Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 815 The method of advancing the fourth-level sequence

The first three levels of the divine sequence are the most basic. The upgrade from divine energy to divine power is a process of quantitative change to qualitative change, but Luo Lan still has no concept of how to break through to the fourth-level sequence.

Hearing Luo Lan's question, Makarita's beautiful face showed a smile, without any intention of concealing it, she said generously:

"If the first three levels of the gods sequence are beginners, then starting from the fourth level is the real transformation, and entering this level is considered a middle-level god, so it is extremely difficult to advance, blocking most gods, um, Generally speaking, there are two advanced methods." Makarita stretched out two slender fingers like jade, and her calm voice moved people's souls.

There are actually two ways.

Luo Lan suddenly cheered up and looked at Marcarita eagerly.

There are very few gods in the fourth-level sequence in the universe. There are more active gods of destruction in the major universes. Like Broly in the future, the power gods who have reached the fourth-level sequence but have not yet reached the realm are not counted. That kind of god said After all, they are only mortals who cannot stand the test of time.

Makarita smiled, and continued in a melodious voice: "It is said that there are two methods, in fact, there is not much difference, both require practitioners to master a kind of cosmic rules, only with the addition of cosmic rules can the power of the gods be more lasting. "

"The first one, that is, the advanced method of the Dimensional God, mainly uses the power of the gods to make breakthroughs, and step by step from preparing the God of Destruction to the God of Destruction. After inheriting the God of Destruction, you will naturally master the rules of the God of Destruction. The increase in strength is the fourth-level sequence."

"Second, it belongs to the advanced method of realm gods. This requirement is relatively high. It requires practitioners to comprehend a cosmic rule or independently create a god's royal skill. Note that the god's royal skill here must be fighting. Types, auxiliary types do not count."

Comprehend a cosmic rule on your own, or create a god's imperial skill independently.

Luo Lan was stunned when he heard the advanced method that Makarita was talking about.

Neither the rules of the universe nor the imperial skills of the gods can be created by ordinary people. Compared with this, directly inheriting the divine position is the easiest.

No wonder it will block most of the gods, such an advanced method is too difficult!

"Marcarita, according to what you say, is there anyone else who can succeed?"

Luo Lan felt suffocated.

The God of Destruction can use the divine position to master the rules of the God of Destruction. Other realm gods are not so lucky. They have the opportunity to personally contact the rules and comprehend them by themselves. I don’t know if they have to wait until the Year of the Monkey.

It is nothing more than the lack of a powerhouse in the fourth-level sequence of the whole king universe system, and the threshold of the advancement alone blocks most people.

"Of course there is. There are many talented and intelligent people in the universe. Although it is extremely difficult to advance to the fourth-level sequence realm, it is not that no one has understood it. Otherwise, why are there so many gods' imperial skills circulating in the whole king's outer domain? They are all left behind by breakthroughs."

Marcarita emphasized that.


Luo Lan was speechless for a while, but he couldn't believe that he could compete with those geniuses.

It seems that the fourth-level sequence has a long way to go!

It's really impossible, just like Jiren, first reach the peak of the third-level sequence, and then increase the strength to the fourth-level sequence, taking into account the dual attributes of the realm god and the power god, anyway, life is worry-free, it is nothing more than practicing for a period of time.

Only in this way, in the ever-changing cosmos environment, his own strength seems insignificant.

Just when Luo Lan was complaining about herself, Makarita glanced at Luo Lan with her beautiful eyes, and burst out laughing.

"What, were you scared?"

"It's not scary, but it's a little complicated in my heart."

Luo Lan shook his head, "You said that you need to create a combat-type God's Royal Skill independently, and you need the level of Zizai Ultimate Intentional Art?" He has not fully comprehended the Zizai Ultimate Intentional Art. If it is at that level, it may take a long time. .

Fortunately, what Marcarita said next gave him a sigh of relief.

"That's not necessary. In the eyes of the powerhouses of the fifth-level sequence, the Freedom of Freedom is the most basic skill, but for the fourth-level sequence, it is still relatively advanced. Many gods of destruction have become gods for countless years, but they have not fully comprehended it. . The requirements for creating the God's Royal Skill are not that high, as long as it is a battle-type God's Royal Skill with a regular nature."

That is, similar to "destruction" skills.

The God of Destruction's stunt "Destruction" cannot be said to be the power of the rules or the power of the gods, but Luo Lan believes that it belongs more to the power of the rules.

The God of Destruction is truly called the fourth-level sequence god by mastering the power of "destruction".

"The pressure has been relieved a lot." Luo Lan breathed a sigh of relief. Although the development of ordinary God's Royal Skills is more difficult, it will not be smeared in the eyes, and I don't know where to start.

"You don't have to be under so much pressure. For others, it is more difficult to develop God's Imperial Skills, but for you, it may not be that difficult." Makarita said gracefully.

"How?" Luo Lan looked at Marcarita suspiciously.

Makarita held the red angel's divine scepter in her arms, and said with a smile: "Don't forget that you are a trainee dragon god, and you have the power of the dragon god in your body. Take care, it can save a lot of time with it.”

"Apprentice dragon gods are as wide as apprentice angels. The first-level sequence to the fourth-level sequence can be regarded as the category of apprentice dragon gods. How much difference can you say at the same level... The so-called god's imperial skills are nothing more than more efficient. It’s just the use of the power of the gods, the power of the dragon god has the attribute of rules, combined with your previous tricks, it is not difficult to develop the imperial skills of the gods!”

"Sometimes I really envy your apprenticeship with the Dragon God. The Dragon God Salama has already paved the way for you."

Luo Lan's words flashed with inspiration, and she immediately understood a lot.

That's right, God's Royal Skills are, after all, the combat skills of high-level gods. He doesn't have the ability to develop high-level God's Royal Skills like Zizai Jigong, but for ordinary God's Royal Skills, borrowing Dragon God's power shouldn't be a problem. Difficult to develop.

Even in his body, there is not only the power of the dragon god, but also the power of the super saiyan god, and the more mysterious power of the goddess from the goddess.

Use them to transform your own tricks, even if you can't develop a "destroy" level big trick like God of Destruction, it shouldn't be difficult to develop a similar one.

Tricks such as Star Fist and Vientiane Fist have little potential.

But Sky Strike, All Air Strike, and Air Slash all have the possibility to advance.

In particular, the Sky Strike was originally a technique that evolved from the Dragon Fist, and it was even more likely that it would evolve into a higher-level attack combined with the power of the Dragon God. I hadn't thought about it before, but now, after being reminded by Marcarita, Luo Lan figured it out all at once, and even had a plan for the name.

The advanced version of Sky Strike can be called "God Strike".

The same full air strike can also be upgraded to "God Air Strike", and Air Slash can be upgraded to "God Slash".

Which one cannot be called God's Royal Skill.

Yes, this is not done! For a while, it seemed as if a blessing had arrived, and Luo Lan's mood couldn't be concealed to be excited, and she couldn't wait to try it immediately.

But thinking that he has not yet reached the peak of the third-level sequence, he forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Looking at Luo Lan's changing face, Makarita knew that he had already figured it out, and couldn't help but admire his good understanding. She muttered in her heart that the dragon god Sarama was really thinking about the younger generation, everything was arranged properly, and it was replaced by other gods. , I'm afraid I've been caught blind.

"By the way, you said just now that you are apprentice angels, and angels also have apprenticeships?" Luo Lan asked strangely.

"Could it be that you thought we were born as formal angels, and of course we need experience. Your dragon gods can be divided into apprentice dragon gods, dragon gods, and superior dragon gods. Our angels also have apprentice angels, angels, and archangels. There are only formal angels. Only qualified to be the leader of the God of Destruction."

"So this is ah."

It was the first time that Luo Lan knew that angels also had to practice, but thinking about it, no matter what kind of gods, no matter how powerful they were from birth, they all cultivated step by step.

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