Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 751 One Year

Luo Lan didn't know anything about what happened outside the distant time and space. He fell into a coma after Feng Lixi's icy blue energy entered his body.

This trace of energy entered every cell of the body with the circulation of Qi and blood, and then hibernated like a home.

On the Hanging Island, Bardock began to feel anxious when he saw Luo Lan entered the water polo for a long time and did not come out, but now he seems to be unable to do anything other than wait. as he continued to move forward.

"Since Luo Lan can go in, there should be no problem."

With this expectation in his heart, Bardock sat on the soft ground, and suddenly he thought of a problem - the aircraft was left on Planet Plant and he didn't bring it. He is alone now, and he doesn't even have food to supply. If something happens, how can he get out of here by his own ability?

Although it does not seem to be a problem to traverse the universe with his current strength, he does not have enough physical strength to persist to the next planet!

The more I think about Bardock, the more uneasy I feel in my heart.

"I knew I should learn some skills like space teleportation." Bardock smiled wryly, praying that Luo Lan would be safe.

After waiting for almost four hours, just when Bardock thought that something had really happened to Luo Lan, a strange ripple suddenly appeared on the surface of the crystal clear water polo.

Seeing Luo Lan, Bardock was obviously relieved and asked, "Why did it take so long to go in?"

"I passed out accidentally and just woke up." Luo Lan shook her head.

"What's the matter, is it okay to be healthy?" Bardock asked with concern.

Luo Lan frowned. He didn't feel any physical discomfort, and he didn't know why. Since he went in, he felt that his energy had become particularly abundant, and his thinking had become a lot more active. It is reasonable to say that he was mentally impacted, at least It should be sluggish for a while. Is it still good to be unconscious in front of the statue?

If so, do you want to do it again?

Heart shook his head.

Speaking of which, the statue is really pretty, and the skin and eyes are just like real people, so I don't know who the other person is!

"It's okay, I feel fine." Luo Lan replied.

"That's good."

Bardock breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, what's the situation with that water polo? What's in it?"

"There is a miniature palace, and the palace is enshrined with a statue of a mysterious woman. I just glanced at the woman and fell into a coma." Luo Lan recalled the situation he encountered. In fact, he himself also fell into a coma. It's vague, not sure what's going on.

At that moment, he only felt that his spirit and soul trembled suddenly, as if he had fallen into the boundless sea of ​​time and space, and even the dragon god energy in his body was violently churning at that moment.

One look made Luo Lan unconscious!

What kind of existence is this?

After listening to Luo Lan's description, Bardock couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"So there is an extremely scary guy enshrined in it?"

"At least the fifth-level sequence." Luo Lan nodded with a serious face.

The fifth-level sequence is also the angel level. It can make oneself fall into a coma with one look. The fifth-level sequence is the most conservative. Even Luo Lan thinks that the other party is very likely to be a super master of the sixth-level sequence. A master with the power of the second-level sequence, no matter how unbearable it is, it will not be able to resist a glance from the other party.

Is it the archangel level of the sixth-level sequence?

Luo Lan was not very sure in his heart. The strongest masters he had ever met were angels like Weiss and Vados. To be honest, even if it was an angel of the fifth-level sequence, he didn't know how strong he was.

Whether it is in the original book or in his own contact, the angels have always been mysterious existences that are invisible and unremarkable. No one has ever been able to force out their strength, and I don't know how strong they are.

For now, Angels such as Whis are undoubtedly the ceiling-level power in the seventh universe and even the entire king's world. Even a powerful God of Destruction cannot withstand their easy blow.

During this period of time, Bardock had heard from Luo Lan about the division of power levels, and knew the horror of the fifth-level sequence, so when he heard Luo Lan guessing that the opponent's strength was at least the fifth-level sequence, his expression changed. Suddenly became dignified.

"Do you think this place can stay?" Bardock asked cautiously.

Originally, I wanted to bring Luo Lan over to see some good things, but I didn't want such a huge secret hidden on this small floating island.

"Why not, have you practiced here before, as long as you don't enter the palace near the inside of the water polo, there should be no problem, and due to the influence of the ripples over there, this place can be said to be the most ideal cultivation place, it would be a pity to give up ."

"That's right." Bardock felt overly nervous.

At this moment, Luo Lan's fingers waved in the void, and a dimensional gate with sparks opened. Luo Lan took out a box of all-purpose capsules, opened the box, and picked a capsule containing a room, and threw it out. A relatively simple hemispherical hut appeared on the suspended island.

He also handed Bardock a capsule and said, "This capsule is for you, find a place."


Seeing this, Badak knew that Luo Lan planned to live here for a long time, so he took the capsule and set up a hut not far away.

"Please be my sparring partner for the next time."

"Haha, no problem, I can't ask for anything to play against a master like you."

He hadn't met an opponent for decades, and Bardock was very keen on high-level fighting. Even if Luo Lan didn't ask him, he would still find ways to fight.

So in the following days, Luo Lan began to practice on the floating island. Sometimes he would enter the water polo and sit in front of the inner miniature palace, but this time he learned well, and after entering, he closed his eyes tightly and did not look at it. That mysterious statue.

Sure enough, the coma never happened again, and he also found that when he practiced in front of the statue, the power in his body would surge more rapidly and increase faster...


Time passed unknowingly, and Luo Lan's strength steadily improved. At first, Luo Lan could only fight Bardock reluctantly, but then gradually became inseparable. his opponent.

one year later.


Two groups of bright rays of light collided in the universe, and the endless energy blew violently, sweeping away the debris in the starry sky. Luo Lan and Bardock were wrapped in scalding energy, and the scorching breath could evaporate everything.

After a brief stagnation, the two bright lights battled into a ball again, and the turbulent energy gradually affected the orbits of several distant planets.

"Bardock, my attack will gradually increase, you have to be careful." The sound entered the opponent's ears through special ripples, Luo Lan's palm turned into a fist, and the tip of the fist condensed a dazzling qigong wave.

"Star Cannon!"

The surging power suddenly erupted, and the blue qigong wave rushed out like a giant dragon, ignoring the distance of space, all the matter blocked in front of the high-heat energy, like goose feathers, burned out in an instant, and annihilated in the air. in strong energy.

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