Ow! !

A long howl came from the blue world behind the universe.

With this dragon roar, the time and space of the entire universe seemed to have fallen into a stagnation, the dense purple clouds no longer filled the air, and the repair of the universe stopped.

Afterwards, a black claw stretched out from the broken place of the universe, and then in full view, the black dragon claw tore it with force, and the hole that was only more than 100 meters wide was suddenly torn apart. A pitch-black dragon with a dull metallic luster emerged from the crack.

It was a giant dragon about 10,000 meters long, and its body exuded an icy luster as black as iron.

"A dragon came out from behind the universe." Bardock stared at the giant dragon that appeared in front of him, his face full of astonishment.

"It should be here to pick us up." Luo Lan said calmly.

"Humans, are you the ones who passed the test?"

The loud voice sounded, the black dragon hovering in the universe, the huge body was like a mountain, giving people a heavy sense of oppression.

After the black dragon appeared, under the influence of the dragon's might on the opponent, the dragon god power in Luo Lan suddenly rioted, trying his best to suppress the rioting power in his body, Luo Lan raised his head to observe the dragon, it was a dark oriental dragon with a huge size , very similar to the Earth Dragon that he transformed.

"My name is Luo Lan, and I am a tester arranged by the dragon god Yiran." Luo Lan said to the black dragon.

"Oh, it turned out to be the arrangement of Iran-sama. Hello, I am one of the selection officers in charge of the 548th Dragon God selection. Apprentice Dragon God Gabu, congratulations on passing this selection!"

The apprentice Dragon God Gabu lowered his head and looked at Luo Lan and Bardock, who were the size of ants in front of him.

Just apprentice Dragon God?

Luo Lan looked at the other party in amazement. Although the dragon power on the other party was not as strong as the dragon god Iran, it was enough to overwhelm him. Such a divine dragon was only an apprentice dragon god. How powerful should a real dragon god be!

From this to the other, we can see what a world of powers like the clouds in Quanwang Outer Territory. The power of the apprentice Dragon God has already surpassed himself by so much. Involuntarily, Luo Lan is full of expectations for Quan Wang Outer Territory.

"Come on top of my head, and I will take you to the thirteenth district of the outer domain."

The apprentice dragon god Gabu looked at them.

"Okay." Luo Lan glanced at Bardock and nodded. The two flew to the top of the black dragon, then grabbed one of his black scales and sat down.

The head of the 10,000-meter-long black dragon is the size of a mountain, and Luo Lan and the others couldn't find a shadow when they stood up.

"Hurry up, we'll enter Outland now."

The apprentice Dragon God Gabu said calmly.

As soon as the voice fell, the majestic body circled in the vast starry sky, the cosmic space cracked again, Gabu raised his head and groaned, and flew towards the world outside the universe. Luo Lan's expression was slightly condensed, and she tightly grasped the scales on the black dragon's head.

Bardock turned his head to look at the universe he had lived in for decades, and thought that he might meet someone he knew in the future, and his eyes suddenly became firm.

"Ow!" He raised his head and shouted.


The apprentice Dragon God Gabu took Luo Lan and Bardock into a wider world, as if entering the ocean, a moist and sticky substance washed their cheeks, and brilliant colors continued to pass by. .

After Luo Lan and the others left the universe, the shattered space began to be repaired under the operation of the universe's rules, and the Zhuan Er space was restored to a level, as if nothing had happened.

But the whole process terrified the Eastern Realm King God and Jabeet who were observing Luo Lan and the others in the Realm of Realm Kings.

Both of them looked horrified. They looked at each other's faces. They just wanted to watch Luo Lan and the others, so that when they made a dangerous move, they could take action in time to save them, but they didn't want to see it. Such an incredible scene.

Realm of the realm of the king.

Jabeet looked at what was happening in the Nether in disbelief, with a complicated expression on his red face.

"There are really more advanced gods in the world than Kaiwang God!"

"I've never seen such a huge dragon before." The Eastern Realm King sighed, "Jebet, go to Namek, maybe you can learn something from the Namek people."

"Yes!" Jabbit nodded solemnly.

"Shenlong, Dragon God, God of Destruction, what secrets are there in this world..." The Eastern Realm King looked absently at the flat starry sky that had been repaired to the point of being spotless, and suddenly felt that the world he had been guarding suddenly became unfamiliar stand up.


A glittering and sparkling world, Luo Lan and Bardock rode the black dragon along the delicate chaotic matter like flowing water, and the splendid streamer flashed by in front of them. Same.

Outside the barrier of the universe, the concept of time has completely failed. Here, space and time have become meaningless. Between a breath, a moment may have passed, or an eternity may have passed. A bubble-like world floats in the azure blue space.

Luo Lan was riding on the head of the black dragon, unable to tell how long he had been in.

Until the black dragon spoke.

"There are 36 areas in the Outer Domain of the King. Our destination is the No. 13 God Star in the thirteenth district of the Outer Domain. It belongs to the edge of the Outer Domain of the King and needs to pass through many barriers." Apprentice Dragon God Gabu used a low voice. The voice introduced the situation of the whole king outland.

"The Outer Territory of King Quan is also under the jurisdiction of King Quan?"

"I can't see that you still know Lord Quanwang."

"That's right, the Outer Domain was also under the jurisdiction of the Quanwang a long time ago, but since the Inner Domain was broken, Lord Quanwang was only in charge of the Inner Domain world, and the Outer Domain was managed by the Dragon God Sarama, of course, the gods of the Inner Domain. If there is any need, we will cooperate fully.”

The apprentice Dragon God Gabu carried Luo Lan and the others through the dimensions, constantly flying towards the No. 13 God Star in the Outer Territory.

Luo Lan nodded.

Hearing the words of the Xilong God Gabu, it seems that some changes occurred in the Quanwang Cosmos system long ago. This change led to the fragmentation of the Inner Territory, and this effect has continued to this day.

Turning to the back of the azure blue space, in the direction of the inner domain, a large beautiful world is parked peacefully.

Suddenly, he seemed to see a complete world shattering constantly, from one to two, to three, to more, and then to a strange annihilation that finally merged into one, and then continued to shatter, over and over again.

Luo Lan didn't know why this happened. It seemed that a mysterious force was pushing the world to evolve.

"Who is King Quan in your mouth?"

Bardock asked in a low voice.

"The Quanwang is the god standing at the top of the whole universe. He and the great priests around him manage the entire King Universe system, and have the power to replace and obliterate the gods at will. Just like the universe you lived in before, Quanwang only needs a thought. Can kill..."

Luo Lan gave Bardock a general introduction to the situation of the whole king universe.

The Quanwang Zhou system is divided into the inner domain and the outer domain. The inner domain is ruled by the Quanwang, and the great priest is assisted. If the Quanwang is described as an authoritarian emperor, then the great priest is the prime minister who is in charge of the state affairs. There is no doubt that the Quanwang He and the Great Priest are the most noble gods in the entire universe.

At least among the All Kings and Universes, they are supreme.

After listening to Luo Lan's introduction to King Quan, Bardock felt that his lips were a little dry. Just a single thought can obliterate a universe, what a great god it must be.

Bardock didn't know that King Quan's character was like a child, otherwise he didn't know how he would feel.

"Master Quanwang is supreme in the cosmos, but Lord Salama is not bad, they are all the most advanced seventh-level sequence gods, it is because of the persistence of the two adults that the cosmos can be safe and sound. "

The voice of the apprentice Dragon God Gabu came.

Luo Lan's heart moved, and he thought of the world outside the cosmos of Quanwang. It seems that there is not much peace between the cosmos and the cosmos.

Recalling the different universes that I went to more than ten years ago (the original world of Little Sharu and Emma), the power of strangers and strange dragon gods was very repelled there. If Weiss hadn’t arrived at that time, he might have been there. Killed by Beaumont Frey, god of destruction.

"Gabu, are you the Dragon God of the third-level sequence?" Luo Lan asked.

"Hahaha!" Apprentice Dragon God Gabu laughed, and a deafening voice sounded in the dimension passage.

"No, although I'm only a trainee Dragon God, my strength is a solid fourth-level sequence. Hehe, the Dragon God's rank is no worse than that of an angel. The same trainee Dragon God has a huge gap in strength between them. "


Luo Lan exclaimed, and immediately became awe-inspiring.

The fourth-level sequence is the level of the God of Destruction. The little-known apprentice Dragon God in front of him actually possesses such a powerful power.

"Hey, don't be surprised, if you don't have such strength, how dare you protect the outer universe."

"There are countless powerful masters in Outland. Since you have completed the selection of the Dragon God Trial, that is, the talents sent through the Dragon God channel will become stronger in the future."

"The struggle in the Outer Territory of All Kings is fierce?" Luo Lan suddenly thought.

"It's been much better in recent years. It used to be very intense. You know Oleg, the god of destruction. He is a very great god of destruction. It's a pity that he fell in the battle with the enemy, otherwise he might have reached the fifth-level sequence. ." Speaking of Oregis, the God of Destruction, the apprentice Dragon God Gabu looked regretful.

After hearing the words of the apprentice dragon god Gabu, Luo Lan touched his chest. The power of the giant ape in his body came from Oregis, the god of destruction.

——His current situation is very similar to the Monkey King at the end of "Dragon Ball GT". In that story, Monkey King was eventually picked up by Shenlong.


After a long time, Luo Lan and the others penetrated the barrier of the world and finally "thumped" and entered an azure blue space.

A giant planet the size of the solar system floats in the very center of the azure space, occupying about one-tenth the size of the entire space.

That's the 13th star.

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