Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 831 Frieza's Movement

Here, after getting Luo Fei's exact answer, Le Ping also knew their identities. Luo Fei, Sun Bra, isn't this the young master and young lady of the Universal Capsule Group!

It turned out to be after the deceased.

Leping smiled bitterly and said to Sun Bra: "It turns out to be the daughter of your Monkey King and Bulma, no wonder..."

Sun Bula fluttered with a pair of star-like eyes. This middle-aged man with a big belly in front of him still knew his parents?

Looking at Sun Buula's suspicious eyes, Leping's heart suddenly became sour, feeling that he was offended.

For Sun Wukong and the others, they are really just insignificant people.

My mind couldn't help but go back to more than 20 years ago. At that time, I was so high-spirited, occupying a large wasteland and trying to do something big, but when I was full of fighting spirit and ready to show my skills, I encountered a team that came. Find Dragon Ball's Son Goku and Bulma.

He was so obsessed with his mind, that he could not provoke them and provoke them, and he was beaten down by the opponent with a few tricks that time.

Later, he provoked another girl named Qiqi, and was slapped to death by the other side.

The two blows severely wounded his self-confidence, and his grand vision vanished into thin air. After that, he huddled in the desert near Liangjing Mountain for decades and never went out again.

Time flies, more than 20 years have passed in a blink of an eye.

One of the two of them saved the earth from danger many times and became a legendary martial artist and was respected by the world. .

However, he could only curl up in an unknown corner, watching in obscurity, becoming a middle-aged uncle who was out of shape.

In a blink of an eye, Sun Wukong and Bulma's children are already that old.

All kinds of memories echoed in my mind, all kinds of sadness I didn't know how to express, and finally turned into a long sigh.

Maybe from the beginning, I was not qualified to compare with Sun Wukong and the others.

"...Actually, when your parents were young, I had contact with them. That was before the 21st World's No. 1 Martial Arts Club. At that time, I played against Sun Wukong." Le Ping said.

"Is that so?" Sunbra tilted his head, obviously not believing it.


Leping was speechless for a moment, and then asked Sharp to communicate with Bidili and others. Leping looked at the ebb and flow of the sea water a little dazedly.

After a while, he took Sharp to continue exercising. In front of several powerful juniors, he really didn't want to stay longer, feeling too hopeless.


When night fell, Bidili finished her training with satisfaction and drove her car home happily.

Baozi Mountain.

When Sun Bula returned home, the sumptuous dinner had been prepared. Sun Bula ate happily, remembering the middle-aged man he met during the day, and asked, "Mom, do you know a middle-aged man named Leping? "

Bulma put down the dishes.

"Leping, who is that?"

"He said that he met you when you were looking for Dragon Balls together, and that he fought with Dad." So Sunbra recounted what happened during the day, and by the way described Leping's image.

After Bulma listened, she dragged her chin and recalled for a while, with a vague impression.

"It seems that there is such a person who was defeated by Wukong three or two times."

"Who are you talking about?"

Sun Wukong's mouth is full of food, and he can't speak clearly. His memory is not bad, but the events of more than 20 years ago are not so deep. He has forgotten the people who were defeated by himself three or two times, but let him eat later. The Pilaf trio, who had suffered a little bit, made him even more memorable.

"Nothing..." Bulma shook his head amusingly.

Her daughter's words reminded her of a lot of the past when she was young. At that time, she also laughed at her sister for liking a little brat, but she didn't expect that she would be fulfilled later, and she actually came together with Sun Wukong.

Thinking about it now, when I was young, I was quite naive, and I would embark on a journey to find Dragon Balls in order to get a Prince Charming.

But it was this naive idea that made him meet Sun Wukong.

Although there were some setbacks in the middle, the result was quite satisfactory.

Seeing the smile on his wife's delicate face, Sun Wukong shook his head in confusion and asked Sun Bra: "Your classmate is going to participate in the next world's No. 1 Martial Arts Club, what about you?"

"I'm still thinking about it, maybe I'll go too!" Sunbra replied.

"The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Club, I haven't participated in more than ten years..." Sun Wukong said with emotion, the last time he attended the 23rd World's No. 1 Martial Arts Club, it was already going to be held to the 29th session in a blink of an eye.

"Why don't everyone go!" Sunbra suggested.

Sun Wukong's eyes lit up, and he seemed a little moved, "Well, I'll think about it, if only Vegeta was here, I haven't seen him for many years, I really want to compete with him."

"That guy, I don't know where in the universe!" Bulma's sense of Vegeta is not good.



As the dull days on earth pass by, in the underworld, a huge crisis is brewing.


After the demon god Mumengman absorbed the power of Xie Nianbo, the condensed body of the evil qi of hell, the pure and evil energy continued to strengthen his power, and he quickly returned to his peak state. At this time, there were still more than half of the remaining evil qi. Mummonman smiled greedily.

At this time, his strength has been further improved, and he is no longer a master of hell and heaven, and he can finally make unscrupulous shots.

"Earth, and those stupid warriors, wait for my revenge!"

"And that strange woman..."

The appearance of the devil Emma flashed in his mind, and the evil smile made Mumengman's face turn cold, and a killing intent that made the soul tremble instantly spread throughout the hell.


Southern Galaxy.

A huge disc spaceship soared in the vast cosmic space. The bright stars were like pearls embellished in the dark night. The disc spaceship flew by, bringing a bright light in the void.

In the spaceship, Frieza maintained her pure white final form, sipping red wine with a leisurely expression on her face, and staring calmly outside the spaceship with her scarlet eyes. These demons are reckless, and their days are very unrestrained.

Of course, Frieza has not forgotten his experience of failure, so he still insists on exercising. In a few years, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has full confidence in dealing with the so-called Super Saiyan.

But after his strength improved, he was less anxious about revenge.

A little Super Saiyan with more than 100 million combat power, he can now pinched to death with one finger.

According to the news from Bailibulu and Keikono, the strength of the Super Saiyans on the earth has grown rapidly and has exceeded the detection range of the energy detector, but it should not grow as fast as its own.

Frieza has a lot of confidence in his talent.

Isn't it more interesting to give the greatest despair when the enemy is full of self-confidence?

Frieza smiled wickedly.

"Lord Frieza, there is news from King Alpe that a magical thing has recently been discovered on the planet of ice and snow. You may be interested."

A third form (alien form) cosmic demon stepped forward to deliver a message.

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