On weekends, Bulma School is closed.

According to the two's Dragon Ball collection plan, Ping Fan drove a motorcycle with Bulma to the suburbs north of the western capital.

Ordinary parked his car outside the mountains and walked towards the mountains with Bulma with a machete in hand.

Because this mountainous area is located on the outskirts of the western capital, people often come here on their days off, so for the safety of the people, the National Guard will clean up the northern mountain from time to time.

Bulma didn't think there would be any danger in Kitayama, and she walked in front with a big grin in her Dragon Ball radar.

Ordinary followed Bulma with a machete to keep her safe.

Although Bulma got the Dragon Balls here very smoothly in the manga, who knows if the plot will change because of herself.

"We're almost there, it should be around here." Bulma said, and after saying that, she saw the machete in hand, nervous and ordinary.

"Don't be so nervous, there are so many dangers, don't you think we're safe now?" Bulma comforted.

Just as Bulma's voice fell, there was a sound of friction in the bushes, and something was rapidly approaching the ordinary people.

Hearing this voice, Bulma, who was originally not very bold, ran behind the ordinary in an instant.

"Is there a monster coming?" Bulma asked tremblingly.

Ping Fan said: "It's okay, it should be an ordinary beast." The

sound of friction was getting closer and closer, and with a "poof", a huge wild boar ran out of the bushes, lowered its head and showed its sharp fangs and rushed towards Ordinary.

Bulma was startled and suddenly felt that hiding behind ordinary people did not seem to be very safe, so she turned and hid behind a giant tree.

Ping Fan took a deep breath and was ready to strike at this wild boar, but he didn't expect that this wild boar didn't stop at all, and directly passed through Ordinary and ran into the distance.

Just when Ping Fan breathed a sigh of relief, a saber-toothed tiger suddenly jumped out of the bushes.

It was obvious that this saber-toothed tiger was chasing the wild boar just now, but after seeing the ordinary, its gaze was suddenly attracted by the ordinary.

Looking at the ordinary who was guarding with a knife, this saber-toothed tiger didn't care at all, and roared and rushed towards the ordinary.

It opened its mouth wide, and the white light reflected by its long sharp canine teeth in the air, and for a while ordinary people felt a little dazzling.

The ordinary reaction was also very fast, dodging to the side before the saber-toothed tiger pounced, and then after the saber-toothed tiger landed, a sideways kick directly hit the saber-toothed tiger's waist.

The saber-toothed tiger was directly kicked out by Pingmian, hit the tree next to it, and then fell heavily to the ground.

It was also ordinary that did not use all his strength, and the saber-toothed tiger immediately got up from the ground. However, he should still be injured, and his walking figure is obviously not as agile as before.

The saber-toothed tiger leaned down again, seemingly ready to attack again, and Ordinary was not to be outdone.

Then the saber-toothed tiger roared, turned and fled into the bushes.

Yes, that's right, ran away, and Bulma, who was cheering the ordinary loudly, called the other party a coward with an unhappy look.

Ping Fan said: "Forget it, let's hurry up to find the Dragon Ball, look at the radar, how far we are from the Dragon Ball now." Bulma

looked at the radar and said, "The radar shows that the Dragon Ball is over there, follow me."

After that, Bulma walked forward first through the bushes, and Ordinary quickly followed to avoid Bulma's danger.

After a while, Pingfan found Bulma standing there motionless, and he strangely stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong?"

Bulma said, "No, the Dragon Ball radar shows that the Dragon Ball is in this position, but why didn't I see the Dragon Ball?" Ping

Fan looked at the Dragon Ball radar and found that there were indeed two Dragon Balls flashing in their current location, one of which was their second planet, and the other should be the new Dragon Ball, but this position did not see the Dragon Ball.

Ordinary said: "Since there is no on the ground, it can only be on the tree or underground." You wait a minute, I'll climb the trees around and see.

So Ping Fan quickly climbed several big trees around, and after ten minutes, Ordinary returned without success, and said: "I just checked, there are no dragon balls on the surrounding trees, and now it seems that dragon balls can only be underground." "

Ah! Do we still need to dig holes, and who knows how deep we need to dig? Bulma asked.

Ping Fan thought for a while and said: "The Dragon Ball cannot appear underground out of thin air, only it may have fallen into a gap in the ground when the Dragon Ball fell, or in a cave. "

Although this North Mountain has some streams, it should not be enough to corrode the surface to form a cave, so the Dragon Ball is underground, most likely because of the cave."

"We looked around to see if there were any caves nearby." After speaking, Pingfan and Bulma began to look around.

Bulma said: "It seems that the new Dragon Ball radar, I need to improve it and integrate it with our detection satellite.

"In this case, if the current situation occurs again and again in the future, I can use the detection satellite to detect the terrain, so that I can directly display the underground terrain on the radar screen."

Pingfan nodded and praised: "Bulma, you are the smartest girl I have ever met." Hearing

the ordinary praise, Bulma couldn't help but laugh proudly: "Hahahaha..., I also feel so, you don't have a crush on sister, sister is a legend." The

two chatted idly while looking for a cave that might hide the Dragon Balls, and after a while, at the other end of the mountain, Ordinary found a cave.

"According to the direction of extension inside the cave, if nothing else, the Dragon Ball should be inside." Pingfan turned on a flashlight and shone it inside, and then said.

"Do you think there will be ghosts or something like that?" Bulma hid behind the ordinary, looked at the dark cave, and couldn't help but ask worriedly.

Ordinary said: "How can there be ghosts in this world. Just after speaking, Ping Fan suddenly remembered that he seemed to be in the Dragon Ball world now, and there were ghosts in the Dragon Ball, so he changed his tone and said: "Even if there are ghosts, they should be punished in hell now." Bulma

asked worriedly, "Are you sure there will be a ghost escaping from hell?" Ping

Fan immediately replied: "Impossible, King Yan Luo is very powerful, the ghost can't escape, you can rest assured." Seeing

Bulma's scared look, Ordinary couldn't help but kindly suggest: "Otherwise, you wait for me outside, I'll go in and get the dragon balls, I'll be fast."

"No, I'll go in with you." Bulma immediately refused, joking, there are tigers and wild boars outside, how dare I, a weak woman, stay outside.

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