Although the problem of time and space has been solved.

However, it is not enough for silence.

Because this space-time has been changed, the 18th is also dead.

The silence that was originally still in mid-air had disappeared in the next moment.

When he reappeared, he had already appeared in the abode of the realm king god of the tenth universe.

Gervas, who was sitting in the courtyard drinking tea, stood up sharply at the moment when silence appeared.

After seeing the silence behind him, the expression on his face was surprised, puzzled, and jealous.

“Who are you?”

Kvas stood up, looked at the silence, and forced himself to calm down.

Silently looked at Kvass, and the expression on his face did not show the slightest.

Just looked around, and then frowned slightly.

“What about Zamas?”

Silence did not answer Kvass’s question, but opened his mouth to ask.

When asked silently, Kvass’s face became ugly.

For a person who suddenly appeared in his own home, where can Kvass’s face see?

However, as the king god of the realm, Kvas can naturally clearly feel the power of silence.

It is precisely because of this that Kvas did not get angry.

Otherwise, silence would be so.

“I don’t know what you mean by that.”

Kvas spoke.

As he said this, Kvas looked at the silence, and the doubt in his eyes was even greater.

“Kvass, I hope you can be clear.”

Silent looked at Kvas and spoke.

After silently speaking, the look of doubt on Kvass’s face became even stronger.

Apparently did not understand what Silent said.

Seeing Kvas like this, Shen Mo couldn’t help frowning slightly.

Apparently Kvas did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

“Do you know anything about your apprentice?”

Silence continued to speak.

At this moment, Kvas was indeed very puzzled.

Whether it’s what you know about Zamas, or how you call yourself by your first name.

The person who appears at the moment can be said to be mysterious to the extreme.

Kvas also became more and more unable to see through the silence in front of him.

Shen Mo naturally knew this, but it was rare to explain it to Kvass.

Silent did not speak, directly grabbed Kvass’s arm, and disappeared into Kvass’s residence the next moment.

When he appeared, Kvass’s face became extremely difficult to see.

At this moment, the place where they were was the same planet that Kvas had taken Zamas to see.

After seeing this scene, Kvas seemed to understand something.

However, compared to these, Kvas was really surprised.

Silence actually has the ability to travel through time and space!

You know, this is something that only the Space-Time Ring can do.

Why, can the current silence do it?

There were too many doubts in Kvass’s mind.

Looking at Kvas with a puzzled look.

Silence did not speak, but the scene changed again.

And this time the scene surprised Kvasscher.

He already knew that Shen Mo had the ability to travel through time and space, and he was no longer surprised by Shen Mo’s ability to travel through time and space at this time.

Kvas was surprised that the place that appeared at this moment was his residence.

At this moment, he saw that he was sitting in the courtyard drinking tea.

And Zamas is standing behind him at the moment.


At this moment, Zamas formed an energy sword in his hand.

The person to whom this sword is directed is himself.

After seeing this scene, where can Kvas not understand what is going on.

In the next instant, the purple energy sword pierced into Kvass’s chest.

Zamas’s maniacal laughter rang out at this moment.

Without waiting for Kvas to be sad, the scene changed again.

And this time, it’s a disaster for the entire universe.

The universe is destroyed, humanity is destroyed.

Kvas already understood what was really going on in all this.

I understand better what the purpose of the silence that is here at this moment is.

“I guess you know what to do, right?”

A flat voice came from the silent mouth.

Kvas still does not understand where at the moment.

“I know!”

Kvass’s voice was particularly tired, and the disappointment was even more intense to the extreme.

Imagine that a disciple who he had cultivated as his successor actually killed himself with his own hands.

And the disciple who led to the catastrophe of the entire universe.

Who can be better?

All this was too difficult for Kvas to accept.

But the facts are in front of him, even if Kvas is unwilling to accept it, there is no way.

The scene transitions again.

Now Kvas has returned to his time and space.

“Now, can you tell me about Zamas?”

The silent and flat voice sounded again.

While saying this, Shen Mo saw that Kvas was obviously much older.

At the same time that Shen Mo finished saying this, a voice suddenly entered Shen Mo’s ears.

“Who are you?”

“Human? How did you end up here? This is not the place to be! ”

At the moment when the cold voice sounded, Silence already knew who this person was.

Silent slowly turned around, and at this moment standing behind him was Zamas.

The expression on Zamas’s face at this time was extremely cold, although he had always maintained an indifferent appearance.

But his eyes still showed disdain, still disgust.

Zamas’s distaste for humans has reached its extreme.

Now when I see a human being here, my heart is even more dissatisfied.

All this was seen by Kvas on the side.

Kvas didn’t speak because he didn’t know what to say.

Perhaps, for the last glimmer of hope.

Kvas finally spoke.

“Zamas, remember what I told you?”

After Kvas said this, Zamas’s face showed doubt.

Seeing this, Kvas shook his head and then spoke again.

“Do you really hate humans that much?”

Asked by his own master, Zamaston paused.

The next moment, he answered.

“Master, I don’t hate humans.”

When Zamas said this, his head was lowered, but his eyes revealed a sense of disgust.

Seeing this, Kvas let out a long sigh.


A sigh came out of Kvass’s mouth.

At the moment when Kvass’s sigh sounded, Zamas’s eyes widened sharply.


There was one more person in front of Zamas.

This person is none other than silence.

A large hole had appeared in Zamas’s chest.

Zamas looked at the silence, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Zamas didn’t believe that a human could kill himself in seconds.

I don’t even believe that my master, the king of the realm, Gervas, is here, and this human dares to do this.

Zamas looked at Kvas unwillingly.

At the moment when he saw Kvass, he saw Kvass’s helplessness.

At this moment, Zamas also seemed to understand something.

With the last smile on his lips, Zamas seemed to say something, but he didn’t say it.

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