Dragon Ball Guilty

Chapter 46 Semi-finals, confrontation!

After Feng Zi returned to the rest area, Klin and others raised their doubts one after another.

Feng Zi answered a few questions vaguely, looked at Sun Wukong, and then smiled: "Are you ready? Wukong."

"Yes." Sun Wukong nodded and said excitedly: "I can finally fight you." As Sun Wukong said, according to the numbers drawn, he and Feng Zi are in the same group. In other words, in the next semi-finals, It will be a contest between Sun Wukong and Feng Zi.

"Well, although we are friends, I will never show mercy. Because no matter what type of monster it is, I will knock him out!" Feng Zi straightened his expression and said in an unusually cold tone.

Sun Wukong grinned and said: "I will take revenge in the game. Don't forget, you hateful guy still owes me food for a hundred people!"

Because the contestants in the last quarter elimination round were very weak, Feng Zi didn't care about who among them won and who lost, but instead talked and joked with Sun Wukong and others. In the process of getting to know each other, Klin and Feng Zi became more and more familiar with each other, unlike at the beginning, when they were afraid of Feng Zi.

Half an hour later, the quarter elimination rounds officially ended, and the player who won the last game was a man named Namo. Although Nan Wu used a move called Sky Cross Fist at the last moment of the game, compared with "monsters" like Feng Zi, his strength was far behind.


In the stands, Oolong covered his head in depression, as if something falling from the sky was about to hit him.

"Watching the game, can you please stop hitting me on the head!" Wulong protested to Bulma and Langqi beside him, rubbing the bag on his head. It turns out that while watching the game just now, once the two women Bulma and Langqi got excited, they would use their own goals as a punching bag.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Bulma said impatiently: "Why hasn't the match between Feng Zi and Wukong started yet?"

"Yes, I found out that I have fallen in love with that guy named Feng Zi!" Lang Qi beside her, her long golden hair looked very eye-catching in the sun. After watching Feng Zi's game just now, she felt that Feng Zi's The fighting style is exactly what she prefers, so among the audience, Lang Qi cheers for Feng Zi the loudest.

A loud sound of gongs and drums echoed in the venue, and the audience was shocked. They knew that the fierce semi-finals were about to begin. For a time, noisy discussions and shouts once again stirred up Papaya Island.

The host held the microphone, dressed in the same attire as before, facing the stands, and loudly said: "Dear viewers, the next game is the semi-finals of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Association. Upcoming players are Feng Zi and Sun Wukong. Player!"

"Feng Zi!" "Sun Wukong!" "Feng Zi!" "Sun Wukong!" The audience on the stage cheered one after another. They raised their voices and almost used their maximum volume to support their favorite players.

The host waved his arms and shouted: "Quiet, everyone, be quiet!" The atmosphere at the scene gradually calmed down. At this time, the host took out a handkerchief from his jacket pocket, wiped the sweat on his forehead with it, and then He spoke loudly into the microphone in his hand: "Please invite contestants Feng Zi and Sun Wukong to come on stage!"

As soon as the host finished speaking, the audience on the stage burst into a wave of fierce applause, and there were endless shouts and screams.

Feng Zi and Sun Wukong looked at each other and smiled. Because their minds were very calm, they were not nervous at all. To outsiders, they looked like calm masters.

"Let's go!" Feng Zi whispered to Sun Wukong beside him, and then the two of them walked towards the ring.

Klin looked at the backs of the two people and asked Jackie Chan: "Grandpa, which one of them will win?"

Jackie Chan's eyes were deep, and after hearing Klin's question, Youyou said: "I don't know. The potential of the two of them makes me feel that the era of young people has come!"


Of course, Sun Wukong and Feng Zi would not be clumsy enough to climb the half-meter-high arena. The two of them jumped up like agile leopards.

With a smile on his face and a microphone in his hand, the host ran up to the two of them and introduced: "Let me introduce the two contestants..."

Feng Zi suddenly interrupted him and said in a deep voice: "Hurry up and announce the start!" At this time, Feng Zi had a solemn expression on his face, his whole body was trembling, and he even felt his hair standing on end, getting excited for no reason.

"Ah? Okay, then I declare that the game has officially begun!" The host heard the displeasure in Feng Zi's words, and moved a few meters to the side. Without too much nonsense, he immediately kicked off the fight between dragons and tigers.

Amid the shouts of the audience, Feng Zi and Sun Wukong each stepped back five meters, UU reading www. uukanshhu.net assumed a vigilant posture on the spot. The atmosphere became oppressive, and the air was filled with the feeling that the two people were repelling each other.

Feng Zi's eyes were condensed, and his whole body was in a state that seemed to be loose but not loose; while Sun Wukong performed the traditional Kame Senryu hand gesture, with thin Qi rippling around his body.

One minute passed, and two minutes passed, but the two still did not take action, disappointing the expectations of the entire audience.

"What's going on? It's time to fight!" "Hurry up and start!" the audience shouted dissatisfied. What they wanted to see was a fierce battle, not two people standing there motionless.

In the rest area, Jackie Chan's steady eyes were locked on the two of them, and he murmured: "These two brats have actually mastered Qi." Klin on the side scratched his head, not understanding what Jackie Chan was talking about.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, the host said to Sun Wukong and Feng Zi: "Two contestants, please hurry up and start the battle!"

A biting cold wind blew by, and almost as quickly as everyone blinked, Feng Zi and Sun Wukong disappeared from the spot in an instant.

The wind blew, and two blurry afterimages collided in the center of the ring. In an instant, Feng Zi and Sun Wukong launched a storm-like offensive. Because the speed of the two people was so fast, the audience and the host could only see an outline with their naked eyes.

In Jackie Chan's sight, wherever Feng Zi and Sun Wukong punched, the air was "pop-pop", their legs were dancing in the air, "whoosh" was loud, and there were continuous scoldings and roars, and the excitement was erupted when the two sides fought. The strong wind stirred up the dust on the ground, and the shadows of the legs flew and jumped, and the fists and palms struck each other, and the "crack-pap-pap-pap" was so lively.

(PS: I hope friends who like it will vote, collect, and leave more messages in the discussion area. Give the blood flower more motivation and increase my update speed.)

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