Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 817 Battle with Angels

"I played against Weiss in Universe 7, but I couldn't get a few moves." Luo Lan replied stunned.

"Zi Zai Ji Yi Gong is a fighting technique that can only be understood in battle. If you want to understand the extreme state, you need to constantly dig in actual combat."

Macarita glanced at Luo Lan and took him deep into the center of Xiaotiandi. A huge floating island like a mountain appeared in front of her eyes. The sparkling waves were under the island, giving people the feeling of the sea and the sky. , the island is fragrant with the fragrance of birds and flowers, the clear spring is gurgling, and there is a small spring in the center.

Upon landing on the island, a luxurious building group came into view. The building was surrounded by clouds, and only the eaves of the building could be vaguely seen. The pale red glazed tiles were spread on the top of the building, reflecting the crystal light.

Marcarita pointed to the building complex and said, "Choose any one as your residence."

Luo Lan was not polite, and immediately chose a building on the left.

This building complex in Marcarita is lined up like a palace, and there are probably thousands of rooms. Does she use so many rooms in one day, but considering that there are even small worlds, another building complex is nothing.

"...Settle down here first, and I will guide you to practice after a while. By the way, the back of the palace is where I rest. There are many restrictions there. Don't approach casually, or if something happens, don't blame me for not reminding you. ." Marcarita reminded with outstretched fingers.

"Understood, not close."

Luo Lan nodded again and again, but he dared not approach the female angel's bedroom.

Seeing that Luo Lan had listened to her words, Makarita nodded and waved the divine scepter in her hand, instantly changing the material of Luo Lan's clothes. It's as heavy as carrying a giant planet.

"You get used to the current weight first, it shouldn't be difficult for you in the third-level sequence." Marcarita said in a flat tone.


Luo Lan felt the pressure on her body, and the power of the gods instantly activated, and the crimson light floated on the surface of the skin. With the operation of the power, the heavy burden of the planet was suddenly relieved a lot.

Makarita nodded in satisfaction, then explained that Luo Lan continued to maintain her current state and left with light steps.

After a while, Makarita came back, with a palm-sized glass cover in her hand, and when she opened the cover, there was a delicate and compact platform model.

Luo Lan looked at it curiously, but saw that Makarita threw the platform model into the sky, the model kept getting bigger, and then it turned into a giant martial arts field like magic. The martial arts field is about 100,000 meters long and wide. It is far away from the suspended island. It is also suspended on the vast lake surface, casting a square shadow below.

"Come with me." After Marcarita finished speaking, she teleported into the martial arts field.

Seeing this, Luo Lan followed closely behind, and she fluttered and appeared opposite Makarita.

The angel's scepter in Marcarita's hand rotated a few times around her wrist, floating in a beautiful arc, and firmly inserted into a wooden stake.

Putting both hands on his chest, he made a move.

This action is the starting position of the angel's move, and Luo Lan saw that Weiss made it.

"Using all your strength to attack me, let me see how your skills are?" Makarita's Qingying voice rang in her ears.


Luo Lan knew that Makarita was going to start pointing him, and immediately his face turned straight, the power of God surged up in his body, and a majestic coercion appeared all over his body.

This coercion is divine power, and only gods can sense it.

Macalita's pretty face smiled slightly, and she looked at Luo Lan with a pair of bright eyes that shimmered with lustrous luster. She nodded secretly in her heart. Luo Lan's strength was comparable to that of Topo, which belongs to a relatively high level in the third-level sequence.

What is especially rare is that Luo Lan's body also has the meaning of a mega-state, even standing still, it also gives people a feeling of no flaws.

"You shoot, I stand still."


The crimson eyes looked at Macalita, and nodded vigorously. The opponent was an angel like Macalita. Luo Lan didn't dare to take it lightly. The power of the gods worked, and the figure disappeared suddenly.

In the next second, Luo Lan's figure came to Macalita's side, and the moment he made a shot, it was his strongest move.

"Sky Strike!"

A beautiful arc crossed the air, and the divine light containing the power of the Dragon God approached Marcarita.

"This attack contains a special power, which is a bit interesting."

Makarita looked at Luo Lan's attack with a little surprise, smiled lightly, and crossed one arm, and an extremely violent impact broke out in an instant!

Wow, Luo Lan's Sky Strike was directly dispelled by Makarita.

Luo Lan was startled, and quickly turned around and attacked Makarita from another angle, but at this time, Makarita seemed to have foreseen Luo Lan's movements in advance, bent her arms, and smashed her fist towards the rear. .


The white whirlwind blows in all directions, like a breeze blowing on the face without a cold feeling.

Luo Lan was beaten and flew out.

"Zi Zai Ji Yi Gong!" Luo Lan stabilized her body and looked at Makarita who was standing there with a solemn expression.

The other party just stood there casually, but he didn't know how to deal with it. It seemed that no matter which direction he attacked from, he couldn't avoid Makarita's counterattack.

"Yes, this is the complete freedom of the mind, Wes should have performed it in front of you!"

"Although Weiss instructs me on how to cultivate the free-spirited mind power, he seldom fights against me personally." Weiss's guidance belongs to the guiding type, teaching Luo Lan how to practice, but it is up to oneself to comprehend the specific gains. , even if it is a rare battle, it is all over.

Makarita's guidance is through real battles, allowing people to comprehend in battle.

This is probably where the two angels are different.

"Oh, Wes is so lazy!"

Makarita smiled sweetly, showing the tenderness of a girl in her sassy air, "Come on, use all your potential. Although Zizai Jiyi Gong is not a powerful divine skill, it is very useful for the third-level sequence and the third-level sequence. For the gods of the fourth-level sequence, it is not so easy to grasp."

"If the mega-state is the ability for the body to have a natural response under normal conditions, then the extreme state requires the body to respond when it reaches its limit."


Hula la, suddenly the light burst, Luo Lan adjusted his movements to stabilize his body, and with a loud roar, a faint red light swept through the wind.

Attack again.

This time, in addition to using the power of the Super Saiyan God and the Dragon God, Luo Lan also has a small amount of divine power. in front of.

Makarita looked straight ahead, and when she saw the power of judgment emerging from Luo Lan's body, she was a little surprised on her beautiful face.

This surprise quickly subsided, looking at Luo Lan who was constantly approaching, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Luo Lan raised her eyebrows and said no more. A swooping body charged towards Makarita like a spring, and when Makarita saw this, her toes pointed slightly towards the ground.


An invisible aura spread out, and the silver-gray figure suddenly became indeterminate, and Macalita's figure suddenly became illusory until it disappeared completely. At the moment when Macalita disappeared, Luo Lan's attack arrived the original location of Marcarita.

"Huh, what about people?"

Luo Lan felt his fist swiping through the air, without the texture of an attack at all. He never thought that his attack would be effective against an angel, but he didn't even touch the edge of the opponent's clothes, so he could only say that the gap between the two sides was too great. .

"Where?" Luo Lan looked around, but there was no other person in sight.


The cold voice sounded, and at this moment, a white palm appeared from the void, the palm rested on Luo Lan's chest, and the terrifying power instantly penetrated his chest.

Luo Lan suddenly felt a whirlwind, his face turned pale for a while, and the strength on his body was suddenly dissipated.

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