The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Broly, Cell, come here quickly, we're leaving!"

Ling Tian said as he condensed a golden energy ball in his hand.

Paragus smiled and then put his hand on Ling Tian's shoulder.

Swish! Swish!

Broly and Cell flashed and instantly appeared beside Ling Tian, ​​and put their hands on Ling Tian's shoulders.

Ling Tian threw the energy ball forward, then used instant movement to take Paragus, Broly and Cell away.

Not long after Ling Tian and his companions left, a violent explosion occurred in the cave, and the shock wave generated by the explosion continued to sweep across the nearby mountains.

The experimental bases with a radius of hundreds of kilometers were destroyed.


Magga City.

In a gloomy and luxurious palace.

19 little Cells are sitting at the top of the palace at this moment.

Beside each little Cell, there are two charming demon women.

"Little Cell, this is our special delicacy of Magga City, please try it!"

After that, a demon woman put a piece of golden monster meat to the mouth of little Cell.

"Baji~! Baji~!"

Little Cell looked satisfied, he didn't have to do it himself, it was so cool!

Below them, there are many city lords.

The big city lords smiled and drank together, and competed with which little Cell to occupy more territory and cities!

Those revealing and graceful dancers in the center of the palace were not watched by anyone.


Ling Tian, ​​Broly, Cell and Paragas suddenly appeared in the center of the palace.

The sudden appearance of several people frightened the dancing girl and made her fall to the ground.

"Enemy attack!"

A fat and big-eared pig-headed city lord shouted loudly.


King Jiaye slapped the pig-headed city lord in the face and said angrily.

"If you can't drink, don't drink!"

"Open your dog eyes and show me who is in front of you?"

The pig-headed city lord rubbed his eyes and pointed at Cell in shock.

"Why does that person look so much like little Cell?"

"Get out of here, don't talk to me!"

King Jiaye kicked the pig-headed city lord away, and then greeted Ling Tian and others with a respectful face.

"Master Lingtian!"

"Master Cell!"

"Master Broly!"

"Master Paragas!"


Lingtian and his companions were a little surprised. They didn't expect that someone would recognize them.

It seems that this person is the mayor of the Demon Sea City.

Seeing this, the other mayors quickly stood up and bowed to Lingtian and his companions.

"Master Lingtian!"

"Master Cell!"

"Master Broly!"

"Master Paragas!"

Lingtian, Cell, Broly and Paragas nodded faintly.

"I never thought that I, the Demon Thorn King, could actually see the true appearance of the adults."

"Lord Cell and Little Lord Cell look so alike!"

"Could it be that Little Lord Cell is Lord Cell's child?"


The deafening greeting made Little Cell, who was being served by the demon woman, change his face drastically. He then pushed the demon woman away and looked to the right.

I saw 19 little Cells hurriedly get down from their chairs and quickly run towards Ling Tian and the others.

Cell smiled and said, "Little Cell, you really know how to enjoy yourself!"


The 19 little Cells did not respond to Cell, but kept grinning.

Cell slapped the little Cell closest to him on the face and said coldly.

"What a joke!"

"How's your mission going?"

"Dad~Lord Cell, we have conquered most of the areas now."

Little Cell was sweating profusely as he spoke, and he was almost beaten again.

Ling Tian said indifferently: "Little Cell, how many places are left to be occupied?"

The 19 little Cells spoke one after another.

"Lord Ling Tian, ​​give us another two weeks, and we can conquer the Far North!"

"In fact, it doesn't take two weeks, we can just teleport there and conquer the Far North soon!"

"It's all because these city lords are too slow, and no one has occupied the cities we conquered!"


"Alright! Alright!"

Ling Tian interrupted the others and said with a serious face.

"Little Cell, you

Let's start now, no need to wait for these city lords!"

"Push forward directly, and kill all those who resist on the spot!"

"After taking down all the cities, you will return to the Forest of Beasts, take the monsters of the Forest of Beasts, and go to the Sea of ​​Demons to hunt monsters!"

"Let these city lords slowly occupy those cities, and you can occasionally use instant teleportation to go over and take a look at the situation!"

"Yes, Lord Lingtian!"

The 19 little Cells responded in unison.

After Lingtian glanced around, he found that the strength of the 19 little Cells was not strong.

It was still easy to deal with opponents at the level of God of Destruction.

This strength is not enough to face the ten great demon kings in the Sea of ​​Demons.

Not to mention the several great demon gods and a group of masters in the Magic City.

Lingtian shook his head and said.

"Little Cell, we will be away for a while, you can go to the Hall of Beasts to practice when you have nothing to do! ”

“There are still many people in the Dark Demon Realm who are stronger than you!”

“You are not strong enough, and the territory you conquer will be taken away by others!”

“We will definitely practice hard!”

19 little Cells showed strange smiles on their faces.

They will not allow others to take away their things.

Seeing that little Cell was so sensible, Ling Tian turned his head and called out to Broly and the others.

“Catch me!! "

Broly, Cell and Paragas put their hands on Lingtian's shoulders after hearing this.

Lingtian took Broly, Cell and Paragas and performed teleportation.

After they left, the 19 little Cells instantly let themselves go!

However, they still kept in mind that there were people who were stronger than them!



The six people, Nine-tailed Demon Fox, White Crane King, White-browed Tiger with Hanging Eyes, Thunder Dragon, Giant Beaked Crow and Rhinoceros Beetle, were arranging for the demons and monsters to occupy this city.

Lingtian, Broly, Cell and Paragas suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Master Lingtian, why are you here!"

The Rhinoceros Beetle was excited and ran to Lingtian's side.

Cell patted the Rhinoceros Beetle on the shoulder and smiled.

"Rhinoceros Beetle, we have taken down all the cities ahead! ”

“We are not like you guys, who took so long to station in a few cities!”

The rhinoceros beetle smiled and responded: “Lord Cell, it won’t be long before we can recapture the cities you have taken!”

Cell smiled and did not attack the rhinoceros beetle, letting him station slowly!

The nine-tailed fox was stunned when they heard this.

The rhinoceros beetle does not know how big the Far North is, but they do!

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