Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 835: Unlucky Gabe


Gabe hummed an unknown tune, and happily walked around the universe with Kai, the king of the gods.

She only requires human life on the planet she lives in. There are no special requirements. As a trainee dragon god, Gabu has many magical abilities, and it is really easy to transform a planet into a shape that she likes. matter.

Seeing this, Kaiy, the king of the realm, didn't say anything, and politely repeated that he could find him if he had any problems, then bent down to Gabu and teleported away with his entourage.

After Kaiwang Shen and his entourage left, Gabu's delicate face showed a trace of tiredness, and he finally didn't have to maintain a majestic posture.

"Looking for a place to live."

Gabu stretched his waist and turned into a black dragon with a length of more than 10,000 meters, entrenched in the vast starry sky.

Divine Mind swept the surrounding starry sky, and the nearby life planets were all scanned by Gabu. After confirming the next few planets that he liked, Gabu raised his head and groaned, rushing towards those planets, and the universe suddenly changed again. A crack opened, and the black dragon disappeared.


Gabu violently tore apart the dimensional space, and a sticky energy flowed out of the dimension, washing her black scales, Gabu waving his tail excitedly, as if he had entered the ocean, swimming in the cosmic dimension.

In the past ten minutes, near one of the planets she selected, the space cracked open, and the splendid streamer fell like glass.

An emerald green planet leaped into view.

Gabe has chosen a total of six planets as her shelter, and the color of this emerald green planet is the one she is most satisfied with, but which planet to choose needs to be determined after a detailed survey.

A loud dragon roar resounded in the universe, and Gabe swayed her huge body and landed on the emerald green planet.

As soon as you enter the planet and pass through the light green atmosphere, the boundless ocean and sea appear in sight. This planet has developed a splendid civilization. Although the level of technology has not yet broken through to the cosmic stage, it can already be seen in the atmosphere. A variety of aircraft.

There was a war going on among the aborigines, and when Gabe entered, the aborigines were directly alarmed.

Before Gabe could change into a human form, these aborigines attacked her first.

The flaming missiles attacked Gabu, but the rumbling explosion could only tickle Gabu. After the smoke passed, the black scales were still shining without a trace of scars.

"Savage and rude race, forget it, this kind of place is not suitable for me to live in, let's change to another planet!"

Gabe didn't like the natives on this planet, so he glanced at the city below his eyes indifferently, turned and disappeared directly from the planet.

Although the behavior of the human natives made her unhappy, the dragon god Feos let them enter the Inner Territory of the All Kings to protect the stability here. If it is not necessary, Gabu will not have friction with the civilization here.

After several more planets, Gabe finally did live on a planet in the southern star field. This is a planet with a low civilization level, and there are human-shaped aboriginal life on it, because the birth time is not very long. , this planet has just developed a tribal civilization.

"Starting today, this planet will be sheltered by my dragon god Gabu!"

Gabe solemnly declares his existence to all the natives of the planet.

Looking at the mighty and domineering black dragon in the sky, all the indigenous people fell to their knees and worshipped, thinking that the gods had come to the world.

That pious attitude is completely different from the natives of the previous planet.

Gabe looked at the natives kneeling below with satisfaction.

"I am very satisfied with your attitude, and I will grant you the blessing of the Dragon God!" During the speech, a dark golden energy suddenly spit out from Gabu's mouth, and then rose into the sky, turning into rainwater.

As the planet inhabited by the Dragon God, the life on it is the descendant of the Dragon God.

The rain with the power of the Dragon God fell on the ground, immediately awakening the vitality of the planet, the grass and trees grew wildly, the dead trees sprout, the desert became an oasis, and the indigenous people who were bathed in the rain benefited a lot. All the pain is removed, and even the physical fitness has been greatly improved.

Just as the Namekians received the gift of the Dragon God, these indigenous people also had a hint of dragon breath on their bodies.

"Well, it has actually evolved into a primary dragon race. It seems that the natives here are very talented. In this case, the Dragon Balls will also be given to you!"

Gabu's dragon claws suddenly grabbed a mountain, and the lofty peak was cut in half, and then squeezed the half of the mountain, squeezing it into seven round stone balls.

He stretched out his fingers and pointed at the stone balls to give the Dragon God power.

With a buzzing sound, after receiving the gift from Gabu, the seven stone balls immediately turned into dragon balls. They were not very big, and the orange-red surface was crystal clear, but it was different from other dragon balls, probably because Gabu was a black dragon. , the stars inside these dragon balls are black.

Black Star Dragon Ball.

Of course, unlike the black dragon balls that destroy the planet in the GT world, the seven dragon balls made by the apprentice dragon god Gabu himself are more powerful, and there is no need to worry about any negative energy.

"Give it to you, as long as you collect seven dragon balls and summon the dragon, it will fulfill one of your wishes!"

A loud voice sounded in the sky, and Gabe's huge body gradually disappeared.

"Dragon God!"

"Dragon God!"

On the top of a hill, Gabu, who had transformed into a human figure, looked at the indigenous people who were prostrate and worshipped devoutly on the ground, with a smile on his face, then turned around and placed his palace in a snow-capped mountain.

"Cough, it's finally finished. From now on, this will be my base."

"Master Feos let us pay attention to the situation of the devil seeds, then I will take a look!"

Gabe was very comfortable lying in his den, surrounded by huge crystal balls, to observe the situation of the outer universe.

Scenes of the outside world flashed through the crystal ball, and Gabe was like a spectator, watching it with pleasure.

Gradually, Gabe felt something was wrong. The universe didn't seem as peaceful as she imagined. There were traces of monsters everywhere. The entire universe was like a big sieve. , from time to time some unknown dark life will run out.

"What's going on, why does the Inner Territory of the Kings look more chaotic than the Outer Territory? There are too many monsters, or it's only the eleventh universe."

Gabe didn't know if it was his bad luck, so he got in touch with the apprentice Dragon God assigned to other universes.

"Hey, Shirley, how are you over there? Live on Namek."

"Is it very comfortable, um, I'm pretty good here too."

"Zaki, you're also very calm there, and the God of Destruction gave you protein powder? Of course, I'm fine too."

After getting in touch with several apprentice Dragon Gods in a row, Gabe hung up the call stubbornly. At this time, she knew that the problem was in her universe.

"It's over, other universes are very peaceful, only my side has a lot of monsters."

Gabe went to the bed and stared at the ceiling with lost eyes, thinking about how busy he will be in the future.

Sapo rolled over and over on the bed for several laps, and Gabe finally cheered up. After all, he has been assigned to the eleventh universe, and there is no possibility of changing it. Although it does not seem very peaceful here, it is the place where the results came out. If you can help manage it well, it will definitely be a bonus to be promoted to the official Dragon God in the future.

Thinking of this, Gabe's mood suddenly improved a lot.

"By the way, in the seventh universe of this time and space, the apprentice Dragon God seems to be a native. Find a time to meet."

"As outsiders, we apprentice dragon gods should not interfere too much in the affairs of the universe."

"Let's learn more about the situation here."

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