Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 765 Return to Universe 16

All Kings Outland, Universe 16.

The moon is like a silver plate, and the stars twinkle all over the sky.

Luo Lan returned to Universe 16 from Divine Star in the thirteenth district of the Outer Domain of All Kings. His mental power swept across the entire planet, but he did not find the aura of Sefilia and Meluria.

"Strange, not on Earth, did they go to other planets to play?" Luo Lan frowned.

At this time, two years have passed since the end of the super-dimensional competition. According to Luo Lan's estimation, they should have returned to Earth. Now that they have not found their breath, I feel strange in my heart. But even if they weren't on Earth, Luo Lan wasn't worried about their safety.

Syphilia, Meluria, and Emma are among the top experts, and there is no one in the Nether who is their opponent.

In order to find out where Syphilia and the others were, Luo Lan asked Vegetto to ask.

However, they found that a fierce battle was taking place in the direction of the Antarctic continent of the earth, which was a battle between two girls.

Both of them are shining with golden light. They are not very tall, but their aura is very strong. They are two young Super Saiyans.

The terrifying storm rolls over the anime Tianfengxue, illuminating the sky in the dark night. A few kilometers away from them, there are also several people who are watching a movie around them, commenting on their battles from time to time.

The two girls who were fighting looked exactly the same, it was A Bao from No. 16 and A Bao from Universe No. 18.

It turned out that two years ago, with the consent of the Great Realm King God, Veget, Sunbra, and the others borrowed the spaceship of the Varugas to go to Universe 18 to play. The members of the exchange group also came along and temporarily lived in Baozi Mountain under the care of Sun Wufan.

With Varuga's ships, personnel from different universes can communicate frequently.

The two Bao Bao will have a fight on a regular basis.

In order to distinguish the two, A Bao in Universe 16 is still called A Bao, while A Bao in Universe 18 took a nickname called "Xiao Fang".

In the sky, the two young Super Saiyans were fighting intently. With a flash of "咻", Xiaofang turned the wish-fulfilling stick in his hand, aimed at A Bao in Universe 16, and then quickly stretched out.

When A Bao saw this, his body hurriedly turned a corner in the air, dodging the blow of the Ruyi stick, then his body became short, a group of light and shadow flashed, and he quickly came to Xiaofang, clenching a small fist and bringing a powerful The momentum smashed down.


Xiaofang slammed the Ruyi stick in his hand, and A Bao's fist hit the Ruyi stick. The strong attack caused a huge whirlwind, and the energy wave swayed away, pressing a horizontal line on the ground.

Feeling the powerful power of the opponent's blow, Xiaofang's mouth twitched, her cute face suddenly changed color, and her emerald green pupils flashed.

A blue energy ball condensed in his hand, and then released it towards the other self on the opposite side.

"Hehe." Abao rolled his eyes, hehe smiled, a fist hit Xiaofang's energy ball, and when he turned his hand, a qigong wave was released.

"Turtle School Qigong!!"

The azure blue energy beam was close to Xiaofang's cheeks, and the fiery temperature shocked her. A Bao took the opportunity to seize the opportunity, moved flexibly, approached Xiaofang's side, and launched a series of attacks on the opponent.

Xiaofang was disturbed by A Bao's series of attacks, and she could only passively move to dodge because her strength was slightly lower.

Two beautiful lights and shadows hold up the long ribbons, turning back and forth before the sky and the ground...

"Recently, our Abao has made rapid progress, and the use of Super Saiyan power is getting better and better. This is all my credit. I trained her little by little." A smile appeared on Sun Buula's delicate cheeks in the distance. In this world, A Bao had the closest relationship with her.

Vegeta glanced at his daughter lightly, and said calmly:

"Xiaofang is not bad. Although she is not skilled enough to master the power of a Super Saiyan, it is very rare for her to become a Super Saiyan with only a quarter of the Saiyan bloodline."

"Sun Wukong and the others have a better understanding of martial arts than you. Don't look at the fact that A Bao is temporarily in the leading position. Maybe in a few years, Xiaofang will catch up."

In the past two years, Xiaofang's progress is obvious to all. From the beginning, he was not even a super saiyan, and now he is evenly matched with Abao. Xiaofang's progress is clearly visible. Even Veget is lamenting Sun Wukong and the others. way of teaching.

"Yeah, the father from another universe is very good at teaching people!" Sun Wufan supported the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and missed the days of training with Sun Wukong when he was a child.

"Hmph, I won't let A Bao lose."

Sunbra folded his arms around his chest, her lavender hair fluttered, and said in disapproval.

When Vegeta and Sunbra were arguing about which of the two Abaos was stronger in the future, the battle between the two girls came to an end, and in the end, Abao of Universe 16 was better and won.

"Hehe, I lost."

Xiaofang lost the game, gasping for breath, the Super Saiyan transformation was still too heavy for her.

"Huh..." A Bao in Universe 16 breathed a sigh of relief, returning to normal from the Super Saiyan state.

"You've made great progress, and I feel a lot of pressure."

"Hey, this is what Grandpa taught me well." Xiaofang stuck out her tongue.

A Bao raised his lips and said enviously, "I wish I could train with another grandpa."

After hearing this, Sun Buula had blue veins on his forehead, and his tone became unkind. He said sullenly, "A Bao, don't you like me teaching you?"

"Ah, no, Sister Bra's teaching is also very good!" A Bao quickly explained.


Sun Bla snorted coldly, with a very unhappy look on his face, thinking about how to repair A Bao next, it seems that as A Bao gradually grows up, his majesty in her eyes really weakens a little bit, how can this be? No matter how she said it, she was also from her aunt's generation, and it was unacceptable to be underestimated by the younger generation.

At this time, Luo Lan's figure appeared in front of Vejit and Sun Bula. Vejit's eyes lit up when he saw Luo Lan. It turned out that there was someone hidden beside him when he didn't know it.

"Luo Lan?"


"You're back!"

Vegetto slowly stepped forward to say hello, noticed Luo Lan's unusual shape, and his eyes were full of curiosity. Two years ago, he looked like a god-level Saiyan. Now the muscles on his body are a lot sparser, and his hair and eyes are also sparse. It turned crimson red, similar to Sefilia's red eyes.

"This is a brand new form? I can't feel any breath."

"The realm god has no breath."


Vegeta suddenly realized, and then wanted to fight Luo Lan with great interest.

Luo Lan naturally satisfies his wish, but if a fragile planet like Earth is used as a battlefield, the two of them will easily cause the destruction of the planet if they use their full strength, so the two of them just clicked and didn't use too much power.

The result naturally ended with Vegeta's defeat. Although Vegetto has also strengthened his training in the past two years, his disadvantage is quite obvious in the face of Luo Lan, the god of promotion.

After a battle, Vegeta gained some understanding of the state of the realm god.

Afterwards, Luo Lan told his own experience. When he learned that beyond the universe, there was the wider Outland of All Kings, whether it was Vegetto or Sunbra, his eyes became hot.

The gods of the All Kings Outer Territory, the masters are like clouds, that is the place they are looking forward to.

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