May 7, 755 A.E.

Papaya Island, outside the Martial Arts Temple.

It happened to be the overlap of the dry and rainy seasons, and there were sometimes torrential rains and sometimes sunshine on Papaya Island.

It was different from every previous world's first martial arts competition.

This martial arts competition attracted much attention.

More than a dozen registration and consultation points were surrounded by contestants who came to participate in the competition.

This was under the premise that online registration was opened in advance, otherwise, the chaos here would only be worse!

After a morning of statistics, the data of all contestants was finally counted until 12 noon.

"My God, how can there be so many contestants this time?"

Krillin swiped the Satan brand smartphone in his hand, looking at the official number of contestants, and complained.

In the last competition, there were only more than 100 contestants and less than 200 contestants.

This time, the number of people participating in the martial arts competition totaled more than 17,000!

With so many people participating, it is destined that the competition cannot be concluded in one day.

Even if the schedule given by the Martial Arts Temple is as good as it can be, it will take ten days to finish.

For such a result, the host, the dog abbot, is almost overjoyed!

Before this, the king had donated a sum of money to the Martial Arts Temple in order to promote the prosperity of martial arts.

All these funds were used to expand the stands and renovate the ring.

The original ring was only about 30 meters wide and long.

The renovated ring is 100 meters wide and long, and can be disassembled and assembled freely.

For the current martial artists, this is not actually very wide, but at least it is much better than before.

As for the stands, the construction is even more exaggerated.

The stands around the ring are very steep, and when full, they can accommodate nearly 100,000 people to watch the game at the same time.

Of course, the stands on both sides are arranged as standing platforms, and standing tickets are sold.

But even so, tickets for the game are still hard to come by.

The tickets are all-day tickets, with the best seats and the best viewing experience. You need to have certain connections to buy one. Even the most ordinary standing tickets cost one thousand Sony! Every day, just through the revenue from selling tickets, the Budo Temple can earn more than 100 million Sony. After ten days of competition, that's 10 billion Sony! This is just the revenue from tickets. The extra revenue from telescopes, peanuts, melon seeds, popcorn, drinks, palm fans, and small cushions will definitely make Budo Temple a lot of money. In addition to Budo Temple making money, the merchants on Papaya Island are also making a lot of money! In ten days, as a spectator, you have to find a place to live, right? It's impossible to bring your own meals for three meals a day, right? You always have to drink water and drinks when you are thirsty, right? These are all benefits. Everyone is benefiting, only the contestants are suffering. Because it is not clear how long a match will last, more than 10,000 people will have to wait outside the arena for their turn to register.

Not to mention that Klin, the director of the Warrior Administration Bureau, complained, even Mark was very anxious!

If it was so troublesome, I would never have planned a plan for all people to practice martial arts!

Now, there are many talented martial artists on Earth.

As a result, a martial arts competition actually lasted for ten days!

Mark, who was so angry, announced directly on his personal social account that Mr. Satan withdrew from the world's number one martial arts competition!

The reason is simple - to give the newcomers a chance to catch up with him!

Afterwards, Mark watched the game leisurely in the VVVVIP box with everyone.

The box is the best place to watch the game, and the balcony outside is facing the ring.

The height is just right, no matter how the two sides of the game toss, you can see it clearly here.

As for the inside, there are comfortable sofas and wide-screen projection equipment for live broadcasts.

There are all kinds of entertainment facilities such as a small bar, a pool table, and a dining table.

There are even comfortable beds for people to rest.

Teacher Wu Tian, ​​Cat Immortal, Jine, Bulma, Lan Qi, Wu Long, Poole and others were invited by Mark and Tais to watch the game together.

Even Jake, who had received the news early, came to eat and drink!

"Garlin Immortal, the guy wearing a hood is Yajirobe, right?"

Mark casually spit out a chicken bone, raised half of the remaining chicken foot, and pointed at the fat man boxing on the ring.

The game lasted for most of the day, and this guy was the first contestant Mark was familiar with.

Cat Immortal, who was also holding fried fish in his hand, raised his head and glanced, lowered his head and continued to gnaw on the fried fish, muttering: "I told him, people are wretched andIt doesn't matter whether you wear a mask or not!"

"This fat guy wants to prove himself, I made a bet with him, as long as he can make it to the top 64 finals, I will give him 20 magic beans!"

"Oh, this fish is so delicious! I'll pack some and bring them back to Galinta later!"

Poor cat fairy, he has never eaten anything delicious.

A fried fish captured his stomach, but Mark said generously: "No problem, I'll prepare a few tons for you later, I guarantee you will enjoy it! "

After saying this, Mark smiled and stopped talking, but turned his eyes back to the ring.

For the preliminaries of more than 10,000 people, the Budo Temple split the big ring into 16 small rings.

There are movable rails under these rings, which can be spliced ​​according to the needs of the competition.

This technology is not difficult, but it has played a very good role now.

Otherwise, this martial arts meeting may be difficult to end even after a month!

In this way, the competitions were carried out one by one.

If there were no one from their own on the ring, Mark and his group would ask the smart assistant to help watch the game.

Their group hid in the box for entertainment and chatting.

Nine days later, tens of thousands of preliminaries finally ended, and the final 64 players were all selected.

Goku, Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, Krillin, Yamcha, Yakilobe, Kaloni, Piroki and others all entered the finals.

Interestingly, Mark saw two very interesting people in the list of players in the finals!

The first player who surprised him was Qiqi.

Of course, with the prosperity of martial arts, Qiqi's combat power is also very strong now.

The combat power she showed alone is as high as 27,000 points.

This is without eating the fruit of the spirit tree, otherwise, the combat power will be even higher!

She really tried her best to stand on the same stage with Goukong!

In order for her dream to come true, Mark hurriedly contacted Jiaozi with his smartphone.

With the help of Jiaozi's superpowers, she will face Goukong in the first battle in the draw group!

Mark, who is full of bad taste, decided to give Qiqi a chance.

As for whether he can grasp it, it depends on Qiqi herself.

And the other guy who Mark is interested in is Tao Baibai, who he hasn't seen for several years!

This guy didn't turn into a robot, but was intact!

After not seeing him for several years, this guy's combat power is as high as 150,000!

"Hehe, it seems that Dr. Gro is still affecting the earth! Interesting! So interesting! "

Mark finished speaking and glanced at Krillin who was eating with Goku in the box.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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