The three of them were stunned, and they didn't understand what the ugly monster in front of them was talking about.

"It seems that you don't know what your mission is yet, so let me tell you!" Cell said.

I am the artificial human Cell that Dr. Gero created after years of research using the cells of Sun Wukong and others.

As long as you two let me absorb and become part of my body, we can become invincible and powerful warriors.

"It's just a dream! You want me to be absorbed by you, an ugly monster?" No. 17 said.

"Whether you like it or not, you are destined to become a part of me." Cell said.


Cell rushed towards No. 17 with a burst of anger, and his image of becoming a complete body had already appeared in his mind.

Before Cell could attack, he was kicked away by No. 17.

"Huh! You want to absorb us with such strength?" No. 17 taunted.

Cell quickly stabilized his body in the air, put two fingers of his right hand on his forehead, and the energy continued to gather at his fingertips. He quickly blasted towards No. 17.

"Magic Light Killing Cannon!"

"It's the move Piccolo used before. I was almost killed before."

No. 17 was furious and slapped the energy away. He quickly rushed towards Cell and punched him to the ground.

The energy in his hand continued to condense, and countless energy bombs blasted towards Cell.


"Ah~! Ah~!"

The smoke dissipated, and only Cell's head was intact, his body was bloody, and one arm was broken.

"How is it possible? Why is No. 17 so powerful!"

Cell now has no strength to move, and he collapsed on the ground. It's hard to believe what just happened.

"Ugly monster, go to hell!" No. 17 roared.

No. 17 opened his palm and the energy continued to condense, forming a ball of light and blasting towards Cell.

"No... Where did the time machine bring me to? Why is this happening?" Cell was very unwilling.

He could only watch the Qigong wave approaching him.

At this critical moment, three people appeared in front of Cell, and one of them casually slapped the Qigong wave into the sky.

Fortunately, they caught up. These three people were Ling Tian, ​​Broly, and Paragas. Sensing that someone was fighting in the distance, Ling Tian quickly used instant movement to move over.

"What's going on? Are these three people here to save me? Dr. Gero hasn't studied other artificial humans?" Cell was puzzled.

"Ling Tian, ​​get out of my way!" No. 17 said. .

"I still have use for Cell, you can't kill him now." Ling Tian said.

"This ugly bastard wants to absorb me and No. 18. If you don't get out of my way, I'll beat you too." No. 17 said angrily.

"Broly seems to want to fight with us. Why don't you go and play with him?" Ling Tian said with a smile.


Broly roared and burst out all his breath directly. He hooked his finger at No. 17, "Come over here quickly!"

No. 17's face turned green with fear. He could only resist Broly's breath with difficulty. He had no ability to resist at all.

Sun Wukong and others who were practicing in the distance were shocked by this breath. Who started the fight? They hurriedly flew to the location where the breath burst out.

"Broly, I told you to play with him and you used all your strength?" Ling Tian shook his head helplessly.

"Isn't that right?" Broly was stunned.

Forget it, let's leave! Ling Tian grabbed Cell and took Broly and Paragus to perform instant teleportation.

"No. 17, are you okay?" No. 18 asked.

"They are so awesome!" No. 17's back was wet.


At this time, Sun Wukong and others came over.

"No. 17, it's you! Who were you fighting with just now?" Sun Wukong asked.

"It was Lingtian and the others. They took away the monster that attacked the human city. That monster was also a cyborg created by Dr. Gero. He also has cells from all of you." No. 17 explained.

"Lingtian and the others are so strong!" Sun Wukong looked excited.

"Humph! I will surpass them sooner or later!" Vegeta said.

"Uncle Lingtian, why did you take the cyborg away?" Sun Wuhan was puzzled.

"Lingtian will definitely not do anything bad. Let's go back!" Sun Wukong said.

Everyone nodded and left.


Lingtian performed instant teleportation and came to the side of Ultimate Cell.

"Cell, you are quite obedient and did not run away!" Lingtian said.

"Of course I won't run away

I have learned how to improve my strength, and I have been using it these days. "

"Now my strength is very strong, so strong that I can't even imagine it myself. Lingtian, you came at the right time, just in time to seek revenge from you last time!" Ultimate Cell said with a smile.

"Broly, you can use all your strength this time. As long as his head is still there, he will not die. He has the ability to regenerate, and he can play with you for a while." Lingtian said.

"Okay, Lingtian!" Broly responded.

Broly burst out with a breath and rushed towards Cell. Ultimate Cell was unmoved by Broly's attack.

Unexpectedly, Broly grabbed his head, pressed it to the ground, and ran wildly on the planet.


After a while, Ultimate Cell was pressed on the planet by Broly's head.

"Cell, how does this feel! Hurry up and use all your strength!" Broly said.

"Damn! "

Ultimate Cell exploded with anger and swung his fist at Broly.


Broly directly took Cell's fist and taunted: "You only have so much strength, didn't you eat?"

Broly grabbed Cell and kept gathering energy on his chest.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Ultimate Cell panicked.


Except for the head, all other parts of Ultimate Cell were blown away.

"Cell, use the regeneration energy quickly!" Broly said.

"Wait, something's wrong? I remember Ling Tian said the same thing last time. After I regenerated my body, I was beaten again. "

"It seems that my strength has not surpassed them yet. If not, I have to continue to work hard to practice."

Ultimate Cell shook his head and refused to regenerate. Let's not fight anymore. It's time to eat soon. It's not good to exercise before eating.

"Broly, come back! "Ling Tian said.

Ultimate Cell dared to regenerate his body only after seeing Broly leave.

"Come here Cell! I brought you an old friend." Ling Tian said.

"Huh? Who is this ugly guy?" Ultimate Cell was puzzled.

"This is also Cell, but from another time and space. You use that method to increase his combat power and make him a perfect body by the way." Ling Tian said.

"Hahaha! I'm good at this. Ling Tian and the others tortured themselves like this before, and now I have a punching bag." Ultimate Cell laughed.

"Regenerate your body quickly! Don't you want to become a perfect body? "Ultimate Cell kicked Cell.

Ling Tian took Broly and Paragus and flew away, and took out the universal capsule of the house from the storage ring. They were ready to stay on this planet for one night.

The next day.

Ling Tian, ​​Broly and Paragus came to Ultimate Cell.

Looking at the Cell in another time and space, he had also become a perfect form. The two people were exactly the same. If the strength of the two people was the same, they could not be distinguished at all.

"Not bad! He became a perfect form in one night." Ling Tian said.

"There is no way, he is very eager to get power, so he works so hard." Ultimate Cell said.

Cell almost cried, and no one knew what kind of torture he went through that night.

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