The enemy was so weak that he had to flee.

I am no match for this fighting force. I have to run away quickly. Dodoria muttered.

I saw Sun Wukong punched a soldier with one punch, and the soldiers were solved without any resistance.

He quickly caught up with Dodoria who was about to escape and said.

"Where do you want to go?"

I... Dodoria's mouth was trembling.


Wukong solved Dodoria with a Qigong wave and returned to Lingtian and others.

These enemies are too weak and there is no challenge at all. Sun Wukong said.

Wukong, I really don't understand what you are thinking about! Krillin said helplessly.

After solving the enemy, Lingtian and Yamcha communicated with the elders of the village to explain the situation.

The elder saw that Sun Wukong had solved the enemy and saved the village. He gave the basketball-sized dragon ball to Ling Tian.

"What a big dragon ball!" Everyone exclaimed.

Dandy, take them to the elder.

Okay, elder. Dandy responded.


Another village on Namek.

There were dozens of Namekian corpses lying on the ground.

Next to the corpses, a group of cosmic people with different looks stood in a neat row.

They were well-equipped and wore the same combat uniforms.

At this moment, they were looking at a dwarf sitting on a flying vehicle with respect.

This person was the cosmic emperor who frightened the entire universe, "Frieza"!

"King Frieza, Dodoria lost contact just now and may have been killed."

A handsome man with long hair reported to Frieza.

He was another powerful general of Frieza, Sabo!

"Oh? Those guys are here with bad intentions! Maybe they are also after the Dragon Ball."

Frieza sneered and shook the red wine in his hand.

"Lord Frieza, the detector shows that the group is moving in that direction."

Sabo looked at the detector and reported to Frieza.

"No matter what they are here for, since they are here, let's send them to death!"

"I'll leave this to you, Mr. Sabo."

Frieza said with a smile and a calm tone.


Sabo received Frieza's instructions and put the Dragon Ball in his hand on the ground.

Then, he chased in the direction shown by the detector.

Let's go to the next village. Frieza gave an order and took the lead in the flying vehicle to take off.

The accompanying men did not dare to delay and picked up the Dragon Ball on the ground and followed.


Ling Tian and others finally arrived at the place where the great elder lived under the leadership of Dandy.

"I saw Neru who looks very similar to Piccolo. Is it Uncle Piccolo?" Son Gohan said.

"This is Brother Neru." Dendy responded.

During the flight, Dendy and Gohan became good friends.

The Great Elder knows you are coming, come in with me. Neru said.

"Several people entered the house and exclaimed when they saw the huge Great Elder! So big!"

I don't know why you came to Namek. The Great Elder said

Krillin explained to the Great Elder: In order to revive our companions, please lend us the Dragon Balls...

Child, can you let me see your memories? I will know everything after reading them. The Great Elder responded.


Krillin had to do it to get the Dragon Balls.

The Great Elder put his palm on Krillin's shiny bald head.

"Oh! So that's how it is! There are also Namekians living abroad on your Earth."

I already know why you came. Thank you for coming all the way to Namek to help us resist foreign enemies.

Children! You are not the opponent of that man yet. I can feel that your strength is not weak. Let me develop your potential first. The elder said.

Elder, your body. Neru said with concern.

It's okay, and he helped Krillin develop his potential.

One minute later.

"Everyone can clearly feel Krillin's aura surge."

Thank you, elder, Krillin said gratefully.

Come over too!

"Thank you, elder!"

Ling Tian walked up to the elder and thanked him.

The elder smiled and nodded, and put his hand on Ling Tian's head.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Ling Tian could feel that his strength had doubled directly.

"Okay, kid!"

The elder moved his hand away and said to Ling Tian.

Thank you, elder, Ling Tian expressed his gratitude again.

After a while, the remaining Yamcha, Sun Wukong, and Sun

Gohan also stimulated his potential one by one.

Everyone thanked the elder.

The elder developed the potential of everyone's combat power.

Lingtian: 192w combat power

Son Goku 124w combat power

Son Gohan 56w combat power

Krillin 27w combat power

Yamcha 25w combat power


Someone is coming, let's go and deal with the enemy first. Lingtian said.

"Listen, people inside, get out and die!"

It was Sabo who came over.

He followed all the way through the detector.

Gohan, you go and deal with him. We'll go find Frieza. Lingtian said.

"Okay, Uncle Lingtian!" Son Gohan responded.

I saw a little devil coming out and wanted to fight with me.

"Hahaha!" Sabo couldn't help laughing.

Son Gohan burst out all his breath directly, and Sabo's detector exploded directly.

What? How is it possible? More than 10w combat power!

Sabo was still in shock when Son Gohan punched him in the head.

There are still many enemies over there, and the strongest enemy is also there, let's go over there. Ling Tian said.

After that, several people burst into the sky and flew forward.


At this time, in another village on Namek. Frieza, who was looking for Dragon Balls, listened to his subordinates' reports with a grim face.

"Lord Frieza, Mr. Sabo has also lost contact." Now the detector shows that several people are rushing to our location. A subordinate with a crocodile head said tremblingly.

I was afraid that Frieza would suddenly rise up and kill me after hearing the news.

"It seems that this group of people is not small. They killed two of my generals and dared to come here!"

The red wine glass that Frieza had been shaking in his hand was crushed.

The subordinates around were trembling with fear.




The group flew to the opposite side of Frieza and stopped.

"Hohoho! It was you guys who killed Dodoria and Sabo?" Frieza said.

You are Frieza? Sun Wukong asked.

"Hohoho! I didn't expect you knew me."

Seeing that you guys are quite strong, would you consider being my subordinates? Your status is only lower than mine, and I can also give you a few planets as gifts. Frieza smiled.

Don't dream, we won't be your subordinates and do bad things to you! Sun Wukong looked righteous.

"Oh? You don't want to be my subordinates and you killed my two right-hand men."

"It seems that you are tired of living!" Frieza sneered.

Get rid of them all together, and Frieza commanded the soldiers to attack.

After receiving the order, the soldiers took advanced weapons and surrounded everyone.

Energy cannons were continuously fired from the weapons.


Dense attacks hit everyone.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The smoke dissipated, and everyone was not hurt at all in the attack, except for a little dust on their clothes.

"Waste! A bunch of waste!" Frieza was furious.

Seeing their king's anger, the soldiers were afraid that it would affect them, so they could only attack more vigorously.


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