Dragon Ball: I Am One Punch Man

Chapter 71 Qi Yu Vs Dark Man Qi Yu! (6 Updates, Please Subscribe!)

Zamasu wanted to resist, but the huge force from his hand made him unable to resist at all, and he passed out on the spot.

Evil Shenron looked at his hands and couldn't help sighing: "It's really incredible power, even Supreme Kai can't stop my casual blow."

After all, he came to the unconscious Zamasu, took off his Supreme Kai earrings and time ring, and put them on himself.

"I knew it, you must be playing tricks."

At this time, Qi Yu and others had already arrived.

Whis said: "Huo! Unexpectedly, the dark man turned out to be the incarnation of Super Shenron, you twisted Zamasu's wish to actually fulfill your own wish.

The super Shenron who has turned into a dark man pointed at Qi Yu and said, "If you want to blame, blame this damn earthling! My existence is higher than gods, but this stupid mortal dares to attack me and kill me .”

Qi Yu sneered, "So you want revenge?"

Didn't expect Super Shenron to be so stingy.

The matter of Qi Yu killing it a year ago is still remembered.

Although the ability is much stronger, there is no difference between Super Shenron and Earth Shenron in essence.

Fulfilling other people's wishes is the Super Shenron's only ability, so it misinterprets Zamasu's wishes and turns itself into a Qi Yu clone.

All this is just to get revenge on Qi Yu.

The dark man said: "You mortals dare to challenge the majesty of the Super Shenron and even offend me. I will make you suffer the most terrible torture in the world. I will kill everyone you love and destroy all the worlds." Qi Yu ,I want you to pay a terrible price for what you did! Hahaha..."

Qi Yu, the dark man transformed into the evil Shenron, let out piercing laughter.

"You pervert who runs around naked with someone else's body! I'll kill you first!"

Qi Yu snorted coldly.

He squeezed his fist, broke away from Whis's circle of light in an instant, and swooped towards the ultra-dark man.

Unlike Vegeta and others, Qi Yu once made a wish to the earth Shenron to obtain the ability to breathe freely in the universe.

Even without Whis' cane, he can still fight in the universe.

People will always be disgusted with guys who imitate themselves, not to mention this guy in front of him copied himself from head to toe, and used his body to run naked in the universe.

So Qi Yu was furious.

"Serious fist.||!"

When Qi Yu punched, the dark man also imitated Qi Yu's movements and used the same moves as him.

The collision of the two fists immediately caused an uproar in the void, like a star exploding.

Whis struggled to support the protective cover, and then managed to resist the impact.

After a long time, the shock wave gradually dissipated, and I saw two Qi Yu's fists pressing together, and lightning burst out continuously at the full contact.

Whis wiped his sweat and said: "It's a terrible attack, I can't imagine that Qi Yu's strength has reached this level."

Beerus in the mask stared at the battlefield with his hands behind his back: "This is just the beginning."

Beerus, who had fought against Qi Yu before, knew best that even if he didn't use the Qi in his body, the power of the bald demon king was more than just that.

Vegeta was shocked: "Isn't this Qi Yu's full strength?"

Beerus nodded, and at this moment, Qi Yu flew back and raised both hands at the same time.

"Million series, continuous serious punches!"

Qi Yu turned into phantoms all over the sky, and then rushed to hit the dark man in front of him.

Every blow is extremely heavy, and every blow is full of killing intent.

The dark man who just got this body seems to have not yet adapted to the powerful power of this body, and he can only hug the front door to defend between warehouses.

The fists kept bombarding his body like a dense barrage, getting faster and heavier.

Gradually, scars appeared on the dark man's body, and drops of blood overflowed from the surface of the skin, floating in the void.

At this time, Whis's protective cover was already full of cracks, but the violent shock continued to wave after wave, as if it would never stop.

"Master Beerus, I can't, I can't hold it anymore!"

Beerus yelled: "Everyone, gather your energy and don't let the shield shatter."

Even with the power of a god, Son Goku and Vegeta are essentially human and cannot survive in the void.

If there is no oxygen in the protective cover, it will not be long before the two of them will die.

Hearing Beerus' order, Son Goku and Vegeta turned into super blue forms at the same time, allowing them to resist the turbulent impact with their own energy.


Qi Yu let out a roar, and the strength in his hand increased again.

The defense of the four of Beerus was like a boat in a storm, crumbling and likely to disintegrate at any time.

The explosion flickered in the dark rain like a solar flare, blinding the eyes.

I don't know how long it took before the impact gradually subsided, and the figures of Qi Yu and the dark man reappeared in the void.

The dark man was already scarred, but he let out a wild laugh, and then slowly put down his hands, showing an evil smile.

"Qi Yu! Don't you even know your own strength? It is impossible for such an attack to defeat me.

He clenched his fists, then looked at his perfect body and said: "It's really a terrifying body, even such an attack can only cause a little scratch.

Son Goku, who was watching the battle, exclaimed: "How is it possible? Such an attack has no effect? ​​Isn't even Qi Yu his opponent?"

Beerus shook his head and said: "Even a super Shenron can't really copy Qi Yu's power. What the dark man has obtained is only a small part of Qi Yu's ability. In fact, it is very easy for Qi Yu to kill the dark man."

Vegeta said: "Then why didn't Qi Yu do this?"

Beerus stared and said: "It's not that he can't, but he dares not to live without money."

Vegeta snorted and said, "What do you mean by not daring? The enemy is right in front of his eyes. What is the bald demon king worried about?"

Beerus said: "He is afraid that his too strong power will destroy everything in an instant."

After all, the punch that Qi Yu once threw at him appeared in Beerus' mind, that punch that was devastating and seemed to swallow everything up.

These days, Beerus has been helping Qi Yu transform destructive energy, and he has also seen with his own eyes that Qi that is countless times larger than the universe.

Under normal circumstances, Li Yu would never use Qi when fighting.

First of all, his physical body is strong enough, relying on physical strength alone, there are very few people who are his opponents.

Secondly, it may be that Qi Yu himself is also afraid of the qi in his body, so he has been deliberately hiding it.

But today, he couldn't hide it!

PS: The sixth update, please subscribe!.

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