Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 796 Stones brought by Yakilobe

The coercion of the gods in the third-level sequence realm is very terrifying. Even the Great Realm King can't help but sweat cold in the face of such coercion. The apprentice Dragon God god position, this god position is no worse than the God of Destruction.

Piccolo was just a planetary god on earth in the past, and when he was caught off guard by the divine power revealed by Luo Lan, he suddenly felt as if the whole sky had collapsed.




All kinds of unbelievable emotions flooded into his heart, and the difference in dimension made him overwhelmed, and Piccolo even wondered if he was dreaming.

"As expected of a person who even Lord Great Realm King should treat politely, he is too strong."

Piccolo didn't know what level of deity Luo Lan was. Why did he break into a cold sweat just by looking at it from a distance? While he was shocked, he was glad that the relationship between the other party and the earth was still close, otherwise such a powerful character When he came to earth, he didn't know what attitude he should take.

"Bick, how did Senior Brother Wukong burst out with such a strong power just now..." Qiqi walked over with light steps as she spoke, her black hair falling naturally.

Piccolo replied, "He's challenging Luo Lan?"

"Why don't you see Luo Lan's breath..." Qiqi was stunned for a while, and realized that there was no trace of breath on Luo Lan's body at all.

"How long has Senior Brother Wukong persisted?"

Qiqi asked curiously, she didn't ask if Sun Wukong had won, because she knew that Sun Wukong was definitely not Luo Lan's opponent.

Piccolo shook his head and said in shock, "I didn't take a single move."

"Ah, the difference is so big."

Qiqi's eyes widened immediately. You can see how strong Sun Wukong is from the earth-shattering aura just now. Such a powerful force can't be beaten in Luo Lan's hands.

Piccolo gave a wry smile, where there was no way to make a move, it was simply the end of the battle at the beginning.

"Who knows what realm Luo Lan is in now."

"Yes, Luo Lan's power is beyond our imagination. You don't know that his two daughters are already Super Saiyans when they were born. Although they look very immature, if they really fight, I am not at all. opponent."

When it comes to Luo Lan's two daughters, Kiki's tone is full of incredible.

The transformation of Super Saiyans belongs to the power of blood. Fia and Noah have inherited the excellent genes of Luo Lan, Feluria, and Emma, ​​and they are several levels higher than others from the beginning, which is why Ascari and Luo Fei ran to destroy the reason for their cultivation in the God Realm, for fear of being surpassed by the two younger sisters!

"We have never seen through Luo Lan's strength." Piccolo sighed.

"Yeah!" Kiki nodded in agreement.

"By the way, today is Wutian's birthday. Why don't you go to the banquet? Bulma invited you."

Piccolo said lightly, "I don't like being with children."

Qiqi smiled sweetly, "Is it because I was afraid that Wutian would entangle you like Bula when he was a child, you have never been able to do anything to children."

Piccolo's face darkened, he snorted coldly and did not speak.

At this moment, a pair of hands stretched out from the hanging ladder on the side of the temple, and a fat man in primitive clothes climbed up to the temple, "Oh, I finally climbed up, it's not easy to go to the temple every time."

"Yakilobe, why did you go to the temple?"

Kiki looked at the person in surprise.

This fat man named Yakilobe once practiced in the temple for a period of time, and also published a training course on the introduction of martial arts, but this person was very lazy, after staying in the temple for a while, he went to the lower realm, completely Not as diligent as Upa, who was at the same time as him.

"You think I want to come, of course I have something to come to you." Yakilobe sorted out his clothes and patted off the dust.

"What's up?"

Yakilobe took out a half-corroded stone, "Look at this, I found this in the forest where I live in seclusion. There are many more there. The whole mountain top was melted with a big hole."

"What is this?"

Kiki took the stone from Yakilobe's hand, the surface was a little scorched, the molten edge showed a dark purple color, her beautiful eyes looked carefully, her eyebrows like willow leaves were slightly condensed, and she felt from the stone. There was a vague aura, a bit like the aura of a demon.

Could there be demons entering the earth?

Kiki couldn't help but doubt.

"No, this is not the breath of the demons." Piccolo said solemnly, "Although the breath of the demons is also dark, but not so obscure, the breath on this stone makes me feel very bad."

"You just said it was found in the forest where you live?"

"Yeah, there's a lot more there. I didn't know what it was and I felt something was wrong, so I sent it here to show you guys." Yakilobe said truthfully.

"There are no traces of demons found on the earth!" Kiki sensed the breath of the lower realm.

"It seems necessary to investigate."

Piccolo and Kiki realized the seriousness of the problem at the same time. If it was a demon, it meant that a demonic channel somewhere on the earth might have been opened again. If not, it would be a big deal. Anyway, Piccolo decided to investigate for himself.

"Kiki, you and Suno are watching the situation in the lower realm in the temple, and I will go to the place where he found this kind of stone with Yakilobe."


Kiki nodded solemnly.


While Piccolo and Kiki were investigating the strange stone discovered by Yakilobe, Bulma's birthday party for Sun Wutian had ended, and Kelin, Tianjin Fan, and Turtle Immortal went back to their homes.

After Sun Wukong knew the gap with Luo Lan, not only did he not get discouraged, but instead worked hard to cultivate in a stronger direction.

On this day, Fiya and Noya were entrusted to Emma to take care of them. Luo Lan left for Universe 6. Broly and his wife had been in Universe 6 for several years. This time Sun Wukong asked about Broly. I finally thought I should take a look.


The movement of the gods was suddenly activated, and the colorful rays of light carried Luo Lan through the barrier between the universe. After learning the "God's Movement", the imperial skill of the gods, even without the help of Weiss' shuttle cube, Luo Lan still has the ability to be free. Between the universes.

The sixth universe, the planet Sarada.

At night, the palace is brightly lit.

Merutis sat on the queen's seat boredly, looking at the members of the royal family who were honing their fists collectively in the square in the distance, and hit a Hache a little bored. During the time that Meluria was away, Meritis temporarily took the Queen's job, and this generation lasted for several years.

"Meluria hasn't come back for so many years, wouldn't she want to throw the queen's job back to me?" Her hand dragged her chin, Meruteus thought unhappily.

How can the work of the queen be interesting in practice.

Merutis had been outside for several years, but she really did not want to return to the life of dealing with government affairs all day long. She quietly looked at the other royal families, thinking in her heart whether she should choose an heir from among them.

Well, the cultivation of heirs should indeed be on the agenda.

Califla, no, this person is too arrogant and domineering, let her rule the planet Sarada, the Saiyans have to fall.

Gabe, a representative figure in the new generation, has good strength and can be listed as the object of investigation.

If I knew earlier that I shouldn't have transferred Alice's household registration from Universe 6 to Universe 7, I hope that Meluria can give birth to a child soon!

Merutis was looking for the next Saiyan king. Suddenly, a colorful glow came from the night, and the shining light illuminated the entire palace. Merutis saw that the person who came was actually Luo. Lan stood up from the seat in a hurry.

"Why are you the only one here?" Merutis looked around and couldn't see Meluria, and she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

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