Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 837 Three levels of God of Destruction

After Marcarita used the power of angels to block the entire space, the clown god of destruction Belumund couldn't help but first shot, only to see a lavender light flashing past, the figure of the clown god of destruction Belumund Suddenly appeared beside Jiren.

The awe-inspiring murderous aura spread out, and a string of afterimages appeared in the void, and Belumund just stepped forward, blocking an attack from the opponent for Jilian.

At this time, Jiren had consumed a lot of physical strength due to the long-term battle with monsters, and the appearance of Belumund just helped him share the pressure.

"Thank you very much, Lord Berummond!" Jiren gasped.

"Well, leave it to me here."

Nodding lightly, Belumund stared at the monster, his whole face indifferent: "Where did that thing come from, it actually forced you to this point."

Jiren's strength is one of the best in the eleventh universe, and even Belumund himself would not dare to say that he can beat him without using the power of the God of Destruction.

"That was not a powerful monster. I chased it for a long time, and suddenly it became difficult to deal with."

Jiren took a break and shook his head in answer.

Jiren's answer surprised the Joker God of Destruction, nodded his head, and understood that some kind of accident must have happened, but no matter what the accident was, as the God of Destruction in the eleventh universe, he would not allow such a thing to appear in his jurisdiction. Horrible monster.

The humanoid monster suddenly saw the unsolicited God of Destruction Belumund, his terrifying face became even more hideous, his demonic energy was vented, and terrifying power lingered on his body, and he even launched an attack directly at the God of Destruction Belumund.

"court death!"

The voice without any emotion squeezed out of Belumund's mouth, Belumund became gloomy, and the killing intent was Ling Ran, and an invisible coercion swept out in all directions.

Decisively clenched his fists and threw a punch at the opponent.

Boom, the two fists collided in the void, and the metal collided to produce fierce sparks. The void space suddenly stirred up waves like the surface of water, and the waves generated by the violent impact spread out in circles like waves. That monster After suffering a heavy blow from the God of Destruction Belumund, his body flew a long distance in a row.

The solid body continuously slammed into the planets along the way, and several planets shattered into pieces in an instant, but the monster's body did not suffer much damage. With a low roar, he shook his head and attacked them again.

Belumund's face suddenly changed, and he said solemnly: "This kind of attack can't hurt him."

"Has he reached the second step of the God of Destruction level?"

His face suddenly changed wildly, and then he looked at the other party solemnly, the second step of the God of Destruction, even he needs to use the power of the God of Destruction to achieve it, if this is the case, it is impossible for him to stop the other party with his own strength, moving towards the God of Destruction. Roland and Makarita in the void shouted:

"Marcarita, why don't you guys come out and help!"

"Oh, here we come!"

As soon as the words fell, the figures of Makarita and Luo Lan appeared beside him. Makarita raised the angel's scepter and placed it on Jiren's body, and the magical power immediately restored his physical strength.

"Miss Marcarita." Jiren greeted politely.

Looking at Luo Lan next to him, he didn't feel any trace of aura from his body, but to be able to come here with the God of Destruction Belumund and Macarita must be no ordinary person.

Using the power of God to sense it a little, a strong and powerful pressure of the gods passed over. Jilian was shocked to find that the strength of the other party was not lower than him. Jilian couldn't help but take a deep breath and looked at Luo Lan with astonishment.

The one in front of him, like him, is also a realm god!

While Jilian was observing Luo Lan, Luo Lan was also observing Jilian, the warrior who shined brightly at the All-King Power Conference, with powerful strength all over his body, secretly said: "As expected of the most powerful warrior in the eleventh universe. A strong man, this unquestionable aura has overwhelmed many people."

"You are so strong!" Jilian said to Luo Lan seriously.

"You're not bad either." Luo Lan smiled and responded calmly.

"Stop chatting, that monster's power has reached the second stage of the God of Destruction level. If we want to destroy him, we need to join forces." Belumund said with a serious face.

Marcarita smiled gracefully and said in a gentle voice, "Do you need me to take action?"

Belumund shook his head, "No, a few of us are enough."

He didn't let Makarita take action. The angels were the supervisors sent by King Quan, mainly to assist the God of Destruction and guide them to correctly perform the duties of the God of Destruction. Under normal circumstances, the angels stood in a neutral angle. Although the angel would not refuse the request of the God of Destruction as long as the God of Destruction opened his mouth, Belumund could not open his mouth to ask Marcarita to help him deal with the enemy.

Hearing Belumund's words, Marcarita shrugged, knowing that Belumund's self-esteem was causing trouble, so she picked up the angel's scepter and watched quietly on the side.

Playfully said: "You must be careful, that monster looks hard to deal with, don't get hurt."

"Hmph, with our three God-of-Destruction-level experts joining forces, can't we still deal with him alone!"

With a cold snort, the clown God of Destruction grinned fiercely, a deep cold light shrouded in his eyes, and the power of the God of Destruction covered his body.

With a slight toe, he attacked the monster.

When Luo Lan and Jilian saw this, they used their strength to join the battle. Belumund is the real God of Destruction. Although Jilian and Luo Lan are not Gods of Destruction, their realm is the peak of the third-level sequence. In addition to being a realm god, his power is comparable to that of a normal fourth-level god of destruction.

The three God of Destruction levels joined forces, and there was really no one in the universe that could resist, even the monsters were suppressed at this time.

"Sky Strike!"

Luo Lan approached the monster, and when the clown God of Destruction made his move, he swung out his palm with force, and the terrifying power penetrated the space.

"Qi He Fist!"

An invisible wall of air rolled over, and the void took on a terrifying twist, followed by Jiren.

"Shockwave all day!"

"Giant energy cannon!"

A series of powerful attacks were displayed, and energy of various colors fell on the monsters. The terrifying attacks taught people to eat pain. did not hold back.

Belumund grinned and laughed happily, with a mocking smile on his face, he squeezed his fists, and even increased his strength, and the powerful attacks made the monsters retreat.

Although the monster possessed more power than the general God of Destruction, its power was very crude. Facing Luo Lan and the three who were both powerful in realm and skill, they fell directly into the disadvantage.

"Hey, even if it is the power of the second step of the God of Destruction, it is not my Belumund's opponent."

The clown Belumund laughed, the tattoos on his eyelids were narrowed together, and he was particularly indifferent. He suddenly raised his hand to aim at the monster, light spots flashed on his palm, and a small purple energy ball appeared.

This is the "destruction" of the God of Destruction!

Seeing this, Luo Lan immediately knew that the God of Destruction was going to use the most powerful attack. The "Destruction" trick, as the God of Destruction's ultimate move, had the power to mobilize the rules of the universe. After this blow, the monster should have no chance of surviving!


With a soft moan in his mouth, Luo Lan put away the energy of the attack and stood aside to watch Belumund's attack.

Although the power of "Destruction" is not as overbearing as Quanwang's obliteration ability, it is also a first-class killing move.

The clown God of Destruction looked at the monster with icy eyes, and pronounced the sentence coldly: "Although your strength is greater than that of the ordinary God of Destruction, you are also vulnerable when the God of Destruction uses the rules, and now completely disappear from this universe. !"


After a trial, the purple energy ball suddenly became terrifying, and several bright rays of light revolved around the purple energy in the middle like satellites, and time seemed to fall into a standstill.

As the "destroying" energy applied to the monster, I saw the monster struggling with horror in its eyes, violently twisting its body and making a miserable roar, but the body began to turn into powder from below for no reason... …

It disappeared like a bubble in no time.

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