Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 811 God of Destruction Belumund

The pride team is headquartered in the central star field of the universe. It is the center of the eleventh universe, which manages the normal operation of the entire universe. It is the closest place to the realm of the King of God and the God of Destruction.

Because of its extremely powerful strength and frequent exchanges with the realm of the gods, the status of the elite members of the proud team is even higher than that of the realm king and the great realm king who manage all parties in the universe.

The central star field, an emerald green giant planet.

Proud Team Headquarters.

"...Mr. Luo Lan, welcome to the headquarters planet of the proud team. If Captain Topo knows that a powerful and righteous warrior like you is here, he will be very happy." Boone politely brought Luo Lan to the proud team. Headquarters planet, after Luo Lan and the others stepped off the spaceship, members of the proud team greeted them along the way.

For a strong man like Luo Lan, the high-level welcome cannot be overstated.

With a smile on his face, Luo Lan was able to appreciate the elegance of the proud team headquarters planet.

The mountains here are undulating, the vegetation is lush, and the scenery is beautiful. It has both the magnificence of technology and the elegance of the original scenery. The combination of modern technology and natural scenery not only does not destroy the original scenery of the planet, but adds a unique Beauty can be described as a perfect combination, and it deserves to be the place where the most elites of the eleventh universe gather.

At a glance, Luo Lan found many powerful warriors. These warriors were wearing uniform red and black tights, and they were in a hurry. When they saw Luo Lan and Boone, they nodded to them and disappeared quickly. .

Boone said: "They are the team members who are going to perform the mission. The headquarters has special equipment to monitor the situation of all parties in the universe. If there is a problem anywhere, the headquarters will notify the team members to deal with it. Generally, the nearest candidates are selected."


When Luo Lan entered the headquarters building, a person who looked very much like an Earthling walked over.

Boone introduced: "This is my teammate Casselaar, one of the elite warriors of the Pride team, who is usually stationed on the planet Zokun."

"Hello, my name is Casseral. I have heard about the situation. Thank you for saving Boone."

Casseral extended a hand kindly.

"Hello." Luo Lan smiled and shook hands, recognizing that the person in front of him was also one of the personnel who later represented the eleventh universe.

"Mr. Luo Lan, please wait a moment, I'll report the handling of the monster first, Casseral, you will entertain Mr. Luo Lan for me." Boone smiled apologetically at Luo Lan and rushed to submit his task.

Casseral said to Luo Lan, "This is your first visit to our headquarters. I will show you around."

Luo Lan nodded and did not object. He was also quite curious about the headquarters of the Pride team. He walked along the long corridor and saw through the glass that soldiers of different looks were sparring with each other in the open space. Soldiers in clan uniforms manage.

"Those are the team's alternate members. Every year, many fighters from all over the universe come here, but there are very few fighters who finally pass the assessment and become regular members."

"Many fighters are reluctant to go back after failure. In order to live up to the sincerity of these fighters, Captain Topo opened a special place for these alternate members to train."

"The change of team members is serious?" Luo Lan asked.

"After all, the members of the proud team often face various risks, and the casualties are indeed huge." Casseral sighed. The overall strength of the eleventh universe is strong, but the monsters they face are even more terrifying. How many soldiers died, and thinking of those soldiers who gave their lives for the peace of the universe, Casseral's face became a little heavy.

Luo Lan is silent, not in his position and does not know the hardships, the people of the eleventh universe are outside, but only they know the predicament.

Even the mighty Jiren has experienced the pain caused by monsters when he was young, and his whole person has become taciturn.

Compared with the eleventh universe, the seventh universe is a little weaker, but at least there is not such a big risk. The so-called biggest crisis only comes from the Majin Buu, which is really a humble sense of security.

Casseral took Luo Lan for a walk around the Pride team headquarters. At this time, Boone came over after finishing his own affairs, and several people walked towards the high-rise building of the headquarters together.

"By the way, Casseral, aren't you on the planet Zokun? Why did you return to the headquarters?"

"Don't say it, I almost capsized this time." Casseral looked frustrated.

"What's wrong?" Boone asked curiously.

Casselaar then said: "I received a contact from Jilian more than two months ago, and asked me to go to an old and dead star system in the southern star field to check a vine monster. I thought it was a simple task, but I didn't expect that The monsters are surprisingly powerful, if it wasn't for Jiren to come later, I almost couldn't come back..."

Boone was surprised: "Jillian shot?"

"Yeah, that monster is also powerful. It took Jiren three punches to be defeated."

"So powerful." Boone's eyes widened in disbelief.

Others don't know how powerful Jiren is. Can these elite members know that Jiren's strength is stronger than that of the God of Destruction, Lord Belumund, the last time they saw Jiren's shot. A long time ago, I didn't expect that vine monster could endure Jiren's three punches.

Luo Lan was surprised when she heard it next to her.

A monster that can withstand Jiren's three punches has the power of a third-level sequence.

Such monsters are rare even at the highest level of the God-destroying Star. Universe 11 actually has such powerful monsters. Luo Lan's face froze. Before, he thought that the monsters here were no more than the strength of the 40th floor of the Destroyer Star, but now it seems that his thoughts are a bit hasty.

Luo Lan didn't know that there would indeed be some super-spec monsters in the eleventh universe, but the monsters that reached the third-level sequence like the one that Casseral encountered only appeared in ancient times.

Boon said uneasy: "Why did such a powerful monster suddenly appear for no reason?"

Casseral shook his head, "I don't know, Jiren asked me to come back with the remains of the vine monster. He stayed alone to guard, and now Captain Topo is analyzing the monster."

"I hope nothing happens."

"Don't worry too much, we have Jilian here, and his strength is even praised by Lord Belmond."


It is rumored that long ago, the eleventh universe was far from peaceful now. At that time, it could be said that the universe was turbulent, the darkness was rampant, and the powerful monsters were endless. It was the unremitting efforts of the ancient sages to make the whole universe peaceful. The Pride team was also formed at that time.

Although monsters often appear in this era, it is much safer than in ancient times. Casseral and others do not want powerful monsters to come again, but if it comes time to fight, the members of their proud team will also Follow the example of our ancestors and shed blood for the peace of the universe.

"Mr. Luo Lan, I made you laugh, please come with me, Captain Topo is in front." Casseral put away his sigh and politely said to Luo Lan.

Luo Lan waved her hand and followed Casseral into the room at the top of the building.


At the same time, the eleventh universe is beyond the dimension.

Destroy the gods.

"Marcarita, what message did Topo send you again?" The clown-looking God of Destruction, Belumode, was lying comfortably on the sofa, surrounded by all kinds of beautiful beauties, the clown God of Destruction knew very well To enjoy, that is, to eat fruit, you need to be served by beautiful women.

The girl-like female angel Marcarita stood gracefully against the wall, her beautiful lavender eyes glanced at Belumund, the God of Destruction, and said in a flat tone:

"The pride team seems to have discovered a strange monster, most likely an ancient species."

The clown God of Destruction stiffened for a moment, waved his hand to disperse the beauties around him, and said with a strange expression: "Ancient species, isn't that already extinct, are you sure?"

Macalita fiddled with the crystal ball on the angel's scepter, and a piece of fluorescent light flashed, and a picture of what had happened was projected in the void. A giant vine monster like a planet protruded from the void of the universe, with leaves and vines as the main body. Showing a purple luster, he was killed by Jiren's three punches.

"Lord Belumund, please see, it's this vine monster."

When Belumund saw it, he said solemnly: "It really is an ancient monster!"

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