As the Great Priest's words fell, Darens's face was gloomy, but the surprise in his heart was not small.

The appearance of the Great Priest was very abrupt, Darles did not notice it at all, if it were not for the Great Priest to speak, he would not have discovered it until now, and it was a secret that he had a spirit tree seed, except for him and his men, everyone who knew was dead.

"Who the hell is this guy? How do I know I have the seeds of the spirit tree? Darens' gaze was fixed on the Grand Priest.

"It's him!" Raditz's pupils also shrank.

Because of the Great Priest, Raditz's long flowing hair turned into a soaring color, but his combat effectiveness also skyrocketed from 1,200 to more than 30,000, which made his heart very complicated.

Saiyans are supreme in power, and more than 30,000 combat power has already made Raditz very excited.

In Raditz's shallow cognition, more than 10,000 combat power is already an extremely powerful Saiyan, and more than 20,000 combat power is unimaginable, let alone more than 30,000.

With a flickering gaze, Dales condensed all his qi and sent out an energy wave.

When the energy wave emitted by Darens approached, the Great Priest stretched out a finger and turned this energy wave into invisibility ten meters away.

"Nani?" Dallez's eyes widened, and Raditz was stunned.

With just one finger and ten meters apart, the powerful energy wave of Dales turned into invisible, how powerful is this?

An understated finger defused Dales' attack, and the Great Priest's hand moved slightly, and suddenly, Dales' body was controlled by the Great Priest.

Now, Darles can't move even a finger.

Under the control of the Great Priest, Dales couldn't help but take out the seeds of the spirit tree.

The seeds of the divine tree were in hand, and the Great Priest didn't bother to pay attention to Dales and Raditz, and left with a teleportation.


Darens was stuck on the barren sand, his legs twitching.

At this time, Raditz smiled sinisterly, he did not attack Darens again, but an energy wave destroyed Darens and the spaceship under Darenes, and then left the barren planet on the spaceship.

Without the spaceship, although Dales survived, he could not leave this barren planet, after all, Saiyans could not survive in the universe.


The Great Priest did not return to the Northern Realm King Star, he went to the Northern Realm King Star for the Realm King Fist and Yuan Qi Bomb, since he got it, there was no need to go to that small planet.

A planet dozens of light-years from Earth, this planet is vibrant, seven out of ten is oceans, three tenths is land, and 90% of the land is forest.

Coming to this planet, the Great Priest casually planted the seeds of the spirit tree, and then used a little divine power to accelerate the growth.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the sacred tree grows vigorously, absorbing the vitality of the earth as nutrients.

As the sacred tree grew larger and larger, with the sacred tree as the center, desertification began in all directions.

Experimenting with the spirit tree at the cost of a planet's life, the Great Priest's heart was calm.

Although it had only been a few days since he crossed into this world, the Great Priest had basically adapted.

Now, the Great Priest can even create the universe, and destroying some galaxies in this seventh universe is nothing, let alone a planet.

This planet is not small, originally it took two or three days to absorb all the vitality according to the growth rate of the spirit tree, but because of a little divine power of the Great Priest, the speed was greatly accelerated.

In less than half an hour, the planet was completely desertified, a barren land, no longer a little life, and a grass would not grow for hundreds of years, while the spirit tree was hundreds of meters tall and bearing two small fruits.

Picking a spirit tree fruit casually, the great priest studied it and also knew the secret of this divine tree.

The fruit of the divine tree can enhance the combat power of mortals, develop wisdom, and enhance the divine power of gods, but it is only used against low-level gods.

Like the Earth Heavenly God, Yan King, Realm King, etc. can use the fruits of the spirit tree to enhance their divine power, and the Realm King God and the God of Destruction will have no effect eating the fruits of the spirit tree.

In addition to improving combat effectiveness and divine power, developing wisdom, the spirit tree also has a role.

This spirit tree is ownerless, and it can be refined with divine power, and after refining, it is the owner of the spirit tree, and the fruit of the spirit tree has changed.

For example, if the great priest becomes the master of the spirit tree, then the fruit produced by this spiritual tree is eaten by the god who has a lower realm than him, and the god who eats the fruit is loyal to him.

For example, if the Great Priest and the King turn their faces, Beerus will definitely stand on the side of the King, and the Great Priest will become the master of this spirit tree, and then give the fruit of the spirit tree to Beerus to eat, and Beerus will stand on his side.

Moreover, after becoming the owner of the spirit tree, the fruit of the spirit tree can unlock genetic locks, improve the level of life, and develop the brain.

Mortals have gene locks, and gods also have them, and mortal gene locks are difficult to unlock, and gods' gene locks are even more difficult to unlock.

With the Great Priest's Divine Realm Element, his gene lock is also extremely terrifying to unlock the first order.

As for the development of the brain, even the brain of the great priest has only used less than 30%, and more than 70% is in a deep sleep, and if it is fully awakened, it will definitely blow up the sky.

The ownerless spirit tree fruit can develop the mortal brain to a certain extent and unlock the first-order gene lock of mortals, but it is invalid against the gods, and the spirit tree fruit with the master is only effective for the owner.

"Good thing, this time the harvest is really big." The Great Priest smiled happily.

The great priest originally didn't care too much about the spirit tree, just got it to play, and in the future, he would give some spirit tree fruits to see who was pleasant, such as artificial man No. 18 or something, but he didn't expect that this spirit tree gave him a big surprise.

After eating the small spirit tree fruit in his hand, the Great Priest only felt that the taste was good.

The ownerless spirit tree fruit had no effect on the Great Priest at all.

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