Dragon Ball: I Am One Punch Man

Chapter 197 Arriving At Judicial Island (3 More, Please Subscribe!)

The world government, as the largest organization in the world of One Piece, is undoubtedly powerful.

Perhaps it is not powerful enough to ignore all forces at sea, but it is undeniable that if it is really determined to eradicate a certain force, the power it can mobilize is definitely the most powerful in the world.

On the sea, the organizations that support the face of the world government are mainly divided into three: Judiciary Island, the large prison Impelton, and the symbol of the government's force--Navy Commander Lin Fando.

These three government powerhouses are connected by a huge vortex that has changed shape, and they are located in the first half of the Great ~ route in a triangle.

Only through the gate of justice can the three parties take the correct current and reach any destination.

Moreover, the door of justice cannot be bypassed.

Because the sea current on both sides of the door is a reverse vortex caused by the vortex, the ship cannot move forward.

It's just that this is only under normal means. For some people, its existence itself cannot be explained by common sense...

Judiciary Island, because of the geographical environment, has no night and is day all year round, so it is called the island that never sleeps.

Established as a world government, this is a veritable court. And as long as they are taken to the island, they must be identified as prisoners.

Prisoners will only be escorted through those empty courts, and finally go to the gate of justice.

And anyone who passes through this gate usually has no return, which symbolizes the absolute justice of the world government.

As I said before, there are only two places that can be reached after going out to sea from the port of Judiciary Island, one is the Navy Headquarters, and the other is to reach the deep sea prison———Propel Impelton.

No mercy will be given to any prisoner here, and they will only be sent to formal judicial organs.

Since its establishment, it has never been breached.

It's not because of how strong the defense here is, but because of the powerful forces that can break through here, they are basically not interested in this place.

After all, compared to Judicial Island, the Navy Headquarters has more strategic significance.

And those who are relatively weak cannot defeat the internal defense department. Its internal CP organization is really no match for ordinary pirates.

About Judiciary Island.

The outer layer of Judiciary Island is surrounded by a circle of iron fences.

The whole island can be divided into four parts, namely the former island, the main island, the tower of justice and the bridge of hesitation, and there is also the gate of justice behind the island.

The former island is mainly the first main gate, and there are a large number of guards stationed there.

Pass through the main gate and go straight through a long and narrow passage to reach the second main gate suspended above the waterfall, and you can reach the main island through the second main gate (the front gate of the island).

The narrow passage leading to the main island and the main island is completely suspended above the abyss of the huge waterfall.

The main island is basically all kinds of empty courts, and at the end of the main island is the court.

There is no road connecting the Judgment House to the Judicial Tower, and there is a huge waterfall abyss between the two.

You can open the suspension bridge through the switches on the top of the towers on both sides of the court, so as to reach the tower of justice.

The interior of the Tower of Justice is very complicated, like a labyrinth, and there are many secret passages, as well as the offices and conference halls of each member of CP9.

From the Tower of Judiciary to the Bridge of Hesitation, you have to go through the tunnel under the sea. The entrance to the passage is blocked by a huge iron gate, and you can reach the Bridge of Hesitation through the underwater tunnel.

The flag of the World Government is planted above the Tower of Justice.

The bridge of hesitation is supported by several pillars. The last section of the bridge is a folding bridge, which usually shrinks and will only open when the prisoner is escorted to the gate of justice [the end of the bridge of hesitation is the gate of justice.

The Gate of Justice is located at the back of Judiciary Island. It is a huge iron gate, which is usually tightly closed, and even if it is opened, it is only a small crack.

The Gate of Justice is the gate of despair where prisoners will never see the sun once they enter. Through the Gate of Justice, one can reach the Navy Headquarters and the Deep Sea Prison Propel City through the government-specific current.

Judiciary Island is connected to the center of the world government, so the number of troops on the island is very large, and the resident troops are stable at about 10,000.

woo woo woo...

The speed of the rocket man sea train is extremely fast, and it is like walking on the ground on the sea, just like a rocket.

And Luffy, who was sitting on the Iron Horn of the Rocket Man, looked up and saw a huge island in the distance.

"Wow! Look everyone, Judiciary Island is here!"

Luffy's roar startled everyone, everyone put their heads out of the window, and they saw the outline of Judicial Island.

...asking for flowers...

"Are we just going to drive there? Any plans?"

Nami asked curiously.

"Is there any plan to attack Judiciary Island, go head-on."

Sauron held the knife and said domineeringly.

"Let's just go head-on like this? Won't we be bombarded by cannons?"

"What are you afraid of? Our Straw Hat Pirates are not afraid of any danger! Besides, there is Master Qi Yu."

Sauron didn't care.

Nami was speechless. These people really don't know how to write the word "fear". It is a miracle that they are alive today.

From a distance, they saw two tall figures at the main gate of Maejima of Judiciary Island, which turned out to be titans!

The two titans are as tall as mountains, more than ten meters high, and one finger is thicker than the whole person.

"Fuck, what are these two monsters?"

Barry asked with his eyes wide open in disbelief.

"Titan family."

It was Chef Sanji who spoke.

"Is there really such a race in this world?"

Barry had only heard that there were titans, but he didn't expect it to be true.

"Well, there are murlocs, just get used to it."

"All right………………

"Brother, look, it seems that a sea liner is coming.

The yellow-haired titan on the left also said that.

"You read it wrong, the cp9 adults took the last sea train before, how could it be... Hey... There really is one!"

Cassie and the two titans watched the rocket man sea train rushing towards Judicial Island in dumbfounded.

"Damn it, do these pirates want to attack Judicial Island? Are you kidding me?"

Just as their voices fell.

I saw that the rocket man sea train had already taken off, crashed directly through the iron fence of Judicial Island, and flew directly into the main entrance of Judicial Island!

"Wow, these pirates are really going to invade Judiciary Island, sound the alarm!"

Clang clang clang!

With the ringing of the huge bell, the entire Judiciary Island boiled, and countless naval soldiers with swords, guns and sticks emerged from every corner of Judiciary Island, and as far as the eye could see, there were densely packed human heads!

At this moment, the number of the navy on Judiciary Island has exceeded 10,000!

thousand. .

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