Dragon Ball: I Am One Punch Man

Chapter 200 Luffy's Father (2 More, Please Subscribe!)

Rocketman sailed all night, and Qi Yu didn't let Kalifa go, and he didn't sleep all night, but Qi Yu looked refreshed and had a sense of accomplishment.

Stepping out of the Rocket Man sea train, Qi Yu chuckled while looking at the chaotic battlefield, "Is this the Judicial Island? It's a little more spectacular than I imagined."


Behind him, came a soft call.

Looking back, it turned out to be Kalifa.

Being fooled all night by Qi Yu, who can be called a monster, even a superhuman like Kalifa with a power of more than 500 can't bear it.

At this moment, both of Kalifa's legs are weak, and she can only support the Rocketman's car door.

"Khalifa, why did you get out of the car? Go back and have a good rest." Qi Yu showed a trace of tenderness at the corner of his mouth, walked to the car door and hugged Kalifa.

"Bad...bad guy! Put me down quickly, don't touch me!" Even though every inch of her skin had been tasted by Qi Yu, Kalifa still felt very shy.

She was somewhat unable to face Qi Yu.

Can't even face other people.

As a member of CP9, they basically don't know how to fall in love, and all of them are heartless and indifferent.

But after getting along with her last night, Kalifa became a little attached to Qi Yu. There is a saying that if you want to marry a woman, you must first marry her.

"Hey hey hey, I've seen you all over, why don't you let me touch you, you were so fucking last night." Qi Yu hugged Kalifa and smiled evilly.

"Bastard, you still have the nerve to say it! You are sexually harassing me!" Kalifa scolded coquettishly.

Qi Yu domineeringly kissed Kalifa on the pretty face: "So what? The woman I Qi Yu likes, no one can escape my palm, follow me, and I will make you the most powerful woman in the world And the happiest woman, even if you want the stars in the sky, I will help you pick them off, even if I am against the world government and the whole world, I have nothing to fear!"

"You..."..." Khalifa was speechless by Qi Yu's rhetoric.

Fight against the world government, against the whole world!

What a confident man is this?

"Hey! Let me tell you, are you guys tired enough? The other companions have already gone to save Robin and Franky, but you are still here to flirt with each other, it's too shameless!"

A familiar female voice sounded behind the two.

Turning around, it turned out to be Nami.

Seeing outsiders, the shyness on Kalifa's face disappeared immediately.

She struggled to stand up from Qi Yu's arms, and looked at Nami expressionlessly: "What do we say, it's none of your business?"

"Bad girl, don't think I'll be afraid of you if you hug the big devil's thigh, you government lackeys dare to kidnap Robin and even hurt Mr. Bingshan, it's unforgivable!" Nami showed no sign of weakness, Fighting back counterattacked.

Kalifa snorted coldly: "You better pay attention to me when you speak, a weak woman like you can't even block my blow!"

Nami pulled out the weather stick from behind: "Come here if you have the ability, who is afraid of whom?"

"court death!"


Just when the two faced each other face to face and were about to fight, Ya finally spoke out.

He looked at the two women speechlessly: "You two stupid women, stop arguing with me here, I'm going to be annoyed to death by you!"

"you shut up!"

Kalifa and Nami suddenly turned their heads and shouted at Qi Yu.

"Fuck!" Qi Yu was dumbfounded.

These two stinking women are really daring, yelling at themselves.


Qi Yu went up and slapped the two women's buttocks, and in an instant, a soft touch was transmitted to Qi Yu's palm.

"It feels really good." Qi Yu smiled smugly.



"Stinking rogue!"

"You are sexually harassing!"

The two girls screamed loudly.

But Qi Yu turned a deaf ear to it, and simply forcibly put his arms around the waists of the two girls.

Just like visiting a garden, I took the two girls through the main gate of Judiciary Island where the battle was taking place, and flew directly to the gate of the court with the Flying Technique.

On the other side, with the help of their companions, Luffy and others forcibly broke through to the roof of the court building.

"It's the Straw Hats!"

Seeing that the Straw Hat gang had already stood on the roof of the courthouse, the CP9 members reported to Spandam in a very flat manner.

At this time, all members of CP9 were present except for Bruno who had been seriously injured and Kalifa who had been taken away by Qi Yu, and their good-for-nothing boss Spandam stood by Nico Robin and Kalifa. Behind Te French. 1050104222 Feilu 183340210]

"Damn! How could it be so fast? Didn't those bastard soldiers just say that there was only one person?"

When Spandam saw all the Straw Hats standing on the roof of the courthouse, his frightened heart beat a lot faster.

If it wasn't for relying on his right to order CP9 to protect him, how dare he be arrogant? It would be a joke not to be scared to death.

"Robin, we're here to save you!" Luffy, who was standing on the top floor of the court, shouted to Nicole Robin, who was being detained on the judicial tower.

Obviously his partner is close at hand, the Straw Hats will never back down in this place.

Once the courthouse drawbridge is lowered, they can attack the Judiciary Tower directly.

Taking a step back, even if the drawbridge cannot be put down, Luffy can take everyone into the Judicial Tower.


Spandam suddenly discovered that the Straw Hats were only standing on the roof of the courthouse and seemed unable to come to the Judicial Tower.

And thinking that there are six CP9 members on his side who can protect him, Spandam became arrogant again.

"Smelly pirates, look at that flag!"

Spandam pointed to the flag representing the symbol of the world government and shouted: "That symbol represents the alliance of more than 170 member countries in the four seas and beyond (the Zhao) and the great sea route!"

Indeed, the world government, as the largest and strongest organization in the world, has a history of eight hundred years since its establishment.

Has already won over most of the countries in the world.

At present, only the revolutionary army dares to confront the world government head-on, trying to overthrow the rule of the world government.

And as the supreme leader of the Revolutionary Army, that is, Luffy's father, Monkey D. Dorag has been identified as the most dangerous criminal in the world because of spreading anti-world government ideas.

At present, the revolutionary army has liberated several non-world government countries that were persecuted by the Tianlong people, and the ideas of the revolutionary army continue to spread around the world.

Seeing that no one responded from the Straw Hats, Spandam said arrogantly: "Now I know how small you are in this world, and what a huge organization this woman is facing!"

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