Chapter 143: The Evil King

"Senior Brother Yao! Why hurt our kindness to jade? This piece of jade is the first to get it, or is it a war between the two schools, in my opinion, we still abide by the rules before us, this is the best policy! "This bladeless sword pierced the throat of an evil king, misread the situation, and roared loudly at the medicine.

"Well, like you said." "I don't know what's going on inside me," he said. "

At this time, except for Wang Xing, the poison kings were all killed in battle! From the beginning, until now, no one escaped! No one can break through alone! This is not to say that they have no chance to escape, a closer look will reveal the location of their death, and also vaguely protect the star in the center of their body! They don't forget their mission until they die!

"Child, hand over the jade, my sword god will let you live!" Jian Wufeng looked around at Yao Wangfu, standing ten steps away from Wang Xing's left, pointing the tip of the sword at it, saying that he didn't know from which channel the sword learned that the jade was in his hand.

"Brother Tu, please tell me that the jade is handed in, my pharmacy can also protect you, that jade is not what you can have, I am the head of the Medicine King family, my Medicine King Palace calls you the inner door of the Medicine King family, enjoy honor and wealth!" Yao Wuji, afraid of being connected by the sword, did not have a front, standing ten steps away to the right of Wang Xing, and did not want to fall behind.

Wang Xing did not answer, but touched the jade pei hidden in his chest, and looked coldly at the sword that killed Old Sun Wukong, looking a little embarrassed, as well as the medicine for Zhao Guowei's minor injuries. Feel the piece of jade from his arms and hold it high on his head.

At this time, Jianshen School and Yao Wangfu were very nervous, and two tigers should not be allowed in a mountain. Everyone understands this, and the current situation is very tense. Sooner or later, the Sword God School and the Drug King Mansion will go to war! Now the war is beginning to take shape.

As long as either of these two schools does this, the war will begin.

In fact, Jian Wuqian, medicine without rod, do not want to talk to Wang Xing, this is the best way to directly step forward to grab money. However, the current situation is that from Yao Wanggong to the East, there are people everywhere, but from the Sword God School to the West, they are all such people, and Wang Xing stands in the middle of these two schools. If the leaders of these two schools robbed Yupe alone in the event of a stalemate between the two armies, there is no doubt that they will be targeted by the public and will never return, which is one of the reasons why they are not robbed.

The second reason is that he was photographed by two people, for the prestige of jade. When the Jianshen faction and the Yao King Mansion joined forces to attack the Poison King Gate, they had this jade faction, unless they could blow this person to pieces in an instant. Otherwise, no matter how many injuries you have, you can recover in a short time.

And now Wang Xing is undoubtedly engaged in the struggle of beasts, even trapped animals, should not be underestimated! Because, the one who was trapped was using the unknown Jade King! Who knows if this Yupe has other abilities?

Sword has no frontal and drug to reduce unnecessary casualties, and unknown traces of fear, and chooses to negotiate, but without negotiation, no one will negotiate well with a person who thinks is going to die.

Even a small casualty would affect the entire war situation, perhaps the death of a sect master, but it would lead to the defeat of the entire war, which neither side wanted at the beginning of the war.

At this time, the atmosphere was very tense, everyone remained vigilant, afraid that the other party would suddenly attack, and no one noticed that there was a dark cloud gradually on Wang Xing's head.

"Fart! If you have the guts, come and get it! Wang Xing's words broke the silence for a moment. When he was under siege, he said something similar. Wang Xing's previous life was Gu Ming's son, and he was relieved about it.

"Stubborn, like your stupid father!" The medicine's lips were restless in whispers.

"Child! Your father was defeated by a group of masters, that is, he was too stubborn, and today, you repeat your father's mistakes! Today, even if you are brave, you cannot run out! Jian Wufeng listened to Wang Xing's words and immediately laughed.

Suddenly, Jian Wu looked forward, changed from banter to panic, and shouted at the back of the medicine: "Brother Yao, be careful!" "Sun Changshan is not dead!"

I saw that the voice had just fallen, the sword was no longer laughing, Xuan Qi moved his feet, and immediately flew towards Wang Xing.

Yao Wuji listened to the sword without a positive word, and was surprised for a while, and also heard the laughter of the sword without the front, although he felt wrong, but he still looked back and saw that he was waiting for the guard, how could there be Sun Changshan?! The medicine suddenly shouted in his heart, and when I looked back, I saw the movement of the sword, and I didn't run towards Wang Xing head-on, and I immediately repented.

But after a while, the medicine of the five poles also reacted, rushing towards Wang Xing at a slightly faster speed, and in the blink of an eye, two people came to Wang Xing, two master-level masters, doing their best to attack a child under the age of ten! ! .

Wang Xing sighed: "Dad, am I wrong?" "Feng'er came to you to beg for his sin!" Two lines of clear tears flowed from the corners of Wang Xing's eyes, but he, like his father, showed a relieved smile. Tears flowed down his cheeks and down a perfect arc into Wang Xing's lips, but such bitter tears flowed into Wang Xing's mouth. But it's so sweet, so sweet.

The shooting of the two masters is a must kill! The sword came first, and a sword blocked his waist, slashing Wang Xing with the sound of the sword. Although the medicine is endless, the sound of breaking wind in the hand is loud, aiming at the cover of Wang Xing's spirit, there is a big hand that shoots it into the momentum of meat mud!

When the sword and a palm were about to meet Wang Xing, Yupei suddenly lit up, really bright, so bright that people couldn't open their eyes. There seems to be only this white light in the world. The white light instantly spread to almost every corner of the continent, but disappeared in an instant. Ordinary people just felt that the white light had disappeared without any discomfort, but the sword and medicine of the authorities were deeply moved.

This sword without a front seems to be going to cut Wang Xing, just like chopping cotton, saying that cotton is not actually split in half, and there is no shock resistance, and the experience of medicine without a rod is very similar to the experience of the knife without a front knife. It was as if this power had been sucked away by humans.

Wang Xing, on the other hand, Wang Xing's eyes are still closed, his face is still smiling with relief, but there is a thin milky white cover on the outside of his body, which surrounds this cover, that is the sword of the world blocked, and the sky will be sucked away.

But at this time, Wang Xing is slowly rising, the sword has no sword, the medicine has no rod, and he can't stop a penny, he can only watch Wang Xing fly into the sky!

Suddenly, Wang Xing moved forward, moving forward at a very fast speed, floating towards the north of the continent!

At this time, Wang Xing took off in a corner of the south of the continent, and an old man with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes and said tremblingly: "Master! "The task of the old slave has been completed!" At the end of the speech, the old man turned into flying ash and dissipated in the air.

The sword was without medicine and fuss, not only them, but everyone present was stunned, one after another did not know what to do, these mortals had never seen anyone flying in the sky! These mortals couldn't help but tremble with the king, with an urge to worship.

The first to react was one of the pharmacy's elders: "This. "This is. This is a fairy recorded in my ancestral home. Fairy! Often walking in the air, often fighting into the sea, anger often disperses, calm spring flowers bloom. This, this. This, this. The old man's legs trembled for a long time, until he remembered the causes and consequences of the ancient book. He knelt on the ground with a "bang". According to the words in the ancient book, he shouted: "Look at the immortals! "

As soon as this sentence came out, it was like a heavy bomb exploding in the crowd. Immediately, more and more people remembered the word "immortal" mentioned in their genealogy, classical, ancestral heritage! More and more kneeling people, self-described as "lowly people of the lower world" appeared, and primitive uneven voices gradually appeared in unison.

If anyone looks, they see a piece of head, neatly kneeling on the ground, shouting the same unified sentence: "Look at the immortals, lowly people of the lower world!" "

At this time, only Jian Wufeng, Yao Wu could barely stand, did not kneel and shout, but was also playing with a bad plan in his heart.

Jian Wuqian, Medicine Wuji, people's voices were surprising, recalling the ancient books they had seen in their own schools, and secrets that only guards could understand, they knew the horror and horror of fairies, and then they saw Wang Xing.

At this point, Wang Xing didn't seem to realize this, his face was still free, it was easy to smile, completely unaware that he was slowly drifting north.

Jian Wuqian looked at each other, seeing the fear and shock in the other party's eyes, and immediately, an urge to worship arose from the bottom of his heart, this impulse had just arisen, but he was forced down by the two of them.

He has been in charge of two disciplines in the world for decades, and countless people respect him, no matter how this generation calls themselves the younger generation, this is force, this continent, martial arts as respect!

There is no doubt that both of them are respectable figures on this continent, and the honorable people have glorious pride! Even if you are a fairy, so what? Want me to give in, wishful thinking!

At that moment, the two of them woke up in shock, with deep resentment on their faces, but it was a shame for a person who had been in a high position for a long time to have such a feeling. They will not allow this continent to be stronger than it is now! Even if there is, we must do everything we can to eliminate it!

"Is this a jade-skinned ghost?" The medicine endlessly locked his eyebrows, looking at the sky floating, but he could still vaguely see Wang Xing's shadow sinking.

"It must be, drug ghost, if we can catch up with this jade, you and I will be immortal like Wang Xing!" The sword is fast, there are no sharp words, the body is faster. He rode a fast horse in a school gate school and walked in the direction of Wang Xingfei.

In fact, the reason why the sword does not have a front to pull the medicine, I am afraid that I am still worried that Yupei has changed, and more people also have many ways to deal with it, and there is more support. The idea was formed almost quickly in a sword without a forebrain, so I said to Yao Wuji.

Only that jade was in the heart of the medicine warrior, there was not much answer to the sword without positive words, almost at the same time with the sword without a front to grab the horse at the same time, the target - Wang Xing!

Wang Xing now feels very light, this feeling is very different from the last time he was in distress in the back mountain, the last time he was calling for help, he smelled the fog and was refreshed, as if there was a stream of air wandering between the meridians.

But now, Wang Xing could feel that every time he flew, the gas in his meridians would decrease by one point. Although this feeling was not strong at first, Wang Xing, who was flying farther and farther, felt it.

Wang Xing tried more than once to wake up from this state, but in vain, he had a feeling that when the white gas in his meridians was getting less and less, that is, when he was squeezed dry. This feeling became stronger and stronger, because he had already felt that the body lacked support, until the end, this attraction to the body was irresistible, every drop of blood, every piece of flesh, every inch of bone that pressed on his body!

Wang Xing didn't know that time was in this state, some were just pain, drill pain, and by the third day outside, this pain had become numb, and in these three days, Wang Xing fainted a total of 19 times and was awakened by pain. This feeling, life is not as good as death!

During these three days, Wang Xing had been hanging behind two fast horses, one of them was a middle-aged man with a large knife, and the other was an old man dressed in gray clothes with a white beard.

The two of them stopped along the way, constantly replenishing food and water, and exchanged eight horses, which was also equivalent to the flight speed of Wang Xing. If it weren't for the two of them, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to hold on.

On the morning of the fourth day, several unknown birds "squeaked" on the branches, as if expecting the arrival of spring, but the branches on which the birds stood were popsicles. The snow on the ground is stepped on deep footprints, and spring will not come again, because this is the land of the far north!

After a while, a man floated in the air and drifted to the far north. The man wore a thick linen shirt and was as thin as a corpse, but he could still see that free and relaxed smile on his face. This person is the king star floating in the sky!

He had been squeezed for four days, and the milky white curtains visible to the naked eye had now been broken and almost impossible.

One thin horse after another came, the horse was embarrassed, four days and four nights on the road, even the two of him showed signs of intolerability, and the two fast horses were also turned into thin horses by these two people. When he reached the far north, the horse could not take half a step forward, so he abandoned the horse, gritted his teeth, and chased Wang Xing for no reason, just for the sake of the immortals!

That evening, Yupei's white light disappeared, Wang Xing fainted in the snow, I don't know if he died or died, this is the 22nd time Wang Xing fainted....? Jian Wuqian, Yao Wuzhu also left, looking at Wang Xing who fell to the ground, his face showed a greedy expression, especially the jade in Wang Xing's hand kept glancing. The sword had no front, and the medicine went far, and Wang Xing fell to the ground, looking greedily at his face, especially the jade in Wang Xing's hand.

At that moment, the reaction of the two men, now the biggest enemy next to him, tried to find jade like his own. The sword has no edge, medicine does not have extreme pain, but the two people standing together are now-for-tat, nothing, the current situation is no longer right and wrong, some only success and failure, successful people can become immortal people. And failure, a hundred years later is a pile of white bones, a handful of loess!

Jian Wuqian Wuji knew this, and was preparing desperately, one of the two mysteriously raised to the tip of the sword, the other hand was on both hands, the two masters in the world were desperate to strike is not easy! Even the snow on the ground is pressed to the ground by this momentum, and war is coming!

Suddenly, a figure jumped out of the ice on the side and ran towards Wang Xing at a very fast speed. This method seems to be no less than Jian Wuqian and Medicine Wuzhu, and that person's target is obviously Yupumei on Wang Xing's body! Jian Wufeng, medicine without rod, immediately discovered the existence of this person, and drank at the same time: "Uh dare!" "He did it at the same time.

No matter how good this man was, he could not resist the wrath of the two masters of the world, let alone the mystery that these two people were going to mention in desperation, but this man was close to Wang Xing, he wanted to get it, but he was beaten clean. Unfortunately, the dying King was also bombarded with the aftermath of this energy. Wang Xing's whole body immediately opened, and his flesh and blood flew away.

But then, the flesh that flew was wrapped in white light, flew back, condensed into the center of blood cells, and vaguely saw a jade object slowly spinning.

In an instant, the eight directions around the blood cells illuminated the white light, covering Wang Xing's blood cells, and as soon as the white light brightened, Wang Xing and Nayupe's blood cells disappeared at the same time!

Jian Wuqian, medicine without pillar, almost the next minute ran to the place where Wang Xing disappeared, looking at the ground and only wanting to speculate about the minced meat scattered on the ground, but there was no shadow of Wang Xing, and the two stayed in place for a long time.

The pursuit of five days and five nights is just the "fairies" circulating in ancient books, they just run for the gods, running day and night, even if they are exhausted, they have no regrets, for the dream of "immortality", blood flows like rivers, they have no complaints!

But the sudden disappearance of Wang Xing and Na Yupei undoubtedly gave them a thunderbolt on a sunny day, divided their dream of rising to the fairy, cut them back to reality, and shattered their desire for eternal life, which was a huge blow that the two could not bear.

Think about it, obviously touched the threshold of the rise of the fairy, but in the end it could not explain a scene, in the end, it still had to return to the dust, the earth returned to the earth, once so close to the fairy, so close, but now it is so far away from the fairy, so close to the fairy, so far away.

The knife has no edge, the medicine has no rod, for decades can be said to be enemies and friends, sometimes they can understand each other's thoughts, and the medicine is not tightly bitten. Squeeze two words out of your teeth: "I fuck-" And then both hands are secretly hiding power, ready to fight again with their power !?

The sword was much better than the front, his face was red, and he spit at the feet of the potion boundlessly: "The old son of a bitch, he didn't kill your family, so much!" "When the sword speaks, it accumulates its mysteries at the tip of the sword.

They all blame each other, and no one wants to admit that this is a great opportunity for immortals, so they are cut off from their lives and they become angrier and angrier until they reach a critical point and need to vent!

With a "bang" sound, these two mysterious things collide with each other, causing snowflakes to splash and the air to fly, as if the sky is dark and the earth trembles. These two men have not accepted anyone for decades. Coupled with the broken fuse that rose to immortality in the dream, a dozen of two people day and night.

By the end of the day, neither of these two people's saliva knew their ears. It was only a year ago, and the Sword God sent people to the pharmacy to kill people. In a brothel. No one thought the two top leaders would talk about some of these topics.

In the end, the two legends of this great mile were badly injured in the far north and died together. Before they died, they all roared and flew into the sky, just hugging each other. They have a sense of heroic cherishing.

A month after the death of the two, the elders, guardians, and deacons of the two schools all felt that things were unusual, so a war began, both sides lost, and the world fell into chaos again. A number of emerging forces continued to emerge, some becoming hegemonic on one side, others being combined and quickly disappearing. In short, respect for the mainland, there is chaos.

There are cracks everywhere, one after another, very scary, some cracks are still moving, no one knows where this crack will appear in the next moment, the crack is in the dark, I don't know where to go.

Some cracks loom, everywhere are free, and if a careless one falls into the cracks, it will be swallowed by bone after bone.

In addition to the cracks, there were scattered bowl-shaped snow-white fragments scattered everywhere, where there was no life, only a thin white fog, and even in some places there was no white fog.

On one fragment, there is an incomplete platform, which is surrounded by cracks, but there are also many white fragments, but the cracks never lean against the platform, it seems to be protecting, it seems to be threatening.

On that platform appeared a slowly rotating blood cell, the blood cell emitted a milky white light, look at it carefully, the center of the blood cell is a white jade cloth, this milky white light is emitted by this jade cloth.

Eight strange stones are inlaid in eight directions around the platform, some with a slight white light, while others are black and gray, already creating a sharp contrast.

On the ground where these eight stones are inlayed, there seems to be a mysterious pattern looming, and if you are not careful, there is no sign at all.

This blood cell, located in the middle of this pattern, spins faster and faster, and at the end of the day, they rotate almost at a speed invisible to the naked eye, only after a while. That blood cell condensed into a blood family, judging by the body shape and facial contours, this person is the suddenly disappeared Wang Xing!

I don't know, on another fragment of this space, a trace of white gas slowly floats towards the fragment where the star is located, and then more and more white gas gathers to the star, forming a white fog. I don't know how long, the white fog became more and more, forming a white ball, and the king star in the middle of the white ball.

In fact, Wang Xing had woken up, and when he condensed into a bloody man, he woke up. He didn't know why he couldn't move. If he is a thinking and immobile cripple, he cannot stop. Then Wang Xing saw a white flower, and the only thing Wang Xing felt now was itching, the strange itch was unbearable, if there were tens of millions of reptiles wandering around. _

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