Dragon Ball: I Am One Punch Man

Chapter 193 Cp9 Assembled! (1 Update, Please Subscribe!)

Just when Robin was pressing Bingshan, three terrifying figures with masks walked in from the door.

They are Lu Qi and others who have dealt with all the guards outside the door.


A white dove suddenly flew to the shoulder of one of the bull-masked men.

"You guys!" Seeing this scene, Bingshan thumped in his heart, and suddenly had a bad premonition. He already had a certain guess in his heart, and this guess made him a little desperate.

"It seems that you have already understood that you don't have much time to live anyway." Then let you die by ten o'clock.

As he spoke, he took off his mask.

A Bingshan's extremely familiar face appeared.

It is his most trusted boatman Lu Qi!

The other three people from "June 20" also took off their hoods one after another.

The three are Kagu, Kalifa, and the bar owner Bruno!

"I'm really sorry. If possible, I don't want to leave bad memories in this city where I have lived for five years. Unfortunately, our time is running out. We have been lurking for five years, and the deadline has come. It's Robin who is the only one who can wake up ancient weapons, so I have to do it in advance."

Lu Qi is the nominal commander of this mission, and his combat power is also the highest among the dead.

"Unexpectedly, the person I trusted the most betrayed me. I regard you as my confidants, but you have been planning for the world government for so long! A bunch of bastards!" Betrayal ends badly.

Just when his voice fell.

However, Lu Qi kicked him hard on the face, kicking him until his head was covered in blood, it was extremely miserable.

"Do you think you are still my boss? Pay attention to your attitude. We are the most advanced secret spy organization under the World Government, referred to as cp9. I advise you to obediently hand over the whereabouts of the ancient weapon blueprints." Lu Qi said indifferently.

Bingshan coughed up a puddle of blood, and said as if dying: "Isn't the blueprint already in your hands? If you still ask me now, I don't know anything, and I won't tell you anything

Kill me if you can!"

"Hmph, how dare you speak hard when you're about to die, and pretend that we don't know that the blueprint is fake?" Lu Qi sneered, spread out the fake blueprint he had snatched from Barry, and continued.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell us. Anyway, I already have a conjecture that is close to perfection. Now, I just need to verify it. Kagu, go and take the pulse of Mr. Bingshan

"Please cooperate with me." Kagu came to Bingshan and began to feel the pulse of Bingshan with his fingers.

Lu Qi began to say slowly: "You have always been very vigilant, and you know that people from the World Government have become suspicious of you, and have been trying to force you to hand over the design drawings, but you have been making excuses in every possible way. The World Government suffers from no evidence, so I have never dared to do anything to you."

"This time you released the whereabouts of the fake blueprints, and wanted us to mistake them for the real ones, but you didn't expect that the people who wanted the blueprints were not people from the World Government, but us undercover agents who know you best. 17

"And we knew from the beginning that the drawing was fake, but there are some things on the drawing that are true.

After speaking, Lu Qi took out the fake design drawings.

"On this blueprint, the creator of the design blueprint is signed. There are three people in total. One is your teacher, the founder of Tom Studio, one is your Bingshan, and the other is your junior brother Kafra Mu"

"Not good!" Bingshan's eyes widened suddenly. Although he didn't say a word, his heart began to feel anxious, and his pulse began to beat faster.

The corner of Lu Qi's mouth showed a trace of contempt for controlling everything: "I heard that Fram ran to the front of the sea train to stop the sea train after the death of your teacher Tom, but was hit and crushed to death. We have been Thought Fram was dead, because how could the Common humans fight against the power of the sea train.

"But in the past four years, it seems that once a young man in underpants came to you..."

At this time, Khalifa also took over the conversation, she pushed her glasses and began to recall: "Yes, I remember that young man was outside and said he wanted to see you, but you refused him... ..."

"However, this young man did not leave the city of water. Instead, he bought a small island outside the city and began to break ships. He would often sell some timber to our company's shipyard."

Lu Qi nodded and said with a sneer: "So, it's not surprising that the two of you have contact in private. Since you are so confident that we can't find the blueprint, it means that the blueprint has been handed over to someone else by you. That's why you're so fearless!"

"If my predictions are correct, the blueprints for the ancient weapons should be on the body of your junior brother Fram, or Franky! Am I right?"

After Lu Qi finished the last sentence, Bingshan's heartbeat was almost to the extreme, and his inner violent activity clearly exposed his true thoughts.

Kagu withdrew his hand and said to Lu Qi: "Our guess is right, the design drawings are on Franky's body, and Bingshan's heartbeat has already told me the answer."

"Very well, we're going to find Frankie now, we've been lurking for five years, and it's finally time to reap the rewards, but before that, we still have to get rid of any future troubles." Let's deal with you first.

Lu Qi looked at the iceberg.

"We will set a fire in this room, use the fire to burn you to death, and then blame the Straw Hats. They will burn all the evidence. No matter who comes to investigate, there will be no proof!"

5.7 finished.

Lu Qi turned and walked out of the room.

Kalifa and Kagu followed closely behind.

Only Bruno remained at the end, and he was in charge of handling the iceberg.

At this moment, the glass outside the window was suddenly shattered from the outside.

A figure wearing a straw hat suddenly appeared in the room.

"Mr. Bingshan, I have something to ask you."

This guy is Luffy, and he wanted to come to Bingshan to ask why they want to arrest the Straw Hats while taking advantage of the moonlight.

In the end, I saw waves all over the place, Bingshan was dripping with blood, and Jon was lying weakly against the bed.

On the opposite side of him stood a tall and strong tauren in black.

"Who are you?"

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