Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 839 Gabe: This person is familiar!

"This black dragon, I seem to have seen it somewhere!" Looking up at the huge dragon hovering in the deep space, the shiny scales exuded a metallic icy luster, Luo Lan's heart suddenly arose. A sense of familiarity.

"Hello, Miss Dragon God!"

Marcarita stood facing the wind, violent oppression blowing through her silver-gray hair, with a smile on her beautiful face, as if she did not feel the oppression of the other party at all.

This black dragon who traveled through the dimension is Gabu. He could have been transferred directly to the scene where the devil seed appeared through the transfer of the gods, but he didn't want to bump into an imprisoned starry sky. .

Hearing Makarita's gentle and calm voice, Gabe came back to his senses, the huge dragon eye looked at the ant-sized figure below, and finally saw clearly the Makarita holding the angel's scepter.

"Ah, it's Miss Angel!"

Gabe recognized Margarita's identity from Margarita's dress and the ring around her neck, and her attitude immediately became humble. Angels are the existence of the fifth-level sequence, the level is equivalent to the official dragon god, one level higher than her apprentice dragon god.

Since the angels of the Inner Realm of All Kings are here, the God of Destruction of this universe should also be here.

Looking down, he saw the clown God of Destruction with heavy makeup on his face.

Geez, this God of Destruction is small and ugly, not the size of her fingernails.

"Hey, this person next to me looks familiar!" Gabu blinked his eyes, and his eyes fell on Luo Lan with dark red hair beside him. The familiar divine aura made her feel like she had seen it somewhere.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and Gabu's loud voice sounded, "Ah, isn't this Luo Lan, why are you here?"

Hearing the black dragon in front of him calling out his name, Luo Lan was stunned for a moment, then opened his eyes wide and looked at the black dragon in front of him in disbelief.

"Are you Gabe?"

"Yeah, it's me." Said happily, Gabe's huge body turned into a girl with brown skin and a delicate face, "Haha, it's really you, how could you run to tenth A universe, and your hair is not black, how come it has become red."

"This is what I look like when I become a god."

"Oh, you Saiyans have so many hair colors, it's not like I have only one hair color, but I can become a dragon."

Gabe circled around Luo Lan a few times, and felt the powerful power of God from Luo Lan's body, um, the third-level sequence peak, incredible, I haven't seen it for a few years, the junior who participated in the Dragon God trial actually has already So awesome. The so-called encounter with old friends in a foreign land is such a feeling.

Turning his eyes, Gabe suddenly thought: Lord Feos sent a total of fifty-nine apprentice Dragon Gods to the Inner Territory. Only the seventh universe of this time and space is a local person. Now Luo Lan is here, is he the one The apprentice dragon god of the seventh universe?

That's great, there are acquaintances who can often stop by.

Luo Lan was also very happy to see Gabu in the inner domain, and chatted with Gabu.

"Hey, hey, how did you guys chat?"

Belumund pointed at Gabe with a bad attitude and scolded, "Marcarita, who is this woman, and how could she appear in our eleventh universe?"

Makarita stopped the clown from destroying the divine way: "Lord Belumund, you'd better put your attitude down a bit, the one in front of you is not to be messed with, she is a trainee dragon god who was personally invited by the great priest to our universe to be stationed. Your lord, both your strength and your identity are above you, Lord Belumund."

"Marcarita, what are you talking about... she was invited by the Great Priest?"

The clown God of Destruction's bad attitude continued, and suddenly he heard the great priest, his voice stuttered, and he asked carefully.

"Exactly, this Miss Dragon God was invited by the Grand Priest to reside in our Eleventh Universe. She won't be as polite to you, Lord Belumund, as I am, so Lord Belumund better control her attitude, otherwise Don't come to me if you've been beaten, by the way, the strength of this Miss Dragon God has reached the high-level of the fourth-level sequence, almost the strength of the third-level God of Destruction."

Margarita covered her mouth with a chuckle, the angels are all black-bellied guys, and they like to see the God of Destruction deflated.

"No, the third step..." Belumund's face turned black, and his mentality collapsed!

Marcarita didn't remind herself of such important news earlier.

"Marcarita, did you do it on purpose?!"

In the whole king's inner domain, the strongest God of Destruction has only reached the second step, and the God of Destruction on the third step does not exist at all. This time offending a master of the third step, Belumund is really bitter to say no out.

Marcarita said innocently: "I have already reminded the other party that it is a fourth-level sequence, and it is Lord Belmond that you did not take it to heart."

Can the fourth-level sequence and the high-level fourth-level sequence be the same?

Do not be good or bad!

The clown was so angry that he was speechless. This woman, Marcarita, was so beautiful, but her heart was black when she was dug out, and she kept taking him into the ditch!

Why didn't she see her doing bad things to Luo Lan, she knew it was too much to bully him, the god of destruction.

Belumund felt his blood rush up.

"Gabe, are you going to be stationed in the eleventh universe?" Luo Lan heard the conversation between Marcarita and the clown God of Destruction, and asked in surprise, there doesn't seem to be such a plot in the original book!

"Yes, at the invitation of the great priest, we sent a large number of apprentice dragon gods from the outer domain to guard the inner domain universe. Basically, there is an apprentice dragon god in every universe in every time and space." Gabu nodded and replied.

Luo Lan didn't know that there was such a thing, and was suddenly shocked, and quickly asked who the Dragon God stationed in the seventh universe was.

Gabu looked at Luo Lan strangely, "Didn't you receive the notice, you are the Dragon God stationed in the seventh universe!"

"Me?" Luo Lan pointed at himself in confusion.

"You are a local member of the seventh universe. Master Feos sent a total of fifty-nine apprentice Dragon Gods this time. If you count you, it is exactly sixty."

Margarita also said, "What Miss Gabe said is true, Luo Lan, you are the Dragon God stationed in the seventh universe."

Luo Lan was speechless for a while. He became the Dragon God stationed in the seventh universe, but he didn't know it, but in this way, he could be regarded as having a formal job position.

"By the way, Gabe, you came here in such a hurry, did you find anything?" Luo Lan asked.

Hearing Luo Lan's question, Jiren, the Clown Destruction God and others all looked towards Gabe.

"Well, I'm here for the devil seed, which is the time bomb dropped by the old priest in the universe. When it explodes, it will seriously disrupt the order of the universe. If the evil thing gets it, its power will also be greatly improved. I just sensed it. After a moment, the monster that got the devil seed seems to have been destroyed by you."

"It turns out that the reason why the monster became so powerful is because of the devil's seed."

Jiren suddenly realized.

Luo Lan also understood, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, the devil seeds, the old priests, these are things that were not mentioned in the original book.

Think about it, the plot shown in the original work is all experienced by the protagonist, and it must not be able to show the real world.

With the improvement of strength and understanding of the nature of the world, Luo Lan found that his advantage over the plot was gradually disappearing, but he had reached the divine sequence, but he was not panic at all. This was probably due to the change in mentality brought about by the increase in strength. .

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