"Hahaha, the arrogant boy, he actually said that he is No. 17!"

Hearing Le Ping say that he is the android No. 17, Yuan Shalu sneered, staring at Le Ping with serpent-like vertical pupils, his eyes full of badness.

"Don't think I don't know who you are! Your name is Le Ping, one of Sun Wukong's accomplices. You are not No. 17 at all. Let No. 17 and No. 18 come out. I don't have time to play hide-and-seek with you."

"I'm really number 17!"

Leping shook his head. How could anyone believe the truth these days? And who is Sun Wukong, he never knew, this insect-like person in front of him is really strange, and he keeps saying something inexplicable.

"Seeing as you're not a good person, it's better to get rid of it early. I'm going to go on a date with Bulma!"

"Just because you want to do it with me?"

Yuan Shalu squinted his eyes when he heard the words, as if he heard a big joke, his face turned cold, and he said coldly: "When did the warriors on Earth become so arrogant, Leping, you are only their subordinate on the 17th. It's just a defeated general, don't be so self-righteous... Forget it, I will fulfill you if you want to court death."

"A stupid guy like Trunks, to be honest, a single finger is enough for me to deal with garbage like you."

"Oh, really?"

Looking at the other party's self-talk, Leping's mouth twitched, and his smiling face turned cold.

Primal Shalu looked at Leping coldly, and suddenly snorted, the air around him suddenly rustled, and a shocking and terrifying aura spread out from Shalu's body, and the cold and evil aura made the earth begin to shake.

Seeing this, Le Ping was surprised for a while, this arrogant guy has some skills.

But if you want to give in like this, you are wrong. Immediately, Leping is also the power to inspire him. A terrible power that is not weaker than the original Sharu burst out. The turbulent energy collided with Sharu's momentum, just like a calm There was a raging wind and waves on the sea, and the whole earth began to crumble, shaking constantly.

Feeling the terrifying power that erupted from Le Ping, Sharu's face froze, and the next second his expression became gloomy.

"Strange, how can the mere earthlings have such a powerful force!"

According to his estimation, Leping's combat effectiveness at this time was no less than that of No. 17 calculated by the computer.

"Could it be that he is really No. 17? But if that's the case, where is the real No. 17? Damn it, the world will not be without No. 17 and No. 18!"

With such a thought flashing through his mind, Sharu's face suddenly became ugly, and then he snorted angrily.

No matter what, let's deal with this annoying guy in front of me first.

"call out!"

A cold light suddenly flashed in Sharu's eyes.

The body suddenly became blurred from where it was, and when it reappeared, it was already by Leping's side. Although I don't know why Leping, who is not very strong in the data, has such a powerful power, at this moment Shalu just wants to get rid of him as soon as possible.

The steel-like fist was wrapped in a chilling white brilliance, Sharu stretched out his fist, and Huo Di attacked Leping.

I saw a flash of lightning flashing through the void, leaving behind an afterimage that was difficult to identify with the naked eye.

Seeing this, Le Ping was not to be outdone, the pale light wrapped around his body, stretched out his fist and attacked Sharu's attack in the face!


The smashing force collided with each other, and the two of them were shocked, and then quickly turned into two rays of light to separate.

Deng deng deng, after landing, Shalu withdrew dozens of meters in a row, carved a ravine more than half a meter deep on the ground, raised his head, and looked at Leping in disbelief.

The role of soy sauce in the data can actually resist him!

"Leping's strength is not below me, it should be impossible!" At this moment, Shalu was full of jealousy towards Leping!

Is he really number 17?

At this time, Sharu realized that he seemed to have come to a wrong time and space.

On the other hand, after fighting Sharu for a short time, Leping also realized that the strength of the strange creature on the opposite side was much stronger than Gula who came to Earth a few years ago.

"Damn, this guy is more powerful than Gula, and he can't deal with him without a little real effort."

Le Ping sighed, the endless power surged in his body, the crystal light shone on his body, and the combat power directly increased to 1.4 billion!

In this universe, Sun Wukong was discovered and shot down by Gula before he came to the earth, so the history has become different from the beginning - Ke Lin carried the turtle shell, inherited the name of the turtle fairy, and Leping became an artificial human , which is stronger than No. 17 in the original book.

Le Ping stared at Shalu with his dark eyes, his body sank slightly, made an attacking posture, and then suddenly started.

I saw a light and shadow flashed quickly, Sharu's face stiffened, his vertical pupils shrunk into a black spot, and he was surprised to find that the other party's trace had been lost in his field of vision, with a muffled "bang", A huge impact came from his chest, and the severe pain almost made him faint.

"Damn it!"

There was a string of bitter water hanging from the corner of Shalu's mouth, and he shouted with a savage expression, his two eyeballs were covered with bloodshots.

Because he came here through time and space, he has not regained his full power after he woke up.

"Langya Fengfengquan!"

Le Ping shouted, and a terrifying aura emerged from his body.

Like a lone wolf from the wasteland, it charged towards Sharu with a ferocious and bloodthirsty aura. Bang! Leping stomped on the ground with one foot, and with a violent trembling sound, the whole person shot like a stone bullet on a slingshot, and soon came to Shalu.

"Take my attack!"

Le Ping shouted ruthlessly, his five fingers bent like steel into claws, and his swift and ruthless movements hit Sharu's vitals.

"Hmph, how can I let you succeed!"

"Turtle School Qigong!!"

Sharu stared at the front, a cluster of cold light flashed, and the blue qigong wave was released.

After the Turtle School Qigong was smashed into a mist of energy flying around by the Langfang Fengfengquan, Shalu got close to Leping's side and started a close fight with him.

Langya Fengfengquan is strong and powerful, and is most suitable for close combat, but Shalu's melee combat is not bad, and coupled with his strong physical fitness, he was inseparable from Leping for a while.

But after a long time, Sharu realized that something was wrong.

——This Le Ping in front of him seems to have inexhaustible energy. After fighting for so long, the energy in his body has not weakened at all. If you look closely, you will find that his face has not changed, and he is as calm as ever.


in the temple.

The God of God looked at the battle between Sharu and Leping with a solemn expression, and the hand holding the divine scepter kept shaking.

"Where did the monsters fighting Leping in the lower realm come from? Why do I feel uneasy? I have never been so nervous since the Great Demon King Piccolo was resealed... This time the enemy is stronger than any one before. Powerful, will there be a problem with the earth?"

"God, don't worry, Qiqi and Tianjin Fan have already rushed over to help." Bobo said comfortingly.

"I'm afraid they are not the opponents of the green monster either."

The god gave a wry smile.

Heavenly God can predict the time of his own death, since he inherited the position of Heavenly God, he knows that the date of his death is this year. He originally thought that he would be dying, but Sharu's appearance made him feel uneasy for a while.

Death is not terrible, he is worried that the earth will be destroyed with him.


Popo stopped talking for a while, Kiki and the others are the backbone of protecting the earth, but to be honest, compared with the monsters below, their strength is still a lot worse.

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