June 30, 755 A.E.

Southern Milky Way, Imejia Star.

"Dear, why are the people here so hospitable?"

Walking on the bustling commercial street, Taisi held her husband Mark's arm.

While shopping, she sighed at the simple and hospitable atmosphere of Imejia Star.

Mark and Taisi chose the center of the Milky Way as the first stop of their honeymoon.

After shopping for a while, they finally crossed the entire Milky Way Center and came to the Southern Milky Way.

Mark didn't really know the situation here.

When the spacecraft needed to replenish water, Mark chose to land here for replenishment based on the commercial star marked on the star map.

When the two just arrived at the largest commercial street on Imejia Star, they were blocked on the road by hundreds of Imejia merchants.

Everyone was using exaggerated sales talk to brag about the products in their mouths.

Taisi, who had no resistance to shopping, bought almost all the products on the street.

All the merchants on Imega directly worshipped her as the savior.

It was not until Mark threw the last souvenir into the capsule warehouse that he remembered this interesting planet in the Dragon Ball world!

It happened that Tais didn't know much about it, so Mark began to popularize it for her.

"If the information I know is correct, the ruler of this planet should be called Dongjia."

"This guy is a complete miser and a vampire. The Imega planet he ruled, well, is almost three feet high!"

Mark's mouth corners slightly raised, and he smiled and introduced Dongjia, an outstanding businessman and a stingy guy who didn't care about his life.

If Mark remembered correctly, this Imega planet should be a planet in GT history.

Unlike Goukong and Xiaofang who became small at that time, Mark had no intention of meddling in other people's business.

This Dongjia is similar to Ji Luo in nature. The big businessmen in the universe are all like this. Even if Mark wants to manage it, it makes no sense.

After all, the two of them directly turned the spacecraft into a transformation capsule after landing on the Imega planet.

What's more, the only expert beside this guy, Rekik, has only so much fighting power.

When Mark just arrived here, he had already felt Rekik's breath.

Very strong, but far inferior to himself.

After using the combat power detector to measure accurate data, it was discovered that this guy's combat power was only 7.2 million.

In terms of force, Dongjia was helpless against him.

If this guy knows what's good for him, he shouldn't disturb his honeymoon. If he doesn't lose it, Mark doesn't mind killing him for the people!

As expected, Mark stayed in the most luxurious hotel here with Taisi.

In order to avoid a bad experience, Mark told the front desk when he checked in that he wanted the most luxurious suite, and the one without routines.

The front desk could see that Mark knew the routines in the hotel and was a rich customer.

He immediately explained: "Please rest assured, the most luxurious imperial suite has absolutely no additional charges!"

"However, because it is the most luxurious suite, the charge is very expensive, 10 million Imer per day!"

"Got it! So long-winded! Give me a three-day stay, this is the deposit, and the excess is your tip!"

Imer is the currency name on Imejia Star. 10 million Imer is worth about 50 grams of blue crystal.

The small piece of blue crystal that Mark threw to the front desk waiter weighed about half a pound.

In other words, the tip that the prodigal son Mark threw to the front desk was much higher than the accommodation fee.

Shocked by Mark's generous move, the Imejia star waiter at the front desk changed his attitude almost instantly.

Just like serving his own father, he personally took Mark and Taisi to the top floor of the hotel!

The couple walked into the suite and observed the situation here.

"Well, it's just so-so. It's not as good as the hotels on Earth, but it's quite interesting!"

Looking around the decoration and layout of the suite, this level is just the level of the express hotels on Earth.

The only thing that makes Mark feel comfortable is that the big bed looks very comfortable.

However, after dismissing the waiter, Mark did not rest immediately.

Use the detector to scan the room directly.

Beep, beep, beep!

[12 unknown monitoring devices found! ]

[3 micro laser guns found! ]

"I knew these profiteers like this!"

Mark extended his index finger and aimed at the surrounding walls and furniture, and directly blasted out fifteen hole waves.

Boom, boom, boom!

A series of explosions directly destroyed all the monitoring equipment and gun muzzles.

The waiters who noticed something was wrong quickly pressed the alarm.

In the hotel, a group of armed guardsSoon they rushed to the top floor.

"Who are you? How dare you run wild in the Dongjia Hotel!"

The leader of the guards pointed a laser gun at Mark and Taisi, and scolded Mark.

"Tsk! A bunch of rubbish."

"Dear, this room is full of surveillance cameras. It seems that this planet is really not good. Let's leave here!"

Mark pouted, not wanting to deal with this group of minions. He turned his head and asked Taisi in a gentle voice what she meant.

Before this, their honeymoon trip was still very pleasant.

The planets they had visited were either places with beautiful scenery or places full of humanistic atmosphere.

This was the first time they had encountered such a disgusting place.

Taisi fanned the dust around and frowned, saying, "It's really not good. Let's go!"


Mark nodded and locked his eyes on the minions again.

After slightly releasing his breath, he instantly pressed them against the walls on both sides and made it difficult for them to move.

"Hmph! Go back and tell Dongjia that if he dares to be so arrogant again, I, Mr. Satan, don't mind blowing the entire Imega planet into cosmic dust!"

After Mark said this, he raised his hand and blasted the roof directly with a Qigong bullet.

This is the top floor of the hotel, so naturally no one will be hurt by mistake.

Holding Tais' waist with one hand, Mark took his wife directly to the rooftop.

Throwing out the capsule containing the spacecraft, the two walked into the cockpit calmly.

"Start the spacecraft and leave the Imega planet!"

The latest spacecraft has been installed with a highly intelligent assistant.

After Mark gave the take-off order, the spacecraft quickly closed the hatch and flew into the sky.

After a while, Dongjia, who got the news, rushed to the hotel with Rejik.

After viewing the video of Mark and Tais, the two were silent for a long time.

"Rezik, can you defeat this guy called Mr. Satan?"

Dongia, who had suffered a great loss and lost face, asked Rezik standing beside him in a gloomy voice.

After Rezik glanced at him with disdain, he objectively commented: "I advise you not to hit Mr. Satan!"

"According to the information I know, Frieza, the evil emperor of the Northern Galaxy, did not last an hour in his hands."

"If I use all my strength, my combat power is only about 50 million at most, and his combat power is at least not less than 200 million..."

Rezik is a bodyguard hired by Dongia.

Strictly speaking, there is only an employment relationship between the two, not a master-servant relationship.

Protecting Dongia's life and safety is Rezik's job.

Go to help him vent his anger and challenge Mr. Satan, who is famous in the universe?

Just the little money Dongia gave, haha!

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