The old man was very happy.

One day, Ling Tian gathered everyone to Bulma's house through a thousand-mile voice transmission, and told everyone that he was leaving the earth and going to the universe to practice.

There will be stronger enemies in the future, Goku, you must practice well.

I will come back!

Ling Tian used instant movement to leave.

Goodbye Ling Tian! Everyone waved!


Ling Tian used instant movement to reach one planet after another.

Enjoying the journey in the stars.

One day, Ling Tian appeared on a planet full of yellow sand and no green could be seen.

"What's the situation on this planet?" Ling Tian wondered.

The ground was full of quicksand, and if people walked on it, they would probably sink half of their bodies directly.

There is a reaction of gas over there, let's go and take a look first, Ling Tian took off and flew to the east.

The whole planet was dead, with animal bones and dry trees everywhere.

After flying for a few minutes, a towering tree appeared in the distance, passing through the clouds and growing into outer space.

Such a big tree, could it be that Dales planted the tree on this planet!

Spirit tree: a tree that can only grow in the God Realm. Once planted on a planet in the lower world, it will quickly absorb the vitality of the entire planet to grow and bear spiritual fruit.

Spirit fruit contains huge energy, and eating it can increase combat power and life span. The planet where the spirit tree is planted will be destroyed as the tree grows. It will be difficult for the planet to recover for hundreds of years...

"There are so many planets in the universe, and I can meet them all, so the spirit tree is mine!" Ling Tian laughed.

Dales and his group are gathering under the spirit fruit tree waiting for the fruit to mature.

"Very good! This time the fruit matured faster than I expected." Dales said.

The vitality of this planet is much stronger than that of previous planets. If we get a few more planets like this, our combat power will soon exceed one million.


Dales and his men laughed wildly.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Someone is coming!

Dales ordered his men: "Go and kill him for me, don't hurt the spirit tree."

Ling Tian was suspended in the air and looked at Dales. I have to say that you look like Sun Wukong!

Four men surrounded Ling Tian, ​​and they watched Ling Tian motionless.

This kid must not be scared silly by us!

Who cares, kill him. The fruit is about to mature, and I can't wait to eat it.

The fruit is about to mature, so there is no need to fight with you to kill time. Ling Tian said.

What is this person talking about?

The response to several people was the Qigong wave released by Ling Tian.


Several men were killed in an instant, and Dales had to do it himself.

Dales quickly attacked Lingtian. His seemingly quick movements were as slow as a snail in Lingtian's eyes.

Lingtian raised his hand and grabbed Dales' fist.

No matter how hard Dales tried, he couldn't break free.

"Damn it!"

Dales gathered energy with his other hand and blasted Lingtian.


The explosion sounded, and Lingtian didn't have any injuries, not even his clothes were damaged. However, Dales was injured by his own energy explosion.

"How boring!" Lingtian said.

"How is it possible!" Dales roared.


Lingtian kicked Dales into the air and condensed a "death beam" that penetrated Dales' heart.

To see how many fruits the spirit tree had, Lingtian searched around on the branches and picked a total of 142 fruits and one seed.

Lingtian took out the two remaining ones and put them all into the universal capsule.

The taste of the spirit fruit is no different from that of ordinary fruits. The combat power is increased by hundreds of thousands, and the life span is increased a little. Now Ling Tian has almost 300 million combat power, so eating the spirit fruit is not very useful.

Ling Tian uses instant teleportation to go to the next planet.

Ling Tian, ​​who just arrived at another planet, saw countless residents entering the spacecraft with large and small bags from a distance.

It seems that a great disaster has befallen this planet, and everyone wants to leave here.

Ling Tian stopped an old man passing by and asked about the situation of this planet.

After the old man's explanation, Ling Tian learned that this planet is called Sergi Star, and the people on the planet originally lived a beautiful and stable life.

But recently, a group of evil people are looking for something in the nearby galaxy.

The planets they have visited are basically destroyed, or they have destroyed the planets.

Kill all the people on the planet and resell it.

Recently, the evil people are preparing to invade Sergi Star, and the residents are planning to leave.

At this moment, Ling Tian sensed that three extremely powerful auras suddenly appeared on this planet.

They should have just landed on this planet from outer space. The energy of these three auras is more than 10w combat power, and the aura is very evil.

"This should be the invader that the old man said." Ling Tian murmured.

Ling Tian flew into the air and flew to the location of the invader.


On the other side.

A forest was hit by a spacecraft and burned with raging fire. The billowing smoke spread around with a pungent smell.

At this time, three figures walked out of the black smoke.

"Hehe, Captain! This is another planet with a beautiful environment and very suitable for life. If you conquer this place, you can sell it for a good price!" Nez said with a smile.

"Nez, King Kvira's mission is more important, just leave this small planet to others." Shaviza said.

"Yes, Captain! If we can find the Spirit Fruit Tree, it will be more valuable to King Kvira than reselling thousands of planets!" Dre said.

These three people are Kvira's ace team - the mecha team!

"Captain! The people on this planet are leaving in large numbers." Nez said.

"It seems that the people on this planet have learned about our coming." Shaviza said.

"Dare to run away! I'll get rid of them all!" Dre said angrily.

"Dre, forget it. Let's go find the Spirit Tree!" Shaviza said.

"Is there really a Spirit Tree on a planet like this? I heard that planting a Spirit Tree will drain the energy of the entire planet, but it doesn't seem like that here!" Nez said.

The three looked around, and there was a spring scene everywhere.

Shaviza shook his head and said, "Maybe the rumor is wrong!"

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

"There is a guy with extremely strong combat power flying towards us." Dray said.

"Ding, your detector is broken! This planet is an inferior planet, where can there be a guy with high combat power!" Nez laughed.

"It's already here!" Shaviza said.


Ling Tian appeared in front of the three people!

"Boy, are you from this planet?" Nez said.

"Aren't you from Gula's mecha unit? What are you looking for here?" Ling Tian asked.


"It seems that the reputation of our mecha unit has resounded throughout the universe, and anyone knows us!" Dray laughed.

"Boy, what we are looking for has nothing to do with you! Get out of here!" Shaviza said.

"That's right, you stinky boy, get out of here quickly! Otherwise, I'll let you taste my fist!" Nez said.

"Oh? I also want to try your fist! Come on, come over here quickly!" Ling Tian hooked his finger and said sarcastically.

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