Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 833 Dragon God Feos

It is also the mother planet of the Lant star, and a shuddering breath enveloped the entire planet.

The dim light was blocked by the thick clouds, and only a little light could be revealed. After experiencing the invasion of foreign enemies, the Rant Stars had not had time to rest, and a more powerful enemy had already come to the front.

"Ah, they are cosmic demons, how come they are here."

"Guardian soldiers, stop them quickly."

"No, the energy detector shows that they have more than 5 million combat power... How can there be so many masters among the cosmic demons." The crazy roars came one after another, and countless Rant stars died in the slaughter of the cosmic demons.

When the guardian warriors cannot keep them safe, the Lant stars who are not strong in individual strength can only be reduced to the target of slaughter.

Looking at the tragic death of the clansmen, the eyes of the elders of the Lanter star were full of tears.

"God Yelan is above, how much mistake did my family make to suffer this disaster!" The elder's face was full of grief and anger.

"Your mistake is not to covet what should not be yours."

An elegant voice came over, and Frieza's small figure appeared in front of the elder Yelant star, with his hands on his back and slightly bent over, he said politely, "Hello, elder, I am the cosmic demon Frieza."


The elder stared at the pure white little man in front of him in amazement.

His face changed drastically, "You are the Frieza who turned the Southern Galaxy upside down in recent years, and you came to us because of that strange heart?"

"Hoho, it turns out that you have heard of my name, it is really an honor for this king." Frieza spoke very politely, her face suddenly became cold, and a cold voice came, "Please ask this elder to give me what I want. Hand over things."

Ye Lanter star elder glared at Frieza, gritted his teeth and said, "Dream!"

Frieza sighed and shook his head: "Why are there always people who are so obsessed with understanding? I originally planned to leave a complete planet for you, but it seems that I don't need it now." With that, Frieza stretched out a A finger, with a click, a scarlet energy beam quickly shot out.

Pu Chi, the energy beam containing huge energy penetrated the void and hit the eyebrows of the elder Ye Lanter.

Elder Ye Lanter fell to the ground with a stunned expression on his face, his face full of incredible eyes, and he never thought that Frieza would make such a decisive shot.

"Che, coveting the devil's heart is not your biggest mistake. Your biggest mistake is that you don't have enough power, but you try to do things that are not within your ability."

"Death will land you sooner or later."

Frieza shook his hand in disgust, and a wave of energy was released, and the scorching energy instantly turned into a bright white flame, razing the surrounding area of ​​thousands of square meters to the ground.


In this battle, the Lanter Stars were also defeated.

Ye Lanter and the guardian warriors he made drank all the blood on their home planet, and with a burst of stellar energy, the entire huge metal planet was wiped from the universe.

"Lord Frieza, this is what you're looking for."

Inside the spaceship, the hideous-looking cosmic demon respectfully sent a fist-sized thing that was like a heart in front of Frieza.

"Oh, this is the devil's heart, it really looks like a heart." Frieza's eyes showed a hint of curiosity as he looked at the heart-like object in front of him.

Reaching out and grabbing the Devil's Heart in his hand, suddenly, a dark and bloody aura suddenly rushed towards him. Frieza was stunned for a moment, and before he had time to respond, the heart seemed to find its owner automatically. disappeared from Frieza's palm and merged into flesh and blood.

A bloody and dark aura suddenly erupted from Frieza's body. This aura was more domineering than Frieza's original power.

Instead, there was an incredible expression on his face, and he laughed out loud.

In just a short while, the strength in his body has actually been greatly improved.

"It turns out that this thing is called 'Devil Seed', which originated from an extremely demonic creature in an unknown time and space. Hmph, now this power already belongs to this king."

Frieza controlled the dark energy that was raging on her body, a bloody smell spread, and the surrounding temperature seemed to drop several degrees at once.

At this time, Frieza was like a small black hole, constantly pulling the surrounding matter, and only heard the "crackling" vibration when the metal was torn, and the huge disc spaceship was twisted inward, and the electric light and firelight were in the spaceship. Flashes flashed everywhere, causing the cosmic demons on the spacecraft to panic.

"Don't panic, hurry up and find a planet to land on. This king wants to master this new power."


The subordinate replied tremblingly, hurriedly found a planet from the star map, and then drove the spacecraft to fly over carefully.

Frieza didn't know that the demon seed he got was one of the old priests Moro Xiu put into the universe, and it had the power to disrupt the order of the universe.


Just when Frieza got the Demon Seed and was about to further increase her power, it was located in a vast space outside the Inner Realm of the King, close to the edge of the Inner Realm.

The undulating space is filled with chaotic and disordered energy, and these energies are surging wantonly, forming a barrier between the main time and space of the inner domain of the whole king and the thirty-six districts of the outer domain of the whole king.

Suddenly, a dazzling brilliance was projected from the outer domain like a giant pillar, and stopped at the intersection of the inner domain and the outer domain.

With a dragon roar, a giant golden dragon resided in the chaos.

This dragon has a body larger than the universe. Every scale is as huge as a galaxy, shining with golden light, and there is a boundless and boundless pressure lingering around him. Coercion scared.

The golden eyes calmly stared at the main time and space that was constantly splitting and merging ahead. The huge dragon suddenly opened its mouth, and dozens of flashes of different colors came out of the dragon's huge mouth that devoured the world.

After these rays of light came out, they turned into dragons of different colors.

The bodies of these divine dragons were countless times smaller than those of the giant divine dragons, and that was the case. Each divine dragon was still as huge as a mountain, and the smallest body was more than ten thousand meters long.

"Master Feos!"

Dozens of divine dragons turned into human figures, with intricate dragon patterns on their foreheads, and these divine dragons respectfully saluted the huge divine dragon.

The dragon god Feos nodded and looked at them with a majestic face, "According to the agreement with the great priest of the inner domain, you will be stationed in the major universes of the main time and space to assist the gods in the universe to manage the order of the universe. own responsibility."

"This is also an experience. Those who perform well will be eligible to enter the official Dragon God assessment. I hope you can work hard."

"Follow the teachings of Lord Feos!"

When these apprentice dragon gods heard that they had the opportunity to be promoted to official dragon gods, they all showed expectant eyes.

They are apprentice dragon gods in the fourth-level sequence, and their biggest pursuit is to become an official dragon god. You must know that there are many apprentice dragon gods in the fourth-level sequence in the thirty-sixth area of ​​the whole king's outer domain, but they really reach the fifth level. Sequence became an official Dragon God master, but there were less than one hundred in total.

There are even fewer high-ranking dragon gods in the sixth-level sequence at the top, only a mere four.

The dragon god Feos in front of them is one of the four high-ranking dragon gods, with absolutely powerful power.

"Well, I have already contacted the gods in the inner realm, and the great priest will arrange personnel to receive you. Although you have the power not weaker than the god of destruction inside, don't underestimate the gods inside because of this, and now you all follow the lead light. Bar."

After the dragon god Feos finished speaking, fifty-nine golden rays of light formed a space avenue, connecting the major universes in the entire king's inner domain.

At this time, there are five parallel time-spaces distributed in the Inner Realm of All Kings, and each parallel time-space has 12 universes. Except for the seventh universe where Luo Lan is located, there is no space avenue, and the rest of the universes have exactly one each.


Ps: This book has finally exceeded 2 million words. This is the 8th volume, and there will be about 4 more volumes after the end!

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