Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 782 If you want to point us, I'm afraid it won't work!

"Ascari and Luo Fei are a little slack. When the Demon God Mummonman appeared on Earth, they were already close to Demon Buu's strength. Now more than two years have passed, and they are still like this, and their strength has not improved much. "

Luo Lan frowned, not very satisfied.

Saifilia said: "Probably there is no reference, and the progress of my own exploration has become slow."

Luo Lan shook his head and said, "Even if you are groping on your own, you should still make some progress. Martial arts practice may all follow the path designed by others. It's not about groping while cultivating."

Although Luo Lan was going to give instructions to Ascari and the others in their follow-up cultivation, his guidance was only to point the way, so that they would make less mistakes. It is not good for the future to let children lose the spirit of exploration.

The practice of martial arts lies in self-exploration, especially after reaching the realm of the gods, each step must be digging and comprehending by oneself, and others cannot help.

Syphilia has followed Luo Lan's practice to now understand this truth, so she is determined to keep an eye on Ascari and the others, and guide them to the correct practice.

The following heavenly martial arts will continue, and soon the final battle will come. Not surprisingly, Luo Fei and Ascari eliminated everyone, and No. 17 and Xiao Shalu were defeated in their hands. In the decisive battle of , Ascari edged ahead and defeated Luo Fei.

East Galaxy won the final victory.

"Okay, the martial arts meeting is over, let's go see them." Luo Lan stood up after the game.

"That child named Luo Fei doesn't know how to get along well!" Meluria muttered and stood up. Emma had seen Luo Fei a few years ago. Naturally, she was not as cautious as Meluria. body clothes.

"How many children, just like that, can they rebel!"

Taisi smiled and said: "It's not enough to rebel, they all get along very well."

Emma followed and said, "That's it!"

No. 18 looked at some of the wives with some amusing, her beautiful eyes flickered, she didn't know what she was thinking, and turned to look at No. 17 in the distance. No. 17 has neglected to exercise since she married Firth. But the performance was decent, and she didn't lose face.


On the high platform of martial arts.

The King of the Northern Realm cried out for his Bei Yinhe, "It's all the fault of the King of the Eastern Realm, the victory should belong to the Northern Galaxy, she stole my most powerful player, and it made me lose, it's too despicable It's gone!"

The Eastern Realm King Hongguang smiled and dismissed the Northern Realm King's shouting, "If you lose, you will lose, can you be a little bit responsible!"

"Humph!" The King of the Northern Realm snorted unwillingly, feeling even more heartache.

At this time, the Eastern Realm King turned his head to look at the Great Realm King and asked, "Lord Great Realm King, this time the Eastern Galaxy won the victory, do you know what rewards will be given?"

"Well, a batch of spiritual tree fruits has just matured on the Great Realm King. I can give you a small amount of Eastern Galaxy as a reward. Eastern Realm King, you must make proper use of these spiritual tree fruits. If you use them well, you can create a batch of them. A good expert!" The Great Realm King stroked his white beard and laughed.

Spirit tree fruit is a fruit that only gods can enjoy. Fruit trees need to be planted on the god star. If a spirit tree appears on the lower world planet, it will directly lead to the entire planet's life force being sucked dry, and then desertification, and no grass will grow for hundreds of years.

Knowing that his reward was a batch of spiritual tree fruits, the East Realm King immediately smiled, his chubby face smiling like a twist.

"Lord Great Realm King, thank you!"

"Hehe, no thanks." The Great Realm King waved his hand generously.

With this batch of spiritual tree fruits, the gap between Eastern Galaxy and other galaxies will be further widened. Regarding his choice to let Ascari and Xiao Sharu represent Eastern Galaxy, the Eastern Realm King felt that he was too prescient.

The King of the Northern Realm felt a little sour in his heart, and muttered: "Isn't it just the fruit of the Spirit Tree? It's not like I haven't seen it before!"

"What about the rewards for those players?" The Eastern Realm King continued to ask.

The Great Realm King laughed and said, "The players of the Eastern Galaxy can stay in Heaven for a while, and I will take the time to give them advice."

"Ah, that's really their luck!"

Dongjiewang is not flattering. In her heart, being able to get the advice of the Dajiewang is indeed a good thing that many people can't think of.

"The contestants of this year's Martial Arts Club are all very good, especially those in the world. It is rare to see such an excellent human being." The Great Realm King stroked his beard with satisfaction.

As the highest god in the entire galaxy, the Great Realm King is very free and easy by nature. He often does unexpected things, such as holding a few martial arts meetings from time to time to activate the atmosphere of the heaven. If he is happy, he will not be stingy. The winner makes some pointers.

Being able to get the guidance of the Great Realm King is the dream of many heroes in the kingdom of heaven.

The Great Realm King has been in the kingdom of heaven for an unknown number of years, and he has witnessed the evolution and development of the Milky Way. Experts like this martial arts conference are rare in history.

"The strength of those Saiyans is that they are no worse than the Demon Buu of the year. If they are properly cultivated, they can add a lot of justice to the universe." It depends on strength to talk about things. If he can lead some masters to the road of justice, then he will not be in vain.

"East Realm King, go and call the contestants from your side." The Great Realm King instructed the Eastern Realm King.

"Yes." The Eastern Realm King happily agreed.

The Great Realm King glanced at the Northern Realm King, and said in a majestic voice: "You also call the people from your side."

"Ah, okay." The King of the Northern Realm was stunned for a moment, a burst of ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face, and then he went to find Sun Wukong and the others.

Soon, Ascari, Xiao Shalu, Sun Wukong, Sun Bula, Luo Fei, No. 17 and others came to the Great Realm King. Looking at the most elite warriors in the Nether Galaxy, the Great Realm King nodded in satisfaction.

"Grandpa, what are you doing here with us?" Sunbra said in a crisp voice.

At this time, Sun Bula was only a little over 13 years old according to the age of birth, but with the time in the spiritual time room, she has actually grown into a big girl of sixteen or seventeen years old. She is tall and has a lilac hair With beautiful hair, Zhong Lingyuxiu, very youthful and energetic, it is almost the same as the Sun Bula that Luo Lan saw in another world.

"Bla can't be rude, the person in front of you is the great Great Realm King!" The Northern Realm King said quickly.

"It doesn't matter, my child, your name is Sun Bula. You are all excellent players in this competition, so the King of the Realm decided to give you some guidance and allow you to live in the kingdom of heaven for a while." The King of the Realm looked like said kindly.

"You want to point us, are you more powerful than my teacher?" Sunbra blinked brightly, her delicate face full of curiosity.

"You still have a teacher?" The Great Realm King was surprised.

The King of the Northern Realm explained: "Bula's teacher is a Saiyan named Luo Lan in my Northern Galaxy. At the same time, the Saiyan is also the father of Ascari and Luo Fei, and No. 17 is also his disciple. Besides, Luo Lan's wife Syphilia is also a very powerful expert."

The Great Realm King said in surprise: "Oh, there are so many amazing human beings in the Northern Galaxy. Why don't you let them come to the kingdom of heaven, and I can give them pointers."

The King of the Northern Realm opened his mouth and smiled bitterly: "Forget it, Luo Lan and the others are very powerful."

"No matter how powerful they are, they are not gods. I have a lot to teach them." The Great Realm King said solemnly.

"Great Realm King, if you want to point us, I'm afraid you are not qualified enough!" A strange voice came, a flash of light flashed, and several figures appeared in front of everyone, and the indifferent voice seemed to ring in the ears.

When the King of the Northern Realm heard the voice, his eyes shrank suddenly, and after seeing Luo Lan, cold sweat broke out all at once.

"These guys have really come to heaven!"


Ps: I recommend a book, "My Wife is a Quasi-Diva" by Blue Whale, the protagonist is a serious person, the kind who does not bow down in the face of beauty!

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