Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 829 Sharp's teacher

On this day, after Bidili's strength grew, Luo Fei finally began to teach her the use of qigong waves.

Unlike Sun Gohan's advice to Bidi Li in the original book, Luo Fei didn't teach her a move that requires high-precision control like the air dance, but chose a relatively simple combat move, the turtle style qigong.

Perhaps compared to the air dance technique that makes the body fly, the gorgeous colors of Turtle Qigong can inspire practitioners' sense of accomplishment in martial arts practice.

When a cluster of blue energy beams was released, only a loud bang was heard, and a five-meter-high hill was smashed into pieces.

Seeing the destruction scene caused by her qigong wave, Bi Dili's eyes widened in disbelief, her eyes were full of excitement.

"Teacher, I did it, I destroyed a small hill." Bidili's white cheeks flushed red, and her voice trembled with excitement.

Immediately, a sense of emptiness came, and Bi Dili's head was a little dizzy, and her body swayed as if she was about to fall.

Sunbra hurried over to support her, "You released too much energy at one time, and consumed too much."

Take out a fairy bean to restore Bidili's stamina.

"Well, I'm fine." Bidili was surprised by the effect of Xiandou, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but still smile.

"The total amount of qi in Bi Dili's body is too small to release too large a qigong wave at one time. I didn't control it in the first practice. In the future, I can only release small qigong the size of my fist."

Luo Fei had a lot of spiritual tree fruits in his hands, which were the best fetishes for boosting energy, but Luo Fei did not choose to take them out for Bidili.

Because Bidi Li is still too weak, the breath in the body is not condensed, even if it becomes stronger with the help of foreign objects, it is not really strong, like an expanding sponge, it looks huge on the surface, but in fact squeeze it casually. It turns out that it's not that big.

That kind of power is vain, and increasing the breath too quickly will not help her, but will help her. Only by moving forward steadily can we go further on the road to the strong.

As a teacher, Luo Fei felt very responsible.

"Bidili has already mastered all the basic cultivation methods. Then she will practice steadily according to the plan. It is not difficult to become a strong person." Luo Fei said this, planning to arrange for Bidili to practice in Kaelin Holy Land for a period of time. , of course, not for her to climb the Kalin Tower, but for her to challenge the masters there.

As the Holy Land of Earth Martial Arts, the Holy Land of Kailin brings together masters of various schools on the earth. Everyone gathers there to prepare to challenge the Tower of Kailin. There, Bidili can meet more masters.

Bidili has no opinion on Luo Fei's arrangement. She is a very competitive girl in her bones, and she is trying to prove herself by fighting.

It just so happens that the next summer vacation, Bidili will have a long free time.

"Use the summer vacation to challenge the masters of the Kaelin Holy Land. Although those people have not climbed the Kaelin Tower, their strength is limited, but they can cultivate your combat intuition and strengthen your understanding and control of power. If you can sweep the Kaelin Holy Land, then In the future, you can get a good ranking in the world's No. 1 martial arts meeting."

Bidili listened carefully and took all Luo Fei's words to heart.

"It's less than a year before the 29th World's No. 1 Martial Arts Club. I will definitely work hard and get a good result by then."

"Well, come on!" Luo Fei encouraged with a smile, his gentle voice was very comfortable.

At this time, Sun Bula said from the side: "Sister Lazli will also participate in the martial arts meeting, and the champion must be locked by her."

"She's still holding on to those bonuses!" Luo Fei laughed dumbly.

"Cousin, do we want to participate in the competition and take away the prize money?"

"I don't want it anymore, don't be remembered by Senior Sister Lazili." Speaking of net worth, No. 18 is already rich, but he always stares at the bonus of the champion of the world's No. 1 martial arts club, according to No. 18's words It is said that no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. This determination to not change the original intention really leaves people speechless.

I don't know what she's doing with the money.

However, since he went to Destruction God Realm a few days ago, the tasks of the Galaxy mercenaries have all been put down.

Speaking of those who practiced in the world of Destruction God, Luo Fei felt a sense of urgency in his heart. Not to mention Syphilia and Meluria, they were already better than themselves, and those who practiced in the world of Destruction God were still There are No. 17, No. 18, Xiao Shalu and others. These guys are also working very hard, and their strength is constantly improving!

In addition, there are two talented Fiya and Noya behind, Luo Fei feels a lot of pressure.

"I heard that Aunt Syphilia and Aunt Meluria are about to become Super Saiyan Gods. I am afraid that they will become the second-level realm gods, the Super Saiyan Gods, I'm far away. There is still a long way to go..."

Although the tricky method can also reach the Super Saiyan God, it can only reach the first-level sequence, and it will lower the upper limit of the realm God, which is not desirable!

Luo Fei knew very well in his heart that if he wanted to attack the real Super Saiyan God, even if it took a few years for this, it would be worth it. For example, Syphilia, Meluria and the others have worked hard for more than six years to become the Super Saiyan God.


While Luo Fei was deep in thought, a young man with blond hair was sweating profusely and ran across the sand embankment by the sea.

"Hey, isn't that Sharp?"

Sunbra recognized the young man as Sharp sitting in front of her.

"It's really him!" Bidilli looked for the voice and found that it was her classmate Sharp. "Why is he here? It's not close to high school at all."

"It seems to be cultivating." Sun Bra blinked beautifully.

At this time, Sharp's hands and feet were tied with weights, and he was running on the embankment panting, followed by a middle-aged man on a jet motorcycle who kept shouting at him.

"Cultivation with weights, I have never used such a crude cultivation technique." Sun Bla opened his mouth and came, with disdain in his eyes.

"That's because you have a training room dedicated to the planet Sarada in your house." Luo Fei groaned in a low voice.

Sun Bla rolled his eyes at Luo Fei, and his eyes fell on the middle-aged man beside Sharp. The middle-aged man had long black hair and looked like he was in his thirties or forties. He was a little fat. The belly is obviously raised, piled up with a pile of fat, and the beard is messy, showing the appearance of a middle-aged uncle.

The dark green clothes also looked out of place, not like a master.

Well, he is indeed not a master, and his combat power is only about 160.

Of course it's not bad among Earthlings.

"That person is Sharp's teacher, right?" Sunbra watched intently. It is said that Sharp's teacher only recruits male disciples.

"Well, it's him." Bidili nodded and said, "Dad told me that the man's name is Le Ping. In his early years, he was king in the desert area around Liangjing Mountain, and he had the title of 'Lone Wolf'."

"Lone wolf?"

Sun Bula whispered this title, never heard of it, he was really just a small person.

Liangjingshan seems to be Aunt Qiqi's hometown!

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