Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 819 The difficulty of high-level sequences, deep cultivation!

What level of god Fengshen is, he is actually qualified to make four angels his servant gods!

The attendant is different from the guide, who is the real auxiliary god.

Luo Lan has never understood much about the status of Fengshen. This dragon god has always been a relatively mysterious one. Even in the Outer Domain of All Kings, not many people know him well.

"You and Weiss are both the gods of abundance?" Luo Lan said in surprise.

"At that time, with the exception of Sister Kesi, I, Wes, and Vados were only apprentice angels. It was our honor to be the servant god of Fengshen-sama. If it wasn't for Fengshen-sama, I might not have become an official angel so quickly. ."

Facing Luo Lan's surprise, Makarita seemed to have expected it long ago, and said in a quiet voice, her words full of admiration for Fengshen.

Like dragon gods, angels have a distinction between apprenticeship and formality. Apprentice angels need to go through long years of trials to be promoted to full-fledged angels.

Hearing Makarita's explanation, Luo Lan settled down, one official angel with three apprentice angels. Although this configuration is still exaggerated, it is much better than the previous four angels.

However, such an arrangement is still high-level, and Fengshen Shao said that it is also a fifth-level sequence, or a god of the sixth-level sequence!

After a little hesitation, Luo Lan asked, "According to your words, Fengshen's energy and hair color are very similar to me?"

"It's quite similar. I used to think that your hairstyles are very similar, but since you became the Super Saiyan God and the apprentice Dragon God, even the energy attributes have become more and more similar."

"Maybe it's because I accepted the power of the Dragon God of Fengshen." Luo Lan smiled awkwardly.


Makarita covered her mouth and chuckled. In the early years, Luo Lan looked at him differently because he obtained the power of two dragon balls from Fengshen, but as he grew up, there were signs of convergence between the two.

The same dragon god, also has dark red hair.

Thinking back carefully, even the temperament is becoming more and more similar.

Luo Lan had never seen Fengshen with his own eyes, and didn't know much about him. He only knew from the mouth of the great elder of the sixth universe, Namek, that Fengshen's full name was "Xifeng". Lan couldn't help but wonder if that God of abundance was the same as himself, the God of Super Saiyans!

Then shook his head, it should be unlikely.

Fengshen is a very ancient dragon god. According to inference, it is at least the official dragon god or the upper dragon god. How could such a powerful person be the super saiyan god.

You have to know how many years the Saiyans have reproduced from the planet Sarada—the Saiyans were born after the fall of Origi, when Fengshen was already famous and performed miracles everywhere, and the two cannot be connected.

Forget it, no matter who Fengshen is, it seems that it has nothing to do with him.

Luo Lan couldn't help but feel amused in her heart. He clearly followed Margarita to practice, how could he bring the topic to Fengshen?

"Makarita, shall we start training directly in the next time?" Luo Lan asked earnestly.

"Yes, I'll train you the way I train the God of Destruction, so be prepared."

"Thank you."

Luo Lan said gratefully.

"Yeah." Marcarita nodded, her pretty face hung with a hint of seriousness.

In the days that followed, Luo Lan was trained by Macalita in the Pyramid Time House.

This pyramid time house is the training space that Makarita got during her apprenticeship as an angel. The flow rate of time is only 30 times that of the outside world. It is not as exaggerated as the spiritual time house on earth, but its spatial dimension is extremely powerful, enough to withstand angel-level energy. attack.

More importantly, this time house has no limit on the number of times it can be used, and you can go in and practice anytime you want to practice.

Of course, after the realm reaches a certain level, the improvement of strength can no longer be accumulated by time as before, and every step of the improvement of the divine sequence requires understanding.

Enlightenment has improved very quickly, and without enlightenment, it is difficult to move an inch.

In the cultivation of high-level sequences, time has become the least valuable thing.

To upgrade the third-level sequence to the fourth-level sequence, it is necessary to create a god's imperial skills or comprehend certain rules.

The fourth-level sequence is upgraded to the fifth-level sequence. The most basic requirement is to be unique in space, to achieve unity in parallel space, and there may be other requirements for others.

Luo Lan still doesn't know what the fifth-level sequence requires to upgrade the sixth-level sequence, but in the chat with Makarita, he learned that it seems to be related to time, that is definitely the person at the top of the pyramid, Makarita said There are only five people who have reached the sixth-level sequence in the entire King Universe system.

One of them is the Grand Priest.

As for the other four, Luo Lan guessed that they might be the four high-ranking dragon gods in the Outer Territory of Quanwang, each of whom was a direct disciple of the dragon god Salama.


As time passed, Luo Lan received the strict training of Macarita.

Macarita's training method is completely different from that of Weiss. If Weiss's training is a silent reminder to cultivate the ability to think independently, then Macarita is a crazy machine, fighting in battle. guide each other to comprehend. Although the methods are different, the main purpose is the same, which is to improve the realm of the trainees.

Not to mention, after getting used to Wes's training method, occasionally changing the method and accepting the training of Macarita, the effect is still quite significant.

Although he would be bruised and bruised after every training session, Luo Lan's condition was particularly good.

In the past few days, he is like a sponge that absorbs water, constantly absorbing what he learned from playing against Macarita during training, and there is new growth almost every day.

Of course, Luo Lan also knows the principle of combining work and rest. Although the Pyramid Time House has provided him with a lot of time, Luo Lan will often walk out of the pyramid and wander in the small world of Macalita, feeling the smell of nature.

Occasionally, he would walk out of the small world and wander in the God of Destruction Realm. Several times he encountered the clown, God of Destruction, Belumund. The two just nodded their greetings and quickly separated from each other.

Belumund seems to be enjoying his current life, and every time he meets a few maids who are flamboyantly around him.

According to Makarita, the God of Destruction is basically the pinnacle of the Dimensional God, and the later Great Priests and All-King Gods are specially established, and no one will reach them at all. Since he became the God of Destruction, the speed of improvement has become more and more rapid. The slower you are, the more your mind is no longer cultivating.

For the God of Destruction, Marcarita's requirements are not high, as long as they can perform their work of destruction, she will not interfere in other things.

Don't look at the way Belumund usually yells at Marcarita, but when he is really angry, Belumund will never dare to provoke Marcarita.

Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

Outside the Pyramid Time House, suspended islands floated on the mirror-like clear lake. Not far from the suspended islands, a giant martial arts venue floated and stood still 100 meters above the water.

Luo Lan put her hands on her knees, her whole body shone with crimson light.

If you look closely, you will find that the crimson light is mixed with silver-gray light, and the silver-gray light is getting brighter and brighter, and gradually has a tendency to overwhelm the power of the Super Saiyan God. The brilliance emanating from Zi Zai Ji Yi Gong practice.

Makarita stood condescendingly on the edge of the floating island, her eyes like autumn water calmly looked at Luo Lan who was cultivating in the distance, and said in a clear voice:

"The training speed is faster than expected."

"When the silver light is fully exerted, it will almost reach the extreme state."

With a smile on the corner of her mouth, Macalita waved the angel's divine scepter in her hand, and the divine aura of the entire Xiaotiandi gathered towards Luo Lan, and the sacred and profound energy spread throughout the space, and suddenly turned into light blue. The illusory mist, the distant, long, vast, and boundless divine rhythm suddenly spreads.

The vast aura continued to diffuse from Luo Lan's body.

After doing all this, Marcarita nodded, turned and walked towards her palace.

With the support of these divine energies, Luo Lan should soon be able to break through the extreme realm of Zizai Extreme Will, and his strength should be comparable to Jiren's, comparable to an ordinary fourth-level sequence.

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