Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 824 Orange Star High School Sun Bula


There is a city called Orange Star near the capital of the West, only 1,000 kilometers away from Baozi Mountain. At this time, it is the sixth year after the Sharu game. The earth has been peaceful for many years. Under the vigorous promotion of the earth kingdom, martial arts practice has become more and more popular, and even primary and secondary schools have opened basic martial arts courses.

Early in the morning, the sky was just hazy.

Sunbra shuffled up from the bed, walked into the bathroom to take care of it, put on a duckbill hat and rushed out of the house with a schoolbag.

Bulma shouted from behind, "Brah, you haven't had breakfast yet."

"It's too late, I'll buy some near the school." The voice still echoed in my ears, and Sunbra's figure had disappeared from sight.

Seeing this, Bulma shook her head. After her daughter grew up, she became quieter, but her flamboyant personality did not change much.


Orange Star High School.

Sun Bra appeared quietly and silently in a nearby alley. He lifted the hat on top of his head and straightened the brim of the hat. Sun Bra took out a mask and put it on, and took out a mirror to look at it.

Perfect, Sunbra gave a thumbs up to the mirror, then put his hands in his pockets, and walked out of the alley pretending nothing had happened.

Because the place where he went to high school was located on the outskirts of the western capital, Sunbra had to move over instantly every day.

"Gu... I'm so hungry, let's find a store for breakfast first."

Wandering left and right on the street, Sunbra felt his hungry stomach to find a place to fill his stomach, and his eyes fixed on a breakfast shop.

"Boss, give me ten steamed buns and three more bags of soy milk." Sunbra shouted very loudly.

"Has the little girl finished buying so much food?"

"no problem."

"Here's your breakfast."

The owner of the breakfast shop looked at the beautifully dressed girl in front of him, smiled and handed over the packed breakfast.

"Thank you." Sunbra took the breakfast, paid the money, and walked towards the high school where he was studying while eating.

Although her family's living conditions made it completely unnecessary to go to school, what she could learn in school was not only the obscure and incomprehensible knowledge in books, but also many truths about how to behave in the world, many of which even coincided with martial arts practice.

Sun Bula entered high school, saying that it is to increase cultural knowledge, but rather to accumulate background for the improvement of martial arts.

Because she grew up in a martial arts environment since childhood, there is no need to say much about her strength. Few people can match her, but because of this, Sun Bula's growth is too simple. To put it bluntly, it lacks the influence of culture. Of course, cultural knowledge is very important for It is really meaningless to many Saiyans. Syphilia is completely illiterate, but different people have different growth. Sunbra seems to need cultural edification to enhance the background.

So after her strength stagnated, Weiss suggested that she go back to high school on Earth for a while.

The Brives family has a big family, so there is no problem in arranging a child to enter high school, and the school was quickly selected for her.

However, Sunbra finally chose Orange Star High School, which is some distance away from the West Capital and Baozi Mountain.

It doesn't matter if you don't have a foundation. After being a fair-skinned and beautiful student for a period of time, with the excellent genes of the Bulma family, Sun Bula used his smart brain and quickly caught up with the high school courses. Now let's not talk about the famous class The top, at least in the upper middle class.

After eating ten buns, sucking the soy milk, and barely filling his stomach, Sun Bula took out a tissue and wiped his lips contentedly, put on the mask again, and walked towards the high school. The duckbill hat really matches the mask. A perfect match, although most of the face is covered, the two bright eyes are full of aura, which makes people memorable at first sight.

Don't look at Sun Bra's claim that he is only fifteen years old. In fact, counting the time in the spiritual time room, he is actually an adult, so he has a temperament that his peers do not have.

"Woooooo..." Walking with his head down, a siren beeping sounded from far and near, and a police car chased the jet motorcycle and flashed past Sunbra with lightning speed.

The policeman in the police car kept shouting at the person on the motorcycle in front, but the other party ignored it.


The masked robbers on jetbikes were laughing with guns and making weird shouts. Judging from the large cloth bags on their backs, they had just robbed the bank.

He pulled out his gun and fired back at the police car.

Tuk-tuk-tuk, the bullets shot out, the bullets hit the front cover of the police car, and a few bullets bounced off the lamppost on the side of the road, causing chaos.

Pedestrians passing by saw the shooting incident and were all frightened. They fled in a panic and took refuge in a safe place.

The law and order on earth can’t be said to be very good. Big cities may be better, but in some small and medium-sized cities, shooting incidents occur from time to time, especially in some remote places in the countryside, where bandits are rampant, their forces are all over the place, and looting is not uncommon. After all, the earth is not a peaceful place.

"This city, there are some restless guys... There is really no way."

Sunbra's beautiful eyes swept the robbers, and sighed softly in his mouth.

Putting away the schoolbag on his body, Sun Bula shook his head, and his figure suddenly became blurred from the place. After a few invisible flashes, Sun Bula returned to the place where the robbers on the other side were already piled up. Stacked, fainted.

"Done!" Slapped his palms, Sunbrat restrained his strength and dealt with a few robbers with single-digit combat strength, for fear of accidentally shooting them to death.

Just as she was about to leave, a crisp and pleasant voice came from behind her.

"Sister Bra, you shot so fast."

Turning her head, behind her was a cute girl in white short sleeves, black hair, blue eyes, and a bunch of braids hanging around her ears.

She is Satan's daughter, Bidiri.

"Ah, Bidili!" Sunbra greeted Bidili with a smile.

Bidili and Sun Bula are in the same class and study at Orange Star High School together. The two have known each other since the 27th World No. 1 Martial Arts Club five years ago, when Bidili accompanied her father Satan to participate in the competition. , although the sense of Satan is not very good, but Sunbra likes the little sister Dili very much.

After that, the two exchanged contact information and became friends.

For the daughter of the legendary martial artist Sun Wukong, Bidi Li has long admired her as an idol, so when she learned that the transfer student was Sun Bula a few months ago, she was very happy for a long time.

——Because she can ask Sunbulla about martial arts.

The reason why Sunbra chose Orange Star High School to attend school was also because Bidili was here.

Bidili's martial arts aptitude is excellent, because she has practiced martial arts since childhood, and at a young age, she already has the strength not weaker than that of Ke Lin when she first participated in the world's No. 1 martial arts club. 120 has been reached.

"Sister Bra, if you hadn't shot too fast just now, I'd have to do it, so I came over to take a look." Bidili moved her wrists, regretting that she missed the opportunity to shoot the phone.

"Bidili likes to fight with people!" Sun Bra lifted Bidili's chin, "Would you like to go to the world's No. 1 martial arts club?"

"If the world's No. 1 martial arts club, can I do it!" Bi Dili became embarrassed.

"Of course, your strength is good, and it is not difficult to get the ranking."

The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Club has developed for so many years and has also made changes. The ranking is far more than the top eight at the beginning. Now participating in the competition, the top 32, the top 64, and even the top 128 are considered good rankings. , after all, there are more and more people participating in the competition, and the schedule of the conference must be expanded accordingly.

"But Dad said that my strength is still far behind?" Bi Dili said softly.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, you have already surpassed him when you were a child." Sunbra looked disdainful to Satan, even if he proved his strength in the previous two competitions, but in the eyes of real masters, he is still like a jumping beam. Not worth mentioning as a clown.

"Well, since Sister Bra said so, then I will participate in the competition."

Sunbra laughed and patted Bidili on the shoulder, "That's right, I'll take you to meet someone after school and let him train you well, so that your strength will increase gradually."

"Really, I'm looking forward to it!" Bidili said happily.

"Of course, can I still lie to you? Let's go, if you don't go to school, you will be late."

"Ah, it's all about this time."

Bidili looked at her watch and reacted, and hurriedly dragged Sun Bula to the school. The two almost stepped on the bell to enter the class.

When the classmates in the class saw them come in together, Sunbra's tablemate Eliza asked in a low voice, "I rarely see you coming so late!"

"I encountered something on the way, and we chatted with Bidili for a while." Sunbra put down his schoolbag and sat down to explain.

"You two are not on the way, this can all meet."


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