Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 793 Sun Wukong's Super 3!

Earth, above a giant cruise ship.

Because today is Sun Wutian's birthday, Bulma specially built a luxury cruise ship and invited all her friends on earth to party on her cruise ship. For the second lady of the Universal Capsule Company, who is worth unlimited, the cost of building a cruise ship is only a drop in the bucket. .

On this day, Turtle Immortal, Oolong, Dr. Brives's family, Kelin and Lanfang's family all gathered on the cruise ship, and even Kiki and Suno, the two goddesses of the earth, also took time out to attend the party.

The warm wind on the sea brought a touch of coolness, the smell of the ocean permeated the nose, and the turtle fairy lay comfortably under the sunshade fan, looking at the graceful waitress who came and went, both eyes were staring out.

"It's the life of a rich man!"

Immortal Turtle stretched out in happiness and peeked around.

"Don't think I didn't know that you secretly participated in the 28th World's No. 1 Martial Arts Club last year. I wanted to win the championship, but I didn't expect that I didn't even enter the quarterfinals!" Oolong's mocking voice came.

Turtle Immortal took off his sunglasses, "Hmph, that's what I let them. If I want, it's easy to get into the quarterfinals."

"Cut, stop deceiving yourself, old man, your time has passed."

"I'm not arguing with you."

Turtle Immortal glanced at the beauties around her.

Oolong glanced at the Turtle Immortals contemptuously, who didn't know that under the leadership of Qiqi and the others, the Earth Martial Arts world has been reborn in the past ten years, young elites have been emerging, and there are many masters with a combat power of more than 1,000. There are hundreds of Turtle Immortals. The combat power is only enough to make soy sauce in it.

Seeing the blue-haired Lan Qi walking over with a drink, Wulong raised his glass and shouted, "Lan Qi, please pour me a glass of juice!"

Lan Qi, wearing a green short skirt, came over after hearing Oolong's shout, and filled his glass with drinks.

"Please take it slow." Lan Qi smiled sweetly.

"Miss Lan Qi is still gentle. I have known you for so many years and you are still so cute!" Oolong praised Lan Qi's appearance while drinking a drink. The traces of time seemed to have no effect on Lan Qi. Lan Qi has not aged at all in these years. .

Lan Qi said gently: "Because the teacher often gives me magical fruits."

"What fruit is so magical?"

"The red one is called the fruit of the spirit tree."

"I haven't heard of it." Oolong thinks he has a lot of knowledge, but he really doesn't know the name of the fruit that Lan Qi said.

Lan Qi smiled lightly on her pale and jade-like cheeks. She was a disciple of Syphilia. Although the status of this disciple was obtained by the blond Lan Qi, she has now developed in the direction of a maid, but she is still in Luo Lan. The status of the family is actually quite high, and the fruit of the spirit tree can be eaten as fruit.

Thanks to the abundant vitality in the fruit of the spirit tree, Lan Qi's lifespan has been greatly increased, and she is still the same as a girl after so many years.

At this moment, a beam of colorful rays penetrated the void and landed, and Luo Lan landed on the yacht with her two daughters in her arms.

As soon as they landed, the energy on Feiya and Noya put a lot of pressure on everyone on the boat. Looking at the people who were sweating profusely under the pressure, Luo Lan quickly used divine power to build a protective layer, isolating the two The child's external atmosphere.

The pressure suddenly decreased, and Ke Lin's pale face returned to blood, and he said with a horrified expression, "Two young children put me so much pressure."

"That's Luo Lan's daughter!"

Tianjin Fan smiled bitterly.

Look at the blond hair of the two children, they are obviously Super Saiyans, with an energy value of more than 100 million, how could their fighting strength of millions be able to resist.

"Luo Lan, how come you are free?" Taisi smiled and waved to Luo Lan.

Taking the two little girls carved in pink and jade from Luo Lan's arms, Fiya and Noah lay obediently in Taisi's arms, two pairs of bright eyes looked at her, and they called out "mum". Nuo Nuo's voice called Taisi with joy, Luo Fei had never been so well-behaved when she was a child.

"I heard that Bulma was holding a banquet and came over to see. Have Wukong and Piccolo returned from the kingdom of heaven?" Luo Lan looked around and couldn't see the figure of Sun Wukong.

"Well, I'm back. Now I'm going to Wuxingshan to invite his grandfather."

At this moment, a wisp of abundant breath suddenly appeared.

Said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao would arrive, and Sun Wukong rushed over in an instant. He was accompanied by Sun Wufan in an orange coat and Taishang Laojun in a red costume.

The time for people from the underworld to return to the world is only 24 hours. The last time Sun Wufan entered the world was when Sun Wukong got married. At the time of Sun Wutian’s birthday, Sun Wufan also rushed over.

When he saw Luo Lan, Taishang Laojun frowned suspiciously, feeling a strange coercion faintly exuding from the other party's body, this coercion can only be felt by the gods.

"Lord God?" Taishang Laojun asked uncertainly.

Luo Lan nodded: "Yes."

Taishang Laojun immediately knew that the young man in front of him had indeed become a god, and his attitude became more and more cautious. Luo Lan knew that this was because of the oppression brought by the divine power on his body, so he simply went with the other party.

His eyes turned to Sun Wukong, and a pair of sharp eyes seemed to see through the other party.

"The strength has increased, and it seems that the gains in the kingdom of heaven are not small."

Sun Wukong smiled: "I was discovered by you. Lord Dajie Wang is really a great master of martial arts. Under his guidance, I mastered the transformation skills of Super Saiyan 3."

"My eyes can see through everything."

Luo Lan pointed to his red eyes. This skill is a kind of divine skill, and even the level of the divine sequence can be seen through. For a mortal like Sun Wukong who has not even reached the divine sequence, it is even more accurate to look at it. .

Sun Wukong opened his eyes wide and asked curiously, "Luo Lan, your hair is even redder."

"It's not just you who made breakthroughs, I also made breakthroughs." Luo Lan laughed complacently.

"It's amazing!" Sun Wukong exclaimed and said in distress: "I thought I could get closer to you, but I didn't expect you to become stronger again."

"If you want to catch up with me, you have to work harder." Luo Lan patted Sun Wukong on the shoulder.

"Well, you're right."

Sun Wukong nodded firmly.

Luo Lan smiled when he saw it. If it were someone else who saw such a big gap, he might have given up long ago, but Sun Wukong is different. He has a toughness that others don't have. The bigger the gap, the more motivated his fighting spirit is. Every time you encounter a strong enemy, you can become more and more brave and continue to surpass the opponent.

"By the way, your Super Saiyan 3 can be cast in the world?"

"Yes, although it takes a lot of physical strength, but like you said before, any state has value, and I am slowly modifying it."

"Well, don't limit yourself to the Super Saiyan state, try to change it and convert it to the state that suits you best." Luo Lan nodded and said.

Whether it's Super Saiyan 1, 2, 3, or Super Saiyan full power, Super Saiyan super power, or Super Saiyan full power state, it's just a difference in battle mode, and different people have different Use varies from person to person.

Luo Lan is suitable for Super Saiyan super power, Broly is suitable for full energy state, and Sun Wukong, for him, Super Saiyan 3 is the most suitable mode for him.

"I know." Sun Wukong said firmly.

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