Ring Ring Ring!

The rushing bell rang in the office, breaking Casseral's leisurely vacation life. Casseral picked up the phone, and a cold voice came from the other end:


Hearing this voice, Casseral's body immediately stretched straight, and he said in a loud voice, "Jillian, what do you have to do with me?"

The person looking for him is Jiren, the main member of the proud team. He is usually taciturn, but his strength is well-deserved and the strongest in the entire team. Even the captain Toppo, known as the alternate God of Destruction, is not his opponent, Casella. Although Er is also the main force, his strength is far from Jiren's.

Jiren has an aloof place in the team.

"You are in charge of Planet Zokun, right?" Jiren's faint voice sounded.

"I am in charge."

"Give it to someone else first, I have a task for you."

Casseral quickly asked what the mission was, and Jiren replied that it was to destroy a strange magic vine. It turned out that when a spacecraft passed through an old and dead star system in the southern star field not long ago, it was attacked by a strange magic vine. Half of the body of the magic vine was deeply rooted in the void, without roots and stems, and it was surprisingly large.

Whenever a spaceship passed by it, it would launch a shocking attack on the spaceship, and the cosmos who found it was worried that it was a new monster, so they reported the information to the proud team.

"...The magic vine may be a new type of monster. You go to investigate and confirm it and destroy it. If there is anything you can't handle, please contact me. I will retreat on a nearby planet." Jiren said the matter simply. introduced.

"Understood, I'll go to investigate."

Knowing what happened, Caseral replied with a serious face.

"Okay, that's it, my communicator will always be on, goodbye." Jilian finished explaining in a few words, and hung up the phone before Casselaar asked again.

Hearing the blind tone from the other end of the phone, Casselaar was stunned for a moment. He secretly said that Jilian was still so decisive, and his contact with the team members was so cold. He was about to ask about the other party's situation, but Jilian had already hung up. Telephone!

"It's still a loner as always." Casseral sighed secretly.

Forget it, let's investigate that strange magic vine first.

Casseral's face became serious, he adjusted the beret on his head in front of the mirror, then took off his suit and put on the extremely coquettish red and black tights of the proud team, and put on the white gloves that symbolized justice, um. , Perfect, Casseral looked at himself in the mirror, his temperament suddenly changed, and the majestic momentum was released.

The rich boss's appearance immediately became capable.

After getting on the aircraft and setting the destination, Casseral pressed the start button of the spaceship, and along with a wisp of arrogance sprayed out from the bottom of the spaceship, the outline of the planet Zokun became farther and farther away, and with a bang, it turned into As a flash of light disappeared at the end of the starry sky.

"Hey, Quincy!" Casseral clicked the communicator in his ear to get in touch with another teammate of the team.

"What's the matter, Casseral."

"I received a communication from Jiren, and I want to go out to deal with a matter. You will sit on the planet Zokun for me first." Cassellar said the matter again.

"Okay." Teammate Quincy readily agreed.

"Thank you."

Casseral thanked him, then folded his arms and closed his eyes to rest his mind. The aircraft has entered the auto-pilot mode, and he does not need to operate it, just recharge and reach the destination.

Thanks to advanced navigation technology, each member of the pride team is equipped with the most ultra-high-speed spacecraft, and it only takes a dozen hours to fly from one galaxy to another.


At the same time, in a place beyond countless galaxies, a beautiful planet of water blue.

Surabaya star.

This is a planet similar to the earth. Its gravity is only 1.3 times that of the earth. The ocean area above accounts for 70%. Excluding glaciers and deserts, the land area suitable for life only accounts for less than 20%. There is a kind of life on the planet. Jelly-like humanoid life.

Luo Lan entered the surface of the planet, and his spiritual power spread out, and he quickly scanned the planet.

"Well, weird jelly man."

"It seems to be a race bred from the ocean. The strongest energy response is close to 1 million combat power, which is the most violent in several nearby galaxies."

Luo Lan let out a soft moan, conservatively estimating that the current planet is at least a planet no weaker than Zin (the Puyi family). Of course, because they don't know the current situation on the planet, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be some people with hidden strengths, but Luo Lan thinks that the possibility of this is not very high.

After his pair of eyes have practiced God's Royal Skills, they can even see through the power of God. It is unlikely that someone will be able to hide their strength under his eyelids.

Walking on the land of the Sishui planet, Luo Lan understood the martial arts civilization of this planet with a learning attitude.


Time flies, two months have passed in a blink of an eye.

Luo Lan devoted herself to learning the martial arts of the eleventh universe, and then she tested her own martial arts little by little, in order to find opportunities for breakthroughs.

Although at the level of martial arts, Luo Lan has reached a height unimaginable by mortals, but the so-called accommodating all rivers is to continuously integrate and communicate. Even the humble martial arts of mortals have their shining places, and only continuous learning can continue. grow yourself.

For two months, Luo Lan retreated on the Sishui planet, and of course sometimes went to nearby planets to communicate with some cosmic people who were willing to communicate. The martial arts level of the eleventh universe is indeed higher than that of the seventh universe. Even an ordinary planet gave Luo Lan a strong martial arts atmosphere.

After this period of communication, Luo Lan vaguely groped for some clues in the extreme realm.

Surabaya star.

In the depths of a dense forest, Luo Lan floated above a sparkling lake, comprehending the realm of extreme freedom, with ripples that seemed to exist all over her body.

The clear water flows in the mountain stream and converges into a green lake, where birds sing and flowers are fragrant, and the mountains and rivers are beautiful.


The thin cloud layer was suddenly pierced by a pressing momentum, with a rumbling roar, a large thick dark cloud rose, the birds and beasts fled, and the entire forest was razed to the ground.

Luo Lan, who was cultivating, suddenly felt the pressing aura and opened her eyes suddenly.

A flash of electricity suddenly flashed in those crystal clear red eyes, and Luo Lan frowned as she saw the ripples radiating in all directions in the distance.

"When did such a powerful aura appear on Star Surabaya? According to the intensity, it has a combat power of 15 billion, which is close to the level of Majin Buu."

"Another breath, quite obscure."

Luo Lan stood up, her figure flashed, suddenly appeared in the sky above the large forest that was destroyed beyond recognition, and dispersed some local cultivators who came to investigate. Luo Lan's eyes focused on both sides of the battle.

One side was a lizard man wearing a strange tights, with a humanoid body, only the head was a lizard, the red and black tights were very recognizable, Luo Lan recognized at a glance that the man was a member of the proud team, and the 150 he sensed earlier He is the man with a fighting power of 100 million.

The one who was fighting with him was an octopus with its teeth and claws. The eight tentacles were thick and strong, and they were covered with suckers that made the scalp tingle.

Wow, the eight tentacles attacked the members of the proud team, and the eight hands were hard to beat. The lizard warrior has been in a passive defense state.

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