Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 789 The seed of the new generation (two chapters)

After solving the hidden dangers in Emma, ​​Luo Lan's worries were finally put down. Although it is said that the suppression of the gods of the realm is a temporary solution, it is already the maximum prevention. In the end, if you want to cure it, Emma is needed Become a demon on your own.

To advance from the devil to the devil, it is also necessary to understand the realm of God, which is a very difficult thing for Emma, ​​who made her debut halfway.

Fortunately, Emma is not in a hurry to become a god now.

"Luo Lan, your god's power is enough to advance to the third-level sequence, hurry up to reach the third-level sequence, and then you will be a top-ranked expert in the whole king universe."

Weiss looked at Luo Lan earnestly, and looked at him with a smile on his delicate eyebrows.

The promotion of the gods sequence is one level of sadness. There may be a lot of the first two-level sequences in the All-King Universe system, but once the third-level sequence is reached, the number of people will be greatly reduced, and the entire All-King Inner Domain will reach the third-level sequence. There are only a handful of masters, and each one is enough to represent the background of their respective universes.

When ranking the universe, the third-level sequence master occupies a greater weight.

The third-level sequence also has a non-regular title in the Inner Realm of All Kings, that is, the alternate God of Destruction, which is different from the apprentice God of Destruction, who represents the dimensional god position, and the symbol of the pure power of the alternate God of Destruction. Reaching this level means that Eligible to compete for the God of Destruction position.

It is conceivable how powerful the third sequence is.

Although the master who is serving as the God of Destruction must be the fourth-level sequence, but when no one can be selected, there is also a precedent for selecting the God of Destruction from the third-level sequence.

Right now, Luo Lan is only one step away from the third-level sequence.

Luo Lan said: "I will reach the third-level sequence as soon as possible. By the way, do I still need to go to the Extermination Star to cultivate."

"No need, Destroyer Star has no meaning to you." Weiss shook his head and said.

Destroyer Star is a place specially trained for fighting gods. After all the customs are cleared, the strength is probably the strength of the third-level sequence. Although Luo Lan's current realm is still the second-level sequence, but with the strong divine power and freedom within the body. Power, in fact, is not weaker than ordinary third-level sequence realm gods.

From this point of view, it doesn't matter if you go to the Extinguishing Star or not.

"The key to the cultivation of the realm gods lies in personal understanding. Others can't help you with this. At present, you have mastered the zodiac state of freedom in the ultimate mind art, and your strength is comparable to the third-level sequence. Next, you should further study the state of freedom. "

"After you learn to be in the extreme state of freedom, and the realm is also raised to the third-level sequence, your overall strength may be comparable to that of an ordinary God of Destruction."

The God of Destruction also has different levels, and the evaluation is not low.

"Are you at the extreme, I know!"

Luo Lan muttered and nodded.

The Ultimate Freedom Technique belongs to the few divine imperial skills that can enhance the fighting ability. The God of Destruction, Beerus, is not completely mastered either.

Weiss had taught Luo Lan the method of cultivating the back two realms of the ultimate freedom, but due to the realm at the time, Luo Lan only comprehended the lowest realm of freedom, but this is true, this magical The God's Royal Skill also played a very important role in the battle.

Luo Lan is looking forward to how she will improve after she realizes the extreme state.

We also chatted with Weiss about some cultivation matters. When we reached Luo Lan's realm, many things were clear at a glance. For some of the questions raised by Luo Lan, Weiss carefully answered them, which made Luo Lan feel a sudden realization.

While Whis was training Askali and the others, Luo Lan stood by and watched, feeling the lower-level training again, and he had a different feeling in his heart.

Slowly entered the practice.


While Luo Lan was immersed in cultivation, Emma got the remaining 50 shares of the realm god power and ran to do the experiment.

The results of the experiment were very satisfactory, and soon achieved the effect she expected.

Under the blessing of the gods and gods that contain life energy, the omnipotent cells, which were relatively inert under the restrictions of the universe, immediately showed amazing vitality. Emma compared the data and estimated that this intensity of life vitality was already bearable. Powerful genes from Luo Lan.

When he told Luo Lan about the results of the experiment, Luo Lan suddenly showed expectant eyes.

"Is this all right?" Luo Lan asked, looking at the two tubes of emerald green solution prepared by Emma.

I don't know how much the same potion has been made before, and the effect is always unsatisfactory.


Emma's mouth was raised, her face flushed, "This is the result of my research day and night, and it is guaranteed to be effective. You can ask Feluria to give it a try."

"The fusion time of Metamoral Fusion is only 30 minutes. This magical solution can promote the growth of cells and shorten the formation time and implantation time of fertilized eggs to the maximum extent. Once new life is conceived in the body, the rules of the universe are With the adjustment, the fusion time can be extended.”

Luo Lan was a little uneasy to tell the truth, so she asked Wes.

"Is that the way Weiss?"

Weiss replied: "That's right. The reproduction of life is the most basic and most important rule in the evolution of the universe."

"As long as it's not an event that touches the foundation of the universe, everything is just as Miss Emma said. The fusion technique of the Stars of Medamore is only a secret technique after all, and it is not enough to meet the rules of the universe, so its timeliness is in Life is very fragile in the face of reproduction.”

In other words, if Feluria is really pregnant, it will indeed prolong the fusion time as previously guessed.

After getting Weiss' accurate answer, Luo Lan felt relaxed.

Weiss looked at Luo Lan with interest.

Luo Lan now only has two children, Luo Fei and Ascari. In his opinion, it is still too few. The blood of the strong can give birth to excellent offspring. If Feluria can really give birth to a child for Luo Lan, what is the difference between them? For the seventh universe, it is definitely a good thing.

With the powerful genes of Luo Lan's second-level sequence, and the strength of Feluria, who is also a second-level sequence, it may give birth to a child with unlimited potential.

Thinking of this, Weiss also looked forward to it.

"Luo Lan, you should take your wives back to the planet Sarada. Ascari and the others are with me, and I will train them well for you." The implication is that they don't waste time here, hurry up Go back and make babies.

Hearing Weiss say that, Luo Lan's face was also a little embarrassed. Seeing Emma smiling beside her, Luo Lan glared at her fiercely.

After thinking about it for a while, it is no longer hypocritical: "In this case, everything will trouble you."

Weiss smiled: "It's okay, it's just a little effort."

"Emma, ​​don't follow me back."

Reaching out and grabbing Emma's arm, Luo Lan took her to Syphilia and Meluria, and told them the news of the successful research on the magical potion. The faces of the two women couldn't help showing a look of joy, which was fascinating. His eyes seemed to be dripping with water.

They have been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Syphilia, wait a moment for you guys to come first, if it succeeds, it will be my turn." Emma took the initiative to give priority to Syphilia and Meluria, and made a cheering gesture towards them. .

Syphilia curled her fine lips and her cheeks were slightly red, but she did not refuse.


It has been more than ten days since he returned to the planet Sarada. During this time, Luo Lan took Syphilia and the others to play in the mountains and waters, cultivate their feelings, and do some pleasant things in their spare time.

Snow-covered mountains, a hemispherical hut stands on the mountainside.

The north wind was cold and it was snowing heavily.

The white snow covered the mountains, and it looked like it was covered in silver. The light in the hut was transparent. Feluria and Luo Lan stared nervously at the pointer on the alarm clock to calculate the time.

The hands of the clock ticked, and soon after thirty minutes passed, Feluria did not appear to be separated.

Feluria said dumbly: "I didn't separate, so that means our experiment was successful?"

Luo Lan breathed a sigh of relief: "It should be!"

Emma said in a sweet voice: "I said long ago that I can't be wrong. You see, Feluria is not separated, which means she is pregnant." Then she took out a simple detection device, "For accurate confirmation, Let’s do a full body check, Feluria, come with me.”

The two entered a small room together, and soon came the excited laughter of Feluria.

After walking out of the room, Emma tangled up, took out Feluria's test report, and swayed in front of Luo Lan: "Haha, I'm really pregnant."

"Really?!" Luo Lan said in surprise.

"Look at it if you don't believe me." Emma handed Luo Lan the test report in her hand. Luo Lan picked it up and looked at it, and found that she couldn't understand the data at all.

"Is the report accurate?"

Emma puffed up her cheeks and said, "You have to trust my technique, I'm a biologist, how could this little test go wrong? You see that Feluria is not separated, and the data on the test report clearly verifies this, Feluria is definitely pregnant."

"This speed is too fast..." Luo Lan laughed.

The formation of an ordinary human fertilized egg generally takes 24 hours, and it takes a week for implantation in the body. Feluria completed all this in just 30 minutes, which is fast enough!

Emma proudly said that this was the result of her experimental research. Luo Lan and Feluria immediately praised her for a while. Emma smiled until her eyes were crescent-shaped, and her fair cheeks outlined a beautiful arc.

The test was correct, and Feluria was indeed pregnant.

Next, you only need to rest assured to raise the baby and wait for Feluria to give birth, which means that she will soon become a father again.

Suddenly, Luo Lan thought of something, frowned and said, "Feluria won't be separated because she is pregnant, but after she gives birth, she will be separated into Syphilia and Meluria, how will the milk be? manage?"

Luo Lan's question made the two girls a little dumbfounded.

Indeed, this question is tricky enough.

"Do Saiyans need milk?" Feluria tilted her head. After the baby is born, it's okay to put it in the nursery cabin. Moreover, given her own situation, the future baby may be with Meritis. Like her daughter Alice, even training can be omitted.

"Don't you need it?"

"Of course not."

Only then did Luo Lan realize that he was treating Feluria as an ordinary human being, scratched his head, and said, "I forgot that your situation is different from Taisi."

I can't blame Luo Lan for such worries, even though he has two children now, but in fact, Askari picked it up, and Luo Fei is a half-blood. How to take care of a real pure-blood Saiyan after birth, He didn't know at all.

"Hee hee, Luo Lan, Feluria is pregnant, should it be my turn next?" Emma looked at Luo Lan with watery eyes, her azure blue eyes were very seductive.

"Hmm, no problem."

Luo Lan nodded and agreed, Emma was very positive in this regard.


In the next few months, Feluria's belly grew slowly, and when Ascari and Luo Fei knew that they were about to have a younger brother or sister, they both showed their expectant expressions.

They are more concerned about what level the younger brother or sister will reach after they are born.

It's not like they were born god-level. In that case, the two brothers and sisters would not be able to raise their heads in front of their younger siblings. In order not to lose face in front of their future younger siblings, Askali and Luo Fei practiced with great care, and even brought them together. The 17th and 18th also worked hard.

"Mother Feluria's belly is getting bigger and bigger." Sunbra, who has grown into a young girl, touched Feluria's belly and listened to the voice inside.

"What can you hear when you're only a few months old?" Feluria's soft voice sounded as she flicked her finger on Sunbra's forehead in a funny way.

Touching the flicked forehead, Sunbra smiled and said, "Learn more."

Feluria said: "You can also have a child in the future."

Sun Bula's head shook like a rattle, and Nuo Nuo said, "I can't do it, I'm still too young, and my mother will kill me if she finds out."

"Who told you to give birth now, it will be almost in a few years." Feluria looked at Sunbra's reaction speechlessly. Even after spending several years in the Spiritual Time Room, Sunbra is still not an adult. , Although it looks like she has grown up, it is still too early for her to have a child.

He turned to look at Askari, who was smiling beside him.

Feluria's face sank, this daughter is not too young, and she doesn't seem to care about her life-long affairs at all. Every time I talk to her, she always looks like she despises all beings. If this continues, she may end up alone in the future. .

"Ascari..." Feluria sighed deeply.

Forget it, she can't control this child!

Ascari shuddered suddenly, frowned, and brushed the hair around her ear, wondering who was cursing her.

Compared to Feluria's wish that things came true, Emma was a little depressed. Although she was with Roland every night for several months after Feluria was pregnant, she didn't know why her But the stomach has never responded, and there is no sign of pregnancy at all.

"It's really enviable!" Emma leaned against the fence with her arms crossed and her back against the fence.

No. 18 walked over with a piece of watermelon while nibbling on it. Looking at Emma's depressed face, he asked curiously, "Auntie, do you really want to have a child?"

"Of course, I've wanted it for a long time."

"You won't die in the future. What's the use of having children."

No. 18 looked puzzled. The purpose of having children is to inherit the family, and he will not die. It seems that there is no need to have children.

"You don't understand." Emma's clear eyes glanced at No. 18. This woman with exactly the same face as herself was still in a carefree state, how could she know her thoughts!

"I don't really understand!" No. 18 shrugged, took a small bite of the watermelon, and brought it to Emma's mouth: "Would you like a bite."

"No need." Emma shook her palm.

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