Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 753: The Edge of the Universe

If you count yourself as having completed the first trial, it must be good news. After that, you only need to break the limits of the universe.

"By the way, the Realm King God, if I work with Badak to make a hole in the universe, will it affect the operation of the universe?" Luo Lan suddenly asked the Eastern Realm King God.

Dragon God Iran wants him to break through the barrier of the universe on his own, but to do this requires the power of the third-level sequence. Although Luo Lan is already the power god of the second-level sequence, but if he wants to reach the third-level sequence, it takes a short time. Can't do it within.

Since he couldn't break through the universe on his own, he could only choose to join forces with Bardock to make a hole at the edge of the universe, and he didn't know what the effect would be.

Hearing Luo Lan's question, the Eastern Realm King God was stunned for a moment, and replied obediently: "The universe itself is a completed system, it is different from the dimensional space like the underworld and the kingdom of heaven. If there is a hole in the universe, the rules themselves will be mobilized. The energy of the whole universe makes up for it, and generally it will not have any impact on the operation.”

No matter how big the hole created by human beings, to the vast universe, it is not even an eye of a needle, it is really insignificant.

Speaking of this, the Eastern Realm King God cautiously asked:

"You don't want to break the universe, right? It's impossible and impossible, how can this be done? As far as I know, there has never been a master who broke the realm of the realm king, let alone the universe. …”

The Eastern God King thought De Luo Lan was joking, but looking at the other party's serious expression, his face gradually became stiff, and a heart raised in his throat.

They don't really want to break the universe, do they! The Eastern Realm King God thought with a pale face.

Luo Lan smiled without saying a word, glanced at the Eastern Realm King God, and turned to Bardock, "Are you interested in trying it with me, maybe there will be unexpected results."

"Breaking the cosmic space, it sounds interesting."

Bardock showed a hint of interest.

He has long been bored with his current life, and he has not said that the masters are evenly matched, and he can't even find anyone who can hold his punch. Although Luo Lan's arrival has made him enjoy the fun of fighting, Luo Lan's Sooner or later, he will leave, and he does not want his life to return to normal again.

"Gu..." The Eastern Realm King God swallowed.

"If you really want to do this, I can take you to the boundary of the universe. Please don't explode the power beyond the capacity of space in the galaxy, because what you do is tear up the galaxy in the world, not the universe, but also There will be huge casualties.”

"We have our senses, so don't worry about the realm god."

Luo Lan has a star map of the seventh universe in his mind, which is generally similar to the universe here, with little difference, but even so, he only roughly knows the boundary position of the universe, and it is still unclear where it extends.

If the operation is wrong, it will be a big sin to affect the entire galaxy.

"Okay, you come with me."

The Eastern Realm King God glanced at Jabeet, and Jabbit nodded knowingly, then put his hand on the shoulder of the Eastern Realm King God, and disappeared from the universe with everyone.


The edge of the universe, in a vast expanse of darkness.

There is not a single star around. It is located in the extreme west of the Western Galaxy. The void is deep and dark. The dark red cosmic background is the same as other places. Looking around, it is suffocatingly empty.

Suddenly, there was a distortion in the cosmic space, and the pure white light flickered abruptly a few times. Jabeet brought the Eastern Realm King God and Luo Lan to the boundary of the universe.

"Here, this is the most boundary of the universe."

Hearing this, Luo Lan glanced forward, and beyond the so-called boundary, he could still see a faint ray of light that was still far away, which was the starlight of the universe.

Bowing his head, his mental power spread out, and Luo Lan was sure that he was indeed located further west in the Western Galaxy.

Bardock pointed to the distant starlight and said, "Isn't it the boundary of the universe, how could there be starlight there in the past?"

The Eastern Realm King Shen replied: "Because the universe is a perfect whole with bounds and bounds, no matter which direction you start from, you can't reach the edge of the universe. Only with the help of divine power, we can accurately locate the boundary of the universe."

"What do you mean?" Bardock couldn't understand.

"It means that if you walk in one direction, you will never reach the boundary of the universe. If you continue to go west, you may be greeted by the Eastern Galaxy." Luo Lan replied.

"That's what it means." The Eastern God King nodded and looked at Luo Lan unexpectedly. He didn't expect Luo Lan to understand what he meant.

Bardock scratched his head, not knowing why the universe has such a phenomenon, but Saiyans are not a scientific race, they never care about scientific principles and so on, as long as there is battle in life and delicious food , that's enough.

"Kaiwang God, please point out the specific boundaries of the universe!"


The King of the East Realm nodded, stretched out his finger and pointed in one direction, "The place 1,000 kilometers away in this direction is the barrier of the universe, aim there, don't hit it wrong, otherwise the energy will sweep into the galaxy, and it is very likely to cause the entire The turmoil of the Galaxy on Earth."

Luo Lan and Bardock wanted to break the universe. He, the realm god, had no room for objection, so he had to help them as much as possible without causing unnecessary damage to the universe.

"Bardock, get ready." Luo Lan's eyes were aimed at a place, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"no problem."

Bardock nodded vigorously, the golden light flashed, and he instantly turned into Super Saiyan 4. His body suddenly became tall, red fluff instantly spread all over his body, his eyes also changed from black to golden, and there was an extra circle of red around his eye sockets. bags under the eyes.

With a low voice, a strong energy burst out from his body.

The terrifying aura spread out, and the calm universe suddenly rolled up layers of folds.

Compared with Bardock's sharp-edgedness, Luo Lan's performance is much simpler, with silver-gray light attached to the surface of the skin. Although he is also wrapped in a terrifying energy, he is a god-level power of the first-level sequence. , slightly weaker than Bardock.

But don't underestimate Luo Lan because of this, to know his true power, even Bardock is very afraid.

The air whirled, and the chaotic air flow suddenly condensed together. Luo Lan and Bardock stood on the left and right in the void of the universe, and fierce energy rippled. The Eastern Realm King God and Jabeet stood beside them. This is them. For the first time, they felt the power above the god level at close range, and cold sweat flowed from their faces.

"Lord Kaiwangshen, let's stay farther away." Jabeet said with a trembling voice.

"Okay, okay."

The King of the East Realm nodded quickly, and the two quickly retreated hundreds of thousands of meters. The mighty energy was pressing on their bodies, and their bodies seemed to be filled with lead and were extremely heavy.

"What a terrifying momentum, even if it is so far away, it still makes people feel hopeless."

"If we got any closer we would be shredded directly."

"This is the first time I feel that I am so insignificant." The Eastern Realm King smiled bitterly, looking at Luo Lan and Bardock who were awe-inspiring hundreds of thousands of meters away, "There are still exiled Saiyans in the universe, I think You should pay attention to them, maybe there will be masters who can shake the universe in the future."


Jabeet had always looked down on humans before, but at this time he had to let go of his arrogance.

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