. The meandering cracks spread out in all directions, and then the cracks were used as the boundary. Sudden sinking.

What a powerful force!

There was a feeling of numbness and numbness from his arm, Luo Lan grinned, brows furrowed, knowing that his strength had changed when he fought Broly, even if he responded in a hurry, his strength was stronger than before. Perfect normality is powerful, and there should be few people in the universe who can push him back.

Raising his head and looking at the other party, Luo Lan couldn't help being a little stunned after seeing the other party's appearance clearly.

The blond and blue-eyed Super Saiyan form has the same appearance as Sun Wukong, and there is a hideous scar on his cheek, and the identity of the other party is ready to be revealed.


Luo Lan exclaimed, and his mind was a little confused. He didn't expect that the Saiyan living in seclusion on Planet Plant was actually Sun Wukong's father, Bardock.

Wait, how could Sun Wukong's father be on Planet Plant.

Luo Lan's brain started running fast, and suddenly he remembered an original animation he had watched - "The Chapter of Bardock". It was a derivative work under the Dragon Ball worldview. It was originally a promotional animation for a certain game. .

In the story of "The Chapter of Bardock", Bardock did not die in the battle against Frieza. Instead, he was hit by the energy bullet released by Frieza and traveled to the past star Vegeta (Pran). Special Planet), in the plot, Bardock became a Super Saiyan in order to protect Planet Plant, and finally killed Frieza's ancestor "space pirate" Childe, and thus spread among Frieza's tribe. The legend about Super Saiyan.

Of course, because the story of "The Baddock Chapter" follows the TV original special "The Final Battle of Dragon Ball Z Alone", it conflicts with many aspects, so it is not included in the official history.

"That is to say, the world in which I practiced evolved from "The Chapter of Bardock". The person who killed the Demon Buu said by the Eastern Realm King God was Sun Wukong's father Bardock!"

After seeing Bardock, Luo Lan instantly figured out the cause and effect of the incident.

According to what the Eastern King God said, Bardock has been in this world for decades.

At this time, Luo Lan suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart. From the super-dimensional chaos of universes 16 and 18, to the current chapter of Bardock, it seems that the worlds owned by the whole king's outer domain are all deviating from the official history. Extra story, this may be the reason why it is called Outland.

Of course, these are just Luo Lan's guesses. As for whether his judgment is correct or not, there is no basis for it yet.


"You actually know my name!" Bardock was a little surprised. After so many years in this world, no one has been able to call out his name at once.

"Wait, are you a Saiyan?"

Looking at Luo Lan carefully, Bardock's face changed wildly. Although the appearance of the other party was a little different from the traditional Saiyan on Planet Vegeta, and the black hair seemed to be more wild, he still recognized the other party's race at a glance. .

"Yes, I'm a Saiyan. I didn't expect to meet you on Planet Plant."

Luo Lan noticed that Bardock's tail was actually red just like him.

"I didn't expect that there are still powerful Saiyans like you in this era." Bardock stared at Roland seriously, "I have been to the planet Sarada, but that planet has been destroyed, and only a few survivors have escaped. Come out, you are one of the surviving Saiyans, are the Saiyans about to move to Planet Plant?"

"No, although I am also a Saiyan from the Sarada planet, but not from this era."

Luo Lan shook his head, stared at Bardock and said word by word: "Seriously, I came from Star Vegeta, when Frieza destroyed Star Vegeta!"

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