Dragon Ball: I Am One Punch Man

Chapter 132 Evil Omega Shenron Appears! (3 More, Please Subscribe!)

The hard ice blocks flew in all directions, setting off a blizzard of extreme cold in the void. Beerus and the others couldn't stand it anymore, and were forced to keep retreating by the blizzard.

Finally, the bald devil appeared in front of everyone again, and twisted his neck.

This time, Super Eis Shenron was really dumbfounded.

Super Eis Shenron exclaimed: "What are you kidding, I've never seen anything like this in my life. This is so outrageous that someone broke my ice with sheer strength!"

Qi Yu picked up a piece of ice, then squeezed it casually, and the transparent solid ice turned to ashes under his two fingers. Immediately, he shook his head and said, "This thing is as brittle as glass, what's so strange about it?"

Cold sweat slipped from Super Eis Shenron's forehead, and it swallowed a mouthful of saliva before saying, "You said, my solid ice is as brittle as glass?"

Qi Yu looked at the dumbfounded people around him, and said distressedly: "I said, my standards are different from ordinary people. For example, you all think that Vegito Gods of Destruction is very powerful, but in my opinion, they It's no different from the Common people. Similarly, you may think that this ice is hard, but to me it is no different from glass. Gods of Destruction, glass, ice, and Common people. Anyway None of you can stop my fists, so how can I tell you apart?"

Vermut looked at Beerus beside him, who sighed heavily, then lowered his head.

No way, he knew what Qi Yu said was true. At the power conference, he also said the same thing. Standing at Qi Yu's level, I'm afraid it's really hard to figure out the difference between them.

Just like Qi Yu said, since everyone can blow up at will, how to distinguish who is stronger?

Everyone present can't be used as a benchmark to measure Qi Yu's strength, and vice versa, Qi Yu can't be used as a benchmark to measure them, because everyone is not at the same level.

"Don't be kidding me!" Super Eis Shenron obviously couldn't accept Qi Yu's words, spread his wings and rushed towards Qi Yu, then gritted his teeth and said, "I am the second strongest Eis Shenron among the seven evil dragons, how dare you Treat me like an ant, you bastard earthling!"

The super Eis Shenron's figure broke through all the shattered ice, and with an extremely cold breath, launched a fatal blow to Qi Yu. However, Qi Yu didn't even look at it, he picked his nose with one hand, and with the other he casually threw a punch at Super Eis Shenron.

After a jolt that nearly made Gods of Destruction faint, it was all gone.

The sky is gone, the frozen planet is gone, and Super Eis Shenron is gone.

Everything happened so quickly, the colorful starry sky ahead seemed to be swept away by an invisible broom, and everything disappeared completely. Beerus and the others recovered from the dizziness, and only saw a super four star emitting a faint light in the void.

After finishing all this, Qi Yu waved to everyone and said: "Let's go, Super Eis Shenron, this appetizer is really tasteless, let's go and see the main course!"

Vermut looked at Beerus, and it took a long time to recover from the shock, and stammered, "He...how strong is he?"

It was only at this time that Vermut realized that Qi Yu hadn't given his full strength in the tournament of power. It is really unclear where the limit of this bald earthling is.

Beerus, who was used to this kind of thing, sighed, and then said: "Don't ask this question, even he himself doesn't know about this kind of thing, let's go and see the last evil dragon!"

After all, Beerus also quickly followed Qi Yu's pace, leaving only Vermut standing there in a daze.

"Could it be that we really picked someone as terrifying as Lord Grand Priest to be our master?"

With six Super Dragon Balls in tow, Weiss is a little slower. When they rushed to the last place, they saw countless planetary wreckage, even the Gods of Destruction planet from the eleventh universe.

...asking for flowers...0

A little girl with twin ponytails was wounded all over, floating in the void.

Seeing the girl, Vermut immediately turned pale with fright, and ran up to help her up. Needless to say, this girl is the Angel of the Eleventh Universe, Makarita.

"Marcarita, how are you? What about the others? Marcarita, wake up!"

By this time, Makarita had completely passed out. Seeing this, Son Goku handed a fairy bean to Vermut and said, "This is a special product of our earth, and it is a magic medicine that can heal all injuries in a short time."

Hearing Son Goku's words, Vermut immediately opened Makarita's mouth and let her swallow the celestial beans. Soon, Macarita woke up.

"Lord Vermut, it's great that you're still alive!"

Seeing that Macarita had recovered, Vermut asked again: "Are you alright? Macarita, where are the others?"

After waking up, Makarita immediately changed her face and said: "Master Supreme Kai has led everyone to run away, be careful, that guy is nearby. It...it is really terrifying, you guys hurry up too escape."

At this moment, a tall and sturdy figure emerged from the shadow behind the planet's wreckage. It has hard shells all over its body, and these carapaces are like the exoskeleton of insects, wrapping its body. Just like what Qi Yu described, this guy has black spikes on his face, and he looks very domineering.

"You don't have to run away. I'll send you to that guy named Jiren soon!"

Saying that, Super Omega Shenron clasped his hands tightly and began to float towards Qi Yu and the others. Seeing Super Omega Shenron, Qi Yu frowned slightly.

Rarely, Qi Yu actually sensed a hint of danger from this opponent.

While not as strong as the Grand Priest, Super Omega Shenron's strength is definitely no small feat.

towel. .

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